CH : 23 Frost Trolls

You have two days to give me what I want (which is comments) until I'm satisfied, and if you don't? Well… bye bye hostage for the next week! Mwahahaha!


"The next feast will start in less than ten days." I exhaled slowly, and a strong wind blew in the dragon's nest.

The ability to exhale like an arrow, as I strengthen my body with feasts again and again, is expected to be successfully obtained soon and become a reality.

Perhaps later on, after hundreds or thousands of layers of feasts have been superimposed, I can create a huge storm with just the breathing of my body. Or even have frost breath.

I closed my eyes and finished watching the 'movie' I played for myself. It was time for him to continue studying spells.

In the blink of an eye, half a month passed.

The transaction time agreed upon with the Sieglinde family is today.

In the waterfall pool and dragon's nest, I stopped studying magic and looked at my panel.



Name : Babatos Caesar Volaric."

Race : True Dragon

Biological Order : 6th

Occupation Level : Mage LVL 3/50 [1%]

Body Length : 8.32M

Vitality (VIT) : 13.43

Current Feast Tier : 20

Feast Cool down Time : 25 Days

Spell-like Abilities:

Darkness, Low-Light Vision, Identification

[Spell Rune:

Zero Tier : Secret Mark (Entry)

First Tier : Weakness (Entry),


Earth Mana Affinity (LV 1), Water Mana Affinity (LV 1), Dragon Scales (LV 8), True Dragon Breath (LV 6), Draconic Vitality (LV 9), Draconic Might (LV 1), Draconic Magic (LV 1), Fly (LV 6), Dragon Eyes (LV 2), Bite (LV 7), Claw (LV 7)


"Mage level breakthrough?" My eyes lit up.

It has only been three months, and I have broken through from a level 2 mage to a level 3 mage, which is a bit fast.

It's almost abnormally fast.

The caster profession is not a profession like warriors or thieves where it is easy to increase strength and level in the early stage.

It is very difficult for spell casters to start from the beginning, and if a spell caster wants to break through the professional level, his mental strength must reach a standard threshold.

However, improving mental power is not as easy as physical improvement. It takes a lot of time to improve bit by bit. It is real hard work.

Of course, ons can also use unorthodox methods to quickly increase their mental power, but this method often has hidden dangers of varying sizes.

For example, necromancers can quickly improve their spiritual power by refining and devouring souls, but their personalities often become distorted in the process of constantly devouring and refining souls, until they become inhuman in the end. Those who are not ghosts have even turned into evil, depraved monsters without reason.

Of course this method is absolutely perfect for demons of hell.

"Is it possible that the strengthening of the feast not only improves physical strength, but also strengthens mental power?"

I couldn't help but guess.

I carefully recalled my mental state after the feast. It was indeed good, but there was no obvious feeling of sudden improvement.


"Although after the feast, my mental power was not directly improved like my physical body, but for a period of time after the feast, my mental power was very active and even the speed of cultivating my mental power became much faster." I pondered.

Maybe I get it.

Although the feast does not directly increase the strength of the mental power, but simply increases the strength of the physical body, the body and the spirit are interconnected and form a whole.

A strong body and mental strength cannot be so weak.

A strong body will in turn feed a relatively weak soul, and the improvement of the soul will naturally lead to the improvement of mental power.

I understood.

It's no wonder that he only discovered it at this time. After all, before switching to mage, I was already used to the improvement brought by the feast, so naturally I subconsciously ignored the rapid improvement in mental power.

"In this way, wouldn't I be able to go very far on the path of a spellcaster? Or even achieve some success?" I couldn't help but grin.

I could become one of those fighting and fleeing spell fortresses.

Originally, the reason why I changed my profession to a mage was because I thought that many spells had the effect of strengthening the body, which was obviously very suitable for his feast talent.

Strong combination.

The second reason is that some spell effects are really convenient and can save lives.

Such as the teleportation technique that can quickly rush or escape, the thousand-mile sound transmission technique that can chat and call over long distances, and other spells.

Now, I have a third reason to study hard.

I can quickly increase my mental power!

"In this case, I can completely reduce or even eliminate the time I spend practising spiritual power in the future, and then use all this time to study and practice magic." I pondered.

If the powerful mental power is to be transformed into real strength, it must be realised through magic, otherwise having huge mental power will be a complete waste.


While Babatos was thinking about how to arrange his training time in the future, Danylan also led the tribesmen to complete the transaction with Witte.

As they were returning back they encountered something unexpected.


"Master, these are all the items in this transaction."

At the edge of the pool, Danylan respectfully handed the space bag to me.

I nodded slightly, and then eagerly returned to the dragon's nest.

With a thought, all the items in the space bag were taken out.

There are two small boxes in total.

Each contains a piece of magic animal skin that exudes magical aura.

They are -

[First Tier : Water Blade]

[Second Tier : Water Element Strengthening]

This is the result of the exchange of monster materials collected by the Black Blood Tribe and the Green Forest Tribe after a month.

"That's not bad. Now that I am only a level 3 mage professional, I can only learn second-tier spells at best." I was quite satisfied with this.

Tier zero is a magic trick, Tier one and two are low-level spells, and Tier three and four are mid-level spells. Among them, cantrips and low-level spells correspond to tiers zero to four of the mage profession, and mid-level spells correspond to levels fifth to nine.

My current Mage professional level is only level three, and there is still a long way to go before level five.

Even if I have the spirit of repaying the feast to strengthen my body, it is probably not something that can be overcome in a few months.


"Start studying!" I inhaled deeply, ready to begin my studies, when I heard Danylan's gentle sweet voice once more.

"Mmm, what is Danylan" I asked while swimming out of the lake, not minding the fact that she disturbed me.

"Master, during our return journey, we came across a unique situation. On our way, we stumbled upon a small village inhabited by Frost Trolls," Danylan reported, her gaze fixed on her master.

"You know what's interesting? I didn't see them when I first moved here, so they must have migrated recently. Anyway, go ahead and tell me the whole story!"

"So it's like this," Danylan began to explain. They were returning after making a deal with Witte when they spotted a small troll wandering nearby. Engaging in some light conversation, both Skye and Danylan decided to follow the troll. After tracking it for over half an hour, they found themselves in a small clearing inhabited by trolls and a small group of goblins. When Skye and Danylan entered a cave where the goblins resided, Skye instantly recognized a vein of topaz stone.

Upon this discovery, she immediately informed Danylan, and they quickly decided to return and share the news.

"Both of you have done an excellent job gathering information about them."

I said as I dismissed Danylan and returned back into my humble cave. As I will think about those two later for now I concentrated my energy, and studied these two water spells.

The first tier water blade is an attack spell. Its effect is to consume magic power to condense a water blade. The attack power can only be said to be okay. If compared with fire spells, it will definitely be worse.

But as a true water dragon, the black dragon will definitely increase its power if it learns water spells.

The second-tier water element strengthening spell is a water-based auxiliary spell. Its effect is to increase the physical strength of oneself or others, and to weaken the physical impact on the body.

This spell is very suitable for me to use.

"Practise this spell to the proficiency level!" I set such a goal for myself.

Just like that, in the following days, I absorbed magic power, studied spells every day, and occasionally spent a small amount of time cultivating mental power.

A few days later, I swimmed out of the small lake as I felt like taking a small break from all the studying.

I lifted my wings and slowly walked out of my humble cave.

Looking at the small bushes below and some of the little beasts in it, I suddenly felt a surge of pride.

Now in this world I have some power to protect myself.

This world, here I come!

Elves, Goblins, Angels, Demons or even God's wait!

I spread his wings and left here and flew towards the sky.

Except for the trees around here, there are still some fucking trees. I spent three hours flying within the forest, searching for my newly discovered dependents, whose existence was revealed by Danylan.

'I should have brought either Danylan or Skye with me. But they were busy hunting.'

This made me feel irritated for a while, and this damn inheritance memory didn't know how to pass on a map for me.

Upon inspecting a location that bore a striking resemblance to Danylan's description.. I casually killed several bird beasts, and I landed on the ground. I drank a few mouthfuls of the birds' blood to quench my thirst.

For safety reasons, after landing, my sense worked in full power to check the situation underground to prevent unknown creatures from attacking me.

For example, a creature like the Aboleth.

But this time I seem to have discovered something good.

In order to be sure, he also used identify techniques!

"It's actually Topaz!"

I was very pleasantly surprised.

Topaz looks like yellow jade. This kind of ore has a blue-yellow appearance, high transparency, and extremely hard texture. It is liked by most treasure collectors which meant even true dragons.

There is an entire topaz vein under the ground here, and it is roughly estimated that several hundred tons can be mined. This is a large vein among the topaz veins.

This is a great asset for any true dragon.

I wanted to raise my head to the sky and howl.

This kind of ore should be good as an ingredient!

I can't wait to use it.

It's just like when I was playing games in my previous life, I watched my blood volume rise slowly, while the enemy's scrape.

That feeling is so pleasant!

Although I am a real true dragon, I also value ​​treasures, but I will not pile them up in the cave like other giant dragons to get great psychological satisfaction.

For me, only the treasure in my stomach is good treasure.

At this moment, I felt some magical fluctuations approaching me.

I sighed, I finally found them.

Actually let other creatures use me as prey!

Ha ha!

"Humble reptiles, come out!" I looked around with burning eyes.

Under my gaze, the surrounding air slowly changed.

Creatures with a height of more than two metres appeared in front of me and surrounded me, a mess of weapons, bone sticks and wood.

Some body surfaces also have some crude armour.

"Forest troll!"

I recognized life forms.

The tall body, the fine fluff on the body surface, and the blue-green skin.

There are also those two huge fangs, which are the most obvious signs of forest trolls.

"It's really a dragon!"

A troll carrying a huge bone stick said excitedly.

It's still a dragon that doesn't look like an adult. This is the hope for the rise of their Evil Tooth tribe. If they accept the baptism of dragon blood, then their Evil Tooth tribe's strength will have a huge change.

I looked at this tribe of forest trolls with a population of about 80 Trolls as informed by Danylan, their numbers were really low.

Forest trolls look a lot like green Mortalkin, but they're nothing like them.

The skin of forest trolls is blue, and the main reason for the green colour is that some green moss grows on their body surface.

I looked at the three female trolls who were obviously shorter than the other trolls in the distance.

The casters of the green-skinned orc tribe are shamans, but the casters of the forest trolls are female trolls with relatively high talents, and the male trolls are generally warriors.

I didn't try to take off because there is no need

I didn't want to just leave, after all, the huge mine vein under my feet needed miners. Not to mention I came here just for them.

I am not in the mood to mine by myself.

"Stupid trolls, are you really ready to attack the real true dragon?"

My thick voice sounded again, my voice was completely different from the immature voices of other young dragons.

I spread my wings that were bigger than ordinary dragons, making them more intimidating, and then raised my head to unscrupulously release my dragon power.

Some troll warriors next to them felt depressed, and some of them couldn't even hold the weapons in their hands.


The troll leader, Shadar, looked at the giant dragon in front of him and had an idea in his heart.

Is this kind of existence really something that my own tribe can handle?

"Shadar, this may be the only chance for our Evil Tooth Tribe to grow!" An old one-eyed troll beside him sighed as he watched Shadar flinch.

"I won't give up!" Shadar's yellow eyes were filled with determination when he heard this.

Giant dragons are full of treasures. Their scales can be made into the hardest armour, and their teeth, horns and bones can be made into various powerful weapons, their eyes used in magical amulets, and their hearts as sources of immense magical energy, Tendons make for strong bowstrings, and claws can be fashioned into deadly daggers.

Dragon meat can strengthen the body, and dragon blood can turn ordinary soldiers into powerful dragon warriors. Their blood can also be turned into potent elixirs.

"Soldiers! For the sake of our tribe, let's kill this dragon together. After taking the dragon's blood, we can become real dragon warriors, and we will never be hungry again or will never have to run away from our own homes again!"

With Shadar's encouragement, some trolls mustered up their courage.

"Salaman, hurry up and cast spells!"

Under Shadar's order, the female troll began to cast magic.



Various negative magics began to be cast on me, while some boosting spells were applied to other troll warriors.

This makes these guys even more excited.

Creaking, the dozen or so troll warriors in front threw out the bone spears in their hands.

This kind of spear is made of the sharpest bones from bodies of their fallen.

It is sharper than iron products, and it is also enchanted. They seem to have seen that the black dragon was pierced by a spear, and the scales bleed out fresh blood, so that they can go up and drink the dragon's blood.