CH : 48 Something Truly Shocking

As a Dragon, Once in my prime would not age. Never. So, I would eventually leave the place and this plane would ascend higher… eventually. Travel the other worlds, do stuff. But, more than that, I wanted sex. I wanted the satisfaction that came with such heavenly bodies…

I wanted the women of Star worlds

Goddesses – Angels – Valkyries – Demons – Succubus – Devils – Elves – Catgirls – Superpowered Cosmic Woman older than the Time Itself – Concept giving female forms – Or any Beautiful Woman that could be in a fuckable form, from any women whos my heart goes out for, of whole Star Creation no matter even if they are wives, mothers, or sisters of a being I can't even compare with 

I wanted them all.

It was a shameless goal. It was probably just me thinking with my dick – but fuck it. What's the point of being immortal (AND IMMUNE TO ALL FUCKING DISEASES!) (It's nearly impossible to effectively inactivate dragon blood, it's extremely stable, even under the high temperature of nearly two thousand degrees, it's as immovable as a mountain, The blood of ordinary creatures tends to start solidifying after only only few minutes away from the body, but my dragon blood which had already left my body for nearly two months, is still so stable in nature that it can't even be inactivated. The power of true dragons is not without understanding, we can freely roll in magma, drink thousands of degrees if high temperatures magma is as easy as drinking water, our body blood tissue fluid will have extremely stable chemical properties!) If you can't have as much sex as you fucking wanted? STDS was never going to be an issue thanks to my dragon blood. 

So what was stopping me other than flimsy bits of morals and the realization that I was seeing women as objects rather than people?

I'd seen 2D Scathach and Medea, and the 3D version of them had been far more beautiful than I ever pictured, enough to still leave me throbbing painfully.

How would a 3D Raikou look? A 3D Tiamat? A 3D Jeanne d'Arc? A 3D Artoria Pendragon? A 3D Miyamoto Musashi?, A 3D Morgan?, B.B., Demon King Nobunaga, Artemis, Carmilla, Martha, Europa, Euryale, Nightingale, Tamamo no Mae, Gorgon, Kama, Kiara, Nero, Ibuki Douji and so many more? 

And they are just from a single world. 

How would a 3D Diana look? A 3D Lady Death? A 3D She-Ra? A 3D Zero Two? A 3D Miyuki Shiba? A 3D Hinata Hyuga? A 3D Boa Hancock? A 3D Inori Yuzuriha? A 3D Asuna Yuuki? A 3D Erza Scarlet?  A 3D Esdeath? A 3D Albedo? A 3D Faye? A 3D Alex Underwood? A 3D Yoruichi? A 3D Yor? A 3D Adam Eve? and so many. 

Hell, even their mother, wives and sisters, like Venelana, Mamako, Mamako and wives, Grayfia Irisviel von Einzbern Android 18?

"Yeah… I know exactly what the fuck I'm going to do In all creation."

It wasn't like I had much to live for either way. My foster family, foster sister, and friends—everyone I ever cared about—were gone. After that, there wasn't a shred of purpose left in me. I wasn't waking up for any particular reason, just moving through each day because the sun still rose. It's like life just carried me along in its currents, and I was too tired to swim against it. 

I would eat when hunger gnawed at me, but only then. I travelled not out of a desire to explore, but because I had nowhere to belong. And when war came, I didn't fight for a cause—I fought because there was no other choice left. It was as if I was drifting, letting the tides and winds decide whether I would crash against the rocks or drift further into the void.

Opportunities, dangers, all of them— I didn't chase after them or avoid them. If they appeared before me, fine, I'd handle it. But I never sought anything out. Not a purpose, not a goal. Even my will to survive was less of a conscious effort and more of a passive reflex. I was a spectator in my own life, caught in a cycle I didn't choose, going through the motions simply because time pushed me forward.

But not anymore. 

So here, I could find a new purpose… the 

craziest fucking purpose…

Fuck all the girls.

All of them.

Every last beautiful woman.

Even The Mother Goddess.

To be able to do something that insane – I'd need power. I'd need to be wayyyyy fucking stronger than I was now. Hell, I'd need to be the most powerful person in the Star Worlds bar none. And to do that… there was a penultimate goal that stood above the rest.

I must devour to get this power even if the cost of fucking is saying goodbye to half the creation then it's all worth it. 

"I've got a step-by-step plan for success. I'll need some stuff along the way… 

It was that simple, and it was that difficult.

The Dragon was the cannibalistic nightmare of all creatures. If my abilities remained unchanged, then I would be able to slay anyone, and absorb their flesh. Absorbing their souls should mean absorbing their power.

It was a stretch – a long one, and I had no real data to back up this hypothesis. But – I knew how I would get that data. 

Moreover, I needed to test the full limits of my power. What could I do? What couldn't I do? I needed to know everything – every detail – every intricacy. 

The most problematic thing, however, was that it was going to be impossible to truly accomplish what I had in mind without drawing suspicion, scrutiny, or otherwise problematic encounters. Hiding in the shadows and operating without my enemies being aware of my identity or my goals in a world as small as this was impossible, especially with my ever growing power and influence.

For my completely selfish and depraved goal of having sex with all the beautiful women of Creation – I would go down a path of a legend.

I would slay anyone even if it's a different version of my waifus. It's a Noble goal I must pursue.

And I'd do it –

For sweet, sweet, glorious, waifus….


So just like gold and gems, these beauties had a value that made me, a young dragon, feel that possessive nature flared up within me. If I trained them, if I moulded them into something greater—maybe taught them to dance like those live streams from my previous life—then they'd be nothing short of invincible. They were intoxicating, each in their own way, a perfect addition to my growing hoard of treasure…

"It's a dragon!"

"Black Dragon!"

"Evil Dragon"

"He is back!"

There was a sudden commotion, and the nerves of the Beast girls tensed up instantly.

The appearance of the black dragon killing all directions just now was deeply engraved in their hearts.

"Master Barbatos, please don't take offence!" Winnie first quickly spoke.

I waved the dragon claw casually, and I still have a lot of tolerance for the beast girls.

Winnie stood on a big tree and said aloud:

"Everyone listen to me!"

She calmed down everyone's emotions.

"This is Lord Barbatos Caesar Volaric, a very powerful true dragon!"

"I have now decided to become my Lord's subordinate. If anyone is unwilling to join me, I can send her with some belongings to leave the Rose Tribe." Winnie said loudly.

Everyone below looked at each other for a while.

"Everyone should be very clear about the situation of our Rose Tribe. Without the protection of the strong, there is a danger of destruction in this forest at any time!" Winnie said seriously.

Seeing her like this, I felt that she did have some qualities of a leader.

"Sister Winnie is right, we have nothing to do now, the best way is to rely on the strong!" At this time, a female Beast Girl with black hair and grey ears and a fluffy grey tail Her figure was the epitome of allure, sculpted and graceful, with a full chest and an athletic elegance that commanded attention she stood up and said.

I carefully identified it, and it turned out to be a  wolf girl.

"I am also willing to follow Sister Winnie forever!" Shea looked curiously at me and stood up.

"We do too!"

I nodded secretly, it seems that Winnie's prestige here is very high.

"Winnie, Shadar will send someone here later, you can take your people to live in the Sunset place temporarily, now tell me where the meteor was before!" I said, temporarily ignoring the other beautiful beast girls. 

"Master, the location of that place is rather complicated, so let me take you there!" Winnie hesitated and said.

Before I could reply, the rabbit girl Shea on the side stood up:

"Sister Winnie, let me take Master Barbatos, everyone needs you now!"

"Shea, it's dangerous there!"

"Don't forget that I am the most powerful doctor in our tribe, I will protect myself!" Shea smiled sweetly.

Only she knows how weird it is there! 

Winnie is in a bit of a bind!

"Sister Winnie, don't worry, nothing will happen if Lord Barbatos is with me!" Shea smiled sweetly at me, her two bunny ears froze for a moment.

"Winnie, go to your tribe first,"

In the end, I decided to proceed with Shea accompanying him. As they delved deeper into the heart of the land, the desolation grew. Lifeless plants and the remains of animals littered the ground. 

There were dead plants and some animal carcasses everywhere.

"It used to be so beautiful here," Shea said with a tinge of sadness in her voice as she clung tightly to my claw. As we soared above a landscape that was a shadow of its former self.

Suddenly, I came to a halt, my keen senses picking up on something amiss—a sensation akin to radiation permeated the air, prompting me to descend to the ground for a closer inspection.

Upon landing, I immediately felt that something was off. The life force seemed to have been drained from the surroundings. Everything around seemed to have lost its vitality. When I scooped up a clawful of soil, my powerful affinity for earth magic revealed a startling lack of earth elements—a near absence, which was unusual.

 The foundational structure of the land was utterly disrupted, and I wondered what could have caused such devastation.

 "Shea, wait for me here, or you can go back first," I advised, sensing that the area ahead might not be safe for my sexy bunny girl.

"Lord Barbatos..." Shea began, but I swiftly cut her off.

"Hurry up and go back, Prolonged exposure to wind in this location may have adverse effects on your health! Pay attention to safety on the road!!" With those words, I took off, leaving Shea behind. 

She watched my retreating figure, her previous notions of black dragons from legends challenged—Barbatos was proving to be quite different.


I continued my solitary journey towards the centre of the devastation. The further I went, the more numerous the carcasses became, as if they all died moving towards something—something ominous that also made me feel increasingly uneasy.

I finally arrived at the edge of a massive crater. Peering inside, my crimson eyes widened in shock.

"How is this possible!" 

Meanwhile, Winnie led her group to a thicket of blackened trees. She pulled out an object resembling a whistle and gently blew into it, following a specific pattern. The sound called for whatever allies or assistance she had arranged, signalling them to gather and prepare for what was to come.

Before long, the rustling sounds of movement broke the silence, and a variety of half-beast creatures such as Satyrs and Cervitaurs emerged from the underbrush.

"Sister Winnie!" they called out, recognizing their comrade.

"Layla!" Winnie greeted one affectionately. 

After hearing Winnie out, some of the half-beasts let out a resigned sigh. "Winnie, that's a black dragon," one began, "the most cunning and deceitful of the chromatic dragons. He—" But the half-beast was cut off by Winnie.

"If you all know that dragons are petty creatures, be careful not to anger the master. Since we've decided to become dependents of the black dragon, we must commit fully. For those unwilling to follow, I'll provide food and gold to leave," she said decisively.


Seeing Winnie's serious demeanour, the others fell silent. In their world, strength ruled above all.  


Meanwhile, in the centre of the meteorite crater, I discovered the source of the unease that had been bothering me. The carcasses of magical beasts were even more numerous here, all dead dried out like mummies. 

In the midst of these remains was an egg—precisely, a dragon egg. It was black with golden patterns, much larger than a typical dragon egg.

There are golden lines on the black eggshell. 

I felt the egg was the source of the radiation. I noticed some of my own scales starting to fall off from the exposure alone. Undeterred, I moved closer, intrigued by what kind of dragon could produce an egg with such effects.

After searching through ancestral memories, I finally recognized this egg. 

"Plutonium Dragon Egg!!!" Yes, before me was the egg of a Plutonium Dragon! 

Plutonium Dragons were infamous creatures throughout the Star Multiverse. In the cosmic hierarchy of dragons, alongside the iridescent Prism Dragons, the Metallic Dragons like the Plutonium Dragon, the Gemstone Dragons such as the Blue Diamond Dragon, and the alluring Star Dragons among the Fire Dragons, Plutonium Dragons and Uranium Dragons stood out for their immense power and rarity.

Time and Space Dragons and Power Dragons are also among the ranks of these exceptionally powerful dragons. They are the proverbial wall-hangers, possessing gifts and size that no ordinary dragon species can match, making even the ancient gods wary of them. 

There are fewer than ten known Plutonium Dragons in the entire multiverse. 

Plutonium Dragons, a subspecies of fire dragons/Metal Dragons, are immune to fire and heat damage upon reaching adulthood. Unlike other metallic dragons, Plutonium Dragons distinctly belong to the Black Faction, the evil alignment. They are armoured with opaque, black metallic scales and almond-shaped pupils that are just as dark. The edges of their scales and irises are rimmed with gold, causing every move they make and every glance they cast to shimmer with a glistening, golden light. 

As members of the metallic dragon family, their scales consist of over 80% plutonium. This means that Plutonium Dragons constantly emit deadly nuclear radiation, essentially acting as giant, ambulatory nuclear fusion reactors. 

Which is equivalent to a huge walking nuclear fusion reactor.

Hence, they have earned another title: "Nuclear Dragons." The ultra-miniature nuclear fusion is going on in their body all the time.

Land walked upon by a Plutonium Dragon remains barren for three years due to intense nuclear radiation. Humans or other beings that come into contact with them often succumb to cancers and do not survive long…

When a Plutonium Dragon attacks in a rage, its scales no longer appear black but are covered in a blinding, sun-like golden radiance that is unbearable to look upon like a white blazing sun. Of course, no creature unless it's God can survive witnessing such a spectacle.

The bodily fluids of a Plutonium Dragon are highly toxic; just a drop is enough to decimate the population of a large city, rendering the surrounding land lifeless for decades, if not centuries.

It's no wonder they are considered part of the evil alignment; with such capabilities, being virtuous is not an option.

Plutonium Dragons have eyes like X-rays, able to see through most things and very cunning, even more so than black dragons. Like most evil dragons, they are cruel, deceitful, possessive, and utterly selfish.

The realisation of what lay before me didn't just bring awe to me; it also brought with it a sense of grave responsibility. The Plutonium Dragon Egg was a treasure of immeasurable potential but also a source of great danger if it fell into the wrong hands or hatched uncontrolled. I knew I had to make a decision that could change the course of my life and possibly the fate of many others.


*Surprisingly, only one person caught the reference in the last chapter—a shock considering how well-known it truly is. A big shoutout to 'Error_Error' for recognizing it!*