An Introduction

© All Rights Reserved- The Silent Snow, 2024.

It was a bright and sunny day.

When I went down stairs, I was even greeted by my perfect and loving parents, as they packed me my snack for today.

"Good morning my sweet princess, here- I packed your lunch today." My bright dad says.

"Oh, I didn't notice you had already come down. Come my dear, I made your favorite small meal for breakfast, a bottle of diet coke and a fruit salad filled with all your favorite berries" My beautiful mom followed.

"Thank you so much mom, you too dad. My life would be so empty without the two of you." I replied.

And it is, I just realized.

Ah. This was just another one of my hopeful dreams, I see.

But I don't want to wake up, not just yet. So, I rushed to them in my light pink dress and all sorts of jewelry.

All of which I could only dream of in the real world.

I sat down and ate the amazing breakfast my fake mom had gotten me. The taste was extremely mild, I mean it was, after all, just a dream.

A lucid one, I guess. But I couldn't perfectly control it.

After I left the house, I walked for a bit to the direction of my fake private academy until a car pulled over.

It stopped just right next to me and the driver rolled down the window. It was my real-life crush, Adam.

He looked exactly like his real-life self in his navy-blue car he always uses, with his perfect brown hair which was always slicked back, his eyes were the perfect amber they were, and his outfit was very accurate, though he'd never worn it before in real life.

A plain v necked shirt which was topped with a black vest and a green jacket with the hood and all which matched his green converse. I know for sure he owns a green jacket, I mean- he lent it to me a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to give it back.

I'm not sure I want to give it back.

Anyway, he was also wearing his usual black denim-like pants he always wears in real life. He was indeed a tad bit too handsome for a high school junior, or at least compared to others in our school.

Oh wait, where was I? Right, when he rolled down the windows he started talking to me."Crysty? Don't you want to get in?" he gently said.

Every time I've ever talked to him it was how his voice was, so I'm not really sure if that's what he ACTUALLY sounds like. I know this is a dream and I'm probably gonna be late to my ACTUAL crummy public school, but I really don't want to wake up. This was literally my dream.

"Oh. Hi, Adam... Of course I'll get in, how could I not if you ask me?" I confidently said.

Okay, that voice was nothing like the one I actually have and use in the real world. My voice was lighter and weaker.

He opened up the car and had me get in.

And just as I thought I was gonna spend the next few hours living my best life in my dream, his stereo or whatever you call those screen things in cars started ringing, it was the same obnoxious ring as my alarm clock. Shit. I opened my eyes and I was awake. Of course I was. My room-sized apartment looks dark and dreary as always.

I reach to my side to turn off my phone that I left overnight to charge and guess what? It wasn't plugged in. Just my luck. As I have the strong need to give up on life, my phone, which was only on 7%, lights up just to show me a notification from the class group chat. Class was starting an hour early today.


I rushed to get up and walk to my right where my mini kitchen was. I opened my fridge to see if there was anything in there for me to eat, but there were only drinks like diet coke, water, orange juice, chocolate milk, and an empty can of Pepsi, the one Adam gave me.

If my parents were still around maybe it'd have actual food. Honestly, sometimes my life sounds like one you'd find in a cartoon movie where the villain is actually just heartbroken or something.

When I was very young, 4 years old, I think, my mother died in front of me in a kind of movie cliché way. Some kid was walking down the street without looking if there were cars or anything and my mom jumped in to save them, I guess. Losing my mom hurt my father a lot and sent him to depression ville. One day when I was like 7, he took me out to eat at my favorite restaurant. It's called Aki's Fruit Miracles.

Despite what the name would suggest, they also serve meat, non-fruit related drinks, and vegetables.

All of which were kind of kid-themed. But I still go there even now. After I had what I thought was the best day of my life, I woke up and found out my dad had killed himself.

The last thing I can remember was him saying that even though I had his color palette and height (whatever that means), I looked a lot like mom. I even had the same beauty mark under my left eye like she did.

Just in case you're curious, my dad had black hair, pale skin, and blue eyes while my mom has blonde hair, fair skin, and brown eyes.

I also remember her being short, so I guess that's what dad meant when he said I had his height, considering I'm 5 '5 (but still 2 inches smaller than Adam) in the second freshman year and all, it's basically the 8th grade.

Not to mention, I'm only 14 since I skipped one year of kindergarten. Anyway, I live with myself since I don't have any living relatives. Both my parents had small families, so even if anyone of them was alive, they were still out of reach, except for one.

At this point you might be wondering how I'm not at an orphanage, and that's because of my one relative, my uncle Richard Samuels. He's from my dad's side so we have the same last name and all, he looks like my dad but shorter, older, with darker blue eyes, and his nose is less pointy too. He's really fun but he's also very irresponsible, I guess. I don't know what his job is but he makes 6 digits a month. He pays for my, everything, basically. My small little apartment, my public education, my sports extra curricula, my books, my food, my transportation, my allowance, and a lot of other stuff I'm either not aware of, or I've just forgotten. ANYWAYS, I just grabbed the chocolate milk, drank a lot, I guess, and headed straight to the bathroom. I'm not really the type of person to act or move around quickly so I know I'll be in big trouble if I don't panic. I'm pretty sure the adrenaline rush makes me more efficient. I power through my shower but still can't resist running my hand down my hair. A few strands of hair get caught in my hand again. It's probably just the stress again, it usually happens during our quarterly exams. The activities get harder too, especially the reporting ones, maybe it's just that I hate crowds and what not. All I know is that I despise reporting. When I finally finished showering, I realized I was in there for 20 whole minutes. Damn it. It was already 5:21 AM and class starts at 6:00 AM today. Considering it usually takes me like 20 minutes to get to school except on Monday when it takes 30 minutes since everyone still has motivation to actually be diligent in whatever they're doing. And let me tell you, it was Monday. Considering it takes me like, 5 minutes minimum getting ready, it was clear. I was inevitably gonna be late. Especially since I wasted a freaking minute trying to remember and calculate how long I do things for. I got to school in the white golf-cart looking car my driver uses. (which like I've said, Uncle pays for) I look like I just went through a hurricane and miraculously survived. My long wavy black hair was an absolute mess and the hairline was undefined, which was something Uncle would mention every time he would see me drunk. (to be clear, he's the drunk one) Oh and to make things worse, I wore my bra that's one size too small which I was supposed to throw away ages ago, I accidently used Adam's green jacket which he let me borrow 5 or 6 weeks ago. It was heavily raining that day and I didn't have a freaking umbrella. His voice sounded so soft and gentle at the time too. I wonder if it's because he was hesitant to give it. He got a cold because of that. Turns out he also didn't have an umbrella. Anyway, I was also really rushing so I didn't notice that the black maxi-skirt I grabbed was not clean. I just hope my perfume covers up the smell. And my sneakers were a dirty white. Because of course they were. By the time I got there our teacher, Mr. Whiteman, who was Adam's single-dad, was already checking the attendance. No one even noticed I came in the room or that I was late since I don't really have any friends. And maybe I'm just convincing myself about this, but I swear Adam stared at me from behind as I entered the class. I walked up to my seat carefully which was on the far left near the window. I was only in the back row so it was really easy to get away with cutting class or being late, like right now. Then I daintily set down my black backpack which had a lot of pockets and stuff. Luckily, after I settled down, the kid before me was called in, which meant I had succeeded. "Crystal Samuels-" Mr. Whiteman said softly, yet somehow also loudly at the same time. "Present." I replied weakly. "Ms. Samuels, as I've said I currently have a headache so I said to only raise your left hand." he followed.Shit. That hurt me for some reason. Mr. Whiteman was also the coach for the badminton and swimming team of our school, wherein I was the star player. That's probably why I liked him the most out of all the teachers. He handled most of my classes, he actually noticed me and was more attentive to me. We weren't close or anything but I liked him. He's my favorite teacher, actually. He's probably the only reason I know and like Adam. When he made Adam join the badminton team. That was it. Adam wasn't even all that special, to be perfectly honest. When it comes to academics and sports, I feel like I'm much better than he is. But he is really popular in our little public school. Then again, each class in Brooklyn High only has ten students or something, or at least in the freshman-junior classes. Come to think of it, I'm ranked second to Brianna in our class, and he doesn't even reach the top 5 in our class of 13, which is a bit concerning. But who am I to judge? I may be smarter and more athletic (I guess) but everywhere you go in that school, you can bet at least 2 or 3 people know him there. Speaking of, I haven't looked at him for a really long time now. Was he looking at me because he recognized the jacket? Damn it. I tried to take a glance at him but when I did, he was already looking. He does recognize the jacket, and I might be screwed. After what seemed like a minute or two, class was finally over and I could not wait to get changed for my two extra curriculums. Unfortunately, the first one is badminton practice. I think about ditching it but, I don't want to disappoint Mr. Whiteman. Isn't that weird? I care a lot about what he thinks about me even though I don't actually even know what his first name is. Mr. Whiteman is all I know. I've been hearing and calling it for like two years now, I guess. I rush to the little locker room so I can change my clothes. Luckily, I found some dark denim shorts. Wait what? Shorts? How long have these been here? I don't use shorts anymore. I search for an extra shirt or something but nothing. Great. Now I have to face Adam in HIS jacket. Why didn't I just return it in the first place? Ugh stupid little me.