CH : 47 I Want Them All

Although being held like this, she can also understand that under normal circumstances, real dragons would not let anyone sit on their backs.

The back is a no-go zone for any creature because it's so easy for someone to hurt them.

I stopped suddenly, I flew to a high cliff and stopped.

"What happened to Lord Barbatos?" Winnie asked suspiciously.

"There is a party of humans ahead!" I explained.

The perception and vision of the real dragon are the best of all creatures, and I, something Winnie can't find out, has discovered it long ago.

After a few minutes a human convoy came into view.

"The situation doesn't seem right!" I looked at the human convoy.

The above are all metal cages, inside which are many humanoid creatures with animal ears and tails.

"Shea, and Laila, Olsen..., Lord Barbatos, they are all from my tribe!" Winnie said in a panic.

"Winnie, don't be nervous!" I looked at the heavily guarded convoy below.

"This seems to be a human slave catcher!" Winnie calmed down.

"Lord Barbatos, please help me, save them!"

In the past, when they were powerful, human beings would occasionally come to harass them.

But it never worked out.

But this time, many warriors of the Rose Tribe died, and Winnie happened to be out.

This is the opportunity for human beings to take advantage of.

Demi-Humans are always in high demand in human cities, as are Bunny Girls and Cat Girls.

I, who had long regarded Demi-Humans as my own private property, was furious that these fucking guys actually captured so many beautiful beast-eared girls.

"Winnie, these humans are not weak, we need a suitable time!"

My scarlet eyes stared down.


"Latos, we will definitely earn a lot of money by catching so many beastwomen this time! There is a very high demand for these beauties in the Emberlane! So the family is going to give us a lot of money. " A black-haired silver armoured knight with a huge sword on his back said with a smile to a warrior with a battle axe next to him.

"Of course we're going to be rich, and this time there are several more with these cuties!" said the Tomahawk warrior, looking at the shivering female beast girls in the iron cage behind him.

"Usually this kind of thing can only be seen in the Beast King Capital. I didn't expect there to be so many gathered in such a poor place!"

"Indeed, but we also lost a lot of manpower, these guys are really hard to deal with!"

The two of you talked casually with each other.

"Sister Shea, I'm so scared, I don't want to be sold!" A Beast girl with brown raccoon ears said fearfully while holding the arm of a girl with rabbit ears.

They wore thick chains on their hands and feet and neck.

"Bella, don't be afraid, Sister Winnie will come to save us!" The girl with rabbit ears had a pair of ruby-like eyes, with a slender very attractive figure, she looked extremely agile.

She looked relaxed on the surface, but in fact there was worry hidden deep in her eyes.

"Wait for me to attack from the front, you use your skills to go around to the back and take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of those convoy guards! Can you do it?" I looked at Winnie at my feet.

I originally wanted to wait until night to sneak attack, but judging from the progress of these guys, he estimated that they would leave my area before night and enter into the unknowns of the black forest.

"No problem!" Winnie poked out three sharp claws in each hand, and her eyes were full of murderous intent.

I didn't say anything, but directly flew up and attacked the convoy.

Relying on the cover of the dense forest, I reached the highest level of the canopy. This kind of virgin forest is full of big trees more than 100 metres high, in which it's easy to hide.

The two soldiers at the front of the convoy were relaxed, chatting as if the day were theirs to seize. They had no idea what was coming.

With a quick, silent incantation, I cast {Rupture}. The ground trembled violently beneath them, shattering their momentary peace.

"Who goes there?!"

In an instant, sharp thorns exploded from the earth like deadly serpents. The two fighters reacted swiftly, leaping into the air, narrowly avoiding the lethal spikes. But they played right into my hands.

I inhaled deeply, feeling the acid burn in my throat, and then I let loose. A torrent of corrosive venom sprayed from my jaws, descending upon them like a vengeful rain. The giant sword warrior began to summon some sort of defensive spell—too late. With a guttural roar, I disrupted their battle energies, sending their internal power into disarray.

The acid hit the giant sword fighter's body, and his scream tore through the air as half of him was instantly corroded away. His resilient flesh only prolonged his agony, a twisted reminder of his once formidable strength.

"Latos... save me!" The giant sword warrior reached out, desperation and fear flooding his wide eyes as he tried to cling to life. But there would be no salvation.

With one swift bite, I severed his body in two, my teeth slicing through his expensive armour like it was butter. Blood splattered, and his scream choked into silence. His world went dark before his suffering could drag on any longer.

The giant axe warrior, Latos, was pale with terror, watching the demise of his comrade. He gritted his teeth, barely keeping his fear in check. "A black dragon? Here?!" His voice trembled, disbelieving. "Why is there a black dragon here... and why does it look so... twisted?"

In his panic, Latos bellowed commands to the others, "Attack! Attack now! Lloyd, freeze him in place!"

The remaining fighters swarmed me like flies, eager to kill what they now believed was a young dragon, blinded by visions of becoming heroes, dragon slayers—legends. They rushed toward me with their feeble weapons, but their blades bounced harmlessly off my hardened scales.

While they distracted themselves with their meaningless attack, I caught a glimpse of the wood mage casting spells, vines lashing toward me from the earth. But I didn't flinch. I locked my gaze on him, feeling the magic pulse in the air as I prepared to strike him down.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, there was a flash of movement. Winnie the Catgirl appeared behind the mage, her claws gleaming in the dim light. In a fluid, deadly motion, she slashed through his neck, three deep paw prints marking his doom. The wood magician didn't even have time to scream before collapsing lifelessly to the ground.

Latos cursed, realizing his magician was down, panic seeping into his voice, "Damn it! Who's there?!"

But Winnie was gone before anyone else could react, hidden back in the shadows where she thrived.

Trying to regain control, Latos rallied the troops. "Don't be afraid! He's just a young black dragon! With enough of us, we can take him down! Today is our chance to become legends! Dragon slayers!"

For a moment, his rallying cry stirred their hearts, and the fighters around me seemed emboldened. They believed in his words. Their fear shifted into a desperate hope. And then they charged.

But Latos? His words were as hollow as their courage. The moment he threw his giant axe in my direction, he turned tail and ran, not even glancing back at his so-called comrades.

I chuckled darkly, watching the fool flee. "So much for bravery..." I muttered to myself.

"The deputy leader ran!" one of the soldiers cried out in despair. "He's abandoned us!"

I could feel their hope crumble as quickly as it had formed. And without hesitation, I unleashed {Rupture} again. The earth responded to my call, jagged spikes shooting up, skewering those who couldn't react fast enough. Blood sprayed, bones cracked. Screams of agony filled the air as soldiers were impaled where they stood, writhing as the life drained from their bodies.

These weren't warriors. They were glorified bandits, capturing innocent creatures for profit, slaughtering villages for sport. There was no mercy for their kind.

Dragon Might radiated from me, drowning them in fear, crushing their spirits. Their hearts wavered, and soon there was nothing left but lifeless bodies strewn across the battlefield.

The air was thick with death. Only the caged beast girls and Winnie remained. I looked in the direction Latos had fled, the coward who thought he could escape me. My gaze lingered on Winnie for a moment—she was unlocking the cages, freeing the girls one by one, determination etched on her face.

But I had other matters to deal with.

I won't let that guy go, or it will be a disaster.

He can't escape!


Kacha Kacha~

Winnie used the key found on the corpse to open the cages one by one.

"Miss Winnie!"

Tears welled up in her azure eyes and she hugged Winnie.

She has waist-length white hair and azure eyes, which is unique for her race. She has a very attractive and beautiful, fit figure, boasting a large chest and a gallant figure. As a rabbitman, she has a pair of snow-white bunny ears with a bunny-shaped barrette in the back.

She wears bright black high heels and wraps her long, slender legs in translucent black tights. Similar to a black leotard, the outfit highlighted the lines of her body, while the chest made a firm, modest valley. White cuffs accented her wrists and her neck was adorned by a white smart collar with a black bowtie. On the waist of the leotard, a white bunny tail is on her waist.

"Shea! You have suffered a lot!"

Winnie touched the other's long ears.

"Miss Winnie!!"

"Sister Winnie, let's leave quickly, that black dragon..."

The Beast Girls who crawled out of their cages surrounded Winnie in shock.


Then they saw a dilapidated body thrown on the ground, it was the soldier Latos who had just escaped.

I flapped my wings and landed on the ground.

I took a few steps forward.

The moment I entered the clearing, my eyes were immediately drawn to the sight of several beautiful girls with striking animal features—fluffy tails, twitching ears, delicate horns. It was an exotic mix of allure and mystery that stirred something deep inside me.

But there was one among them who stood out even more: the bunny girl. She was the epitome of temptation. Her snow-white hair cascaded over her shoulders, matching perfectly with her long, velvety ears that twitched with each movement. Her azure eyes sparkled with a mischievous gleam, and her figure—gods, that figure—was a work of art. Every curve was sculpted to perfection, and her outfit hugged her body in all the right places, leaving little to the imagination. Even I, a dragon with the pride of my species, couldn't help but mutter under my breath, 'She is looking Damn Fine…'

But she wasn't alone. There was a raccoon girl, her dark eyes framed by rich, chestnut-coloured hair that fell down her back in loose waves. Her lithe body had a tantalizing balance of muscle and softness, accentuated by her swaying bushy tail. Then there was a fox girl with fiery orange hair, her sharp amber eyes radiating both danger and allure. Her slim, seductive figure was emphasised by the playful flick of her tails as if she was daring anyone to try and resist her. The wolf girl exuded raw strength and sensuality, her silver-grey hair wild and untamed, her eyes a molten gold. Her athletic build, full of power, hinted at a dangerous beauty. And, the deer girl, with her graceful limbs and gentle, doe-like eyes, her delicate antlers crowning her head like an ethereal goddess of the forest. Her movements were soft, almost hypnotic, a beauty that exuded purity yet temptation.

I couldn't help but grin. They were more than just eye candy—they were treasures. As I can't collect treasures as in the end, I end up consuming them thus increasing my power, so what could be better treasure then having them and more women like them.

So yes after today looking at them I have decided.

I wasn't so sure before as I have thought about this a lot in the last two years as I had a lot of free time in my hands while studying magic and after studying magic.

Free life without any thing to care tends to give you existential crisis.

Now what was the point of living?

When there is a whole ass Multiverse out there and it's only for Star Worlds. There could be infinite versions of Star Worlds out there looping infinitely in the infinite worlds..

Is there any point in doing anything?

What is the point of living?

If this Multiverse is anything like Marvel then what is the point of doing anything?

After all it is really just one big branch of diverging timelines then does anything anyone does matter most of us know it probably know that Earth 199,999 or the Marvel Cinematic Universe was attacked by Loki in 2012 the newly formed Avengers were able to stop his army and ruin his plans.

But if quantum universes really split each time there's a conflict like this what's it matter there should be a universe out there where Loki won right should Heroes even bother trying.

If this universe works like this should I bother

trying well maybe not…

There's the existentialist route, where since life has no inherent purpose, I can instead craft my own. Or the absurdist route, where since life has no inherent purpose,

I can... just do whatever. Relax, if I feel like it. In the end, Nothing really matters. Or there's the route where they just feel really bummed out for perpetuity.

If it was my past self who was asked these questions maybe I would have answered. PIZZA .

I like Pizza and want to eat more of it.

But not now I am born as a member of a race who is top of the food chain even Gods afraid of them.

When there is, achieving godhood is within grasp. Would pizza assist my hunger?

Definitely not. Not when there is so much fun to be had. The feeling alone that comes from growing my power is more potent than any drug or alcohol.

A soft, pleasurable warmth filled me up as I experienced the first time in my new body. A feeling I never felt before in more than two decades of living. A feeling that can only be felt and couldn't be described in words like the Ultimate Gods.

Even though I haven't done it I sure, My stamina regenerates faster than it could burn through sex, and I felt as though I had barely begun. a being with nigh-infinite stamina.

I would be dissatisfied if I only mate with a single person. She would pass out before I got anywhere. She couldn't keep up. Couldn't handle a person with nigh-infinite stamina. That nigh-infinite stamina would only grow and My stamina regenerates faster as I grow in power.

I hadn't finished. Hadn't even come close.

They were merely mortals – merely human. I wasn't. Not anymore.

So now, burning within me, was a renewed, twisted sense of purpose and fire, and a new realization after glancing at each girl.

I am nearly immortal. And even then immortality isn't far from reach.

As a Dragon, Once in my prime would not age. Never. So, I would eventually leave the place and this plane would ascend higher… eventually. Travel the other worlds, do stuff. But, more than that, I wanted sex. I wanted the satisfaction that came with such heavenly bodies…

I wanted the women of Star worlds

Goddesses – Angels – Valkyries – Demons – Succubus – Devils – Elves – Catgirls – Superpowered Cosmic Woman older than the Time Itself – Concept giving female forms – Or any Beautiful Woman that could be in a fuckable form, from any women whos my heart goes out for, of whole Star Creation no matter even if they are wives, mothers, or sisters of a being I can't even compare with

I wanted them all.