A Friend or Two

© All Rights Reserved- The Silent Snow, 2024.

After I finished my swim lessons, I planned to go straight home like I usually did, but today I want to violate my schedule and talk to Lora. She seems to actually WANT to be my friend, and as much as I hate to admit this, I actually want one or two. It feels lonely sometimes, no friends, and only one family member. I love my uncle like a lot, obviously, but he's barely around and I don't like to bother him with my problems, he's already done so much for me. Even though I'm not his actual kid, he treats me like I am, kind of. I can't help but feel alone in everything I do though. Even in group settings I still somehow manage to end up alone somehow. It's not a bad thing most of the time, but it feels lonely sometimes. Is it really so bad to want one friend? I'm not sure but I want one and I'm getting one, I hope. I searched for Lora at the skating park since I've heard her talk about it, in a very detailed way. When I get there, I actually find her. It feels like my luck is changing, but that's not to be decided until I see how this ends. "Lora." I calmly say, while still trying to be audible to her, and she actually hears me. That does NOT happen often.

She turns to me and gasps, before promptly answering; "Crystal?! Oh my gosh, hi!!""Hello to you too, Lora." I say while approaching her, I try to add a chuckle."I was actually a bit curious, what's your full name?" "Huh? Oh! It's Lora Vincent, yours is Crystal Samuels, right?"

"Yes, it is, oh also- may I have your number? I left my phone at home so you can just write it down on my hand or something." I offer her my pen and my right arm so she doesn't see the numbers Marcus wrote. She excitingly but gently writes it down on my arm, making sure the pen is angled where it won't feel sharp to me. How… nice of her, I suppose.

"Thank you, Lora. Uhm- pray tell, would you mind teaching me how to skate? Don't worry, I'm a fast learner."

"Oh!? You, Crystal, want me, Lora, to teach you something?! Oh, I'm so honored!" she adds, her voice definitely shows how she feels. I get the feeling she's an ISFP, which means Introverted, seeing how she doesn't have many friends and don't approach people, Observant, she sees things for that they are, but she is rather emotional, which leads to F, Feeling, and Prospecting, a very curious mind like myself. After 2 and a half hours, I'm skating better than most of the kids there (according to Lora.) I noticed she keeps her blonde hair short and slicked back so she can see better when playing or skating. She has a pretty slim figure too, she's a bit on the tall side. Her eyes are also blue like mine. She's basically an ideal girl. Popularity really depends on how you play your cards then. While talking to her I found out her mom left her when she was young, leaving her with her father, George Vincent- who she claims is narcissistic, and always disappointed with her. Compared to her, my situation wasn't all that bad. My parents didn't choose to leave me. Well maybe dad did, but not out of spite. And uncle is supportive of me, I think. Anyway, after this I finally went home. It felt… out of place. Every day since I was 8, it was always the same thing over and over again. I wake up at 5 AM for my classes which start at 7 AM, badminton from 2 to 3 NN, swimming at 3 to 4 (conveniently), and then I get home, eat, study, shower, and sleep. Occasionally, I'd go out to do whatever with uncle Richard, but that's that. On Saturdays, I still wake up at 5 AM, eat, shower, study, badminton at 10:30 AM, back at home, exercise, study some more, and swim lessons at 5-6 PM. Yeah, PM. But Sunday, Sunday's when I rest. I used to think the reason I couldn't reach the 1st rank was because I rested too much, but honestly, I don't think I care anymore, it's just by a point anyway. Anyways, I got home at 8:30 something, I didn't have time to study or eat properly so I just ordered some meat-lovers pizza. I've decided I'm sleeping late today. While I wait for the pizza, I go take a somewhat quick and warm bath, the pizza guy arrives while I'm still dressing so I'm trying to run to him struggling to put my red checkered pants on. When I open the door, it's Adam. Because of course it is. His hair is a bit wet, so I'm guessing he just showered, shouldn't he have a visor or something though? Ugh whatever. I hate it. Seeing it like that gave my heart a flutter. He's not wearing his uniform properly either, the first two of the four buttons are undone, I can see his collar bone too. Why is that attractive? It shouldn't be, right? I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be. It is like a crush filter or something? Ugh whatever. I need to break this bumbling silence. Come on, say something, anything!"Adam?? You work at Aki's Fruit Miracle?" I ask. Good enough. And yes, they serve pizza, don't question it. Like I said, they pretty serve everything as long as it's kid themed. I was supposed to lose my discount to them two years ago when I turned 13 but they still let me use it, along with a student discount."Ahh oh my! I didn't know you lived in an apartment… Ah! Yes- I do work for them, you ordered meat lovers pizza with every condiment?" His voice screams curiosity.I know it's not THAT kind of curiosity, but I want to let him in. After all, he must not be all that busy if he's wearing his uniform like that. And for the record, the condiments are for my fridge stock."I do and I did, yeah. So, how much for the pizza and all the condiments?" I politely ask. I'm trying hard but, it seems I can't keep my focus on his eyes or the pizza, for some reason, I find his freaking COLLARBONE attractive.I am just so deeply disgusted with myself. I am literally screaming internally."Oh well, since it's you, it's on the house," he winks. It wasn't until that moment I remember what Marcus told me about him. Luckily before I showered, I somehow memorized Marcus's number and already dialed Lora's but I forgot his so I had to ask him for it, directly."Oh? Thank you very much then" I chuckle, "By the way, would it be too much to ask for your number?" I bravely say. Or at least it felt brave, for some reason it made me nervous. When I finish my sentence, he seems wide-eyed. His pupils look like they got bigger, somehow. Maybe he's happy he made a new friend? But could Marcus be wrong about that?"My- my number?" He says, his voice is still gentle but he stutters. I've never heard him do it before. It sounds a bit cute seeing him flustered. Oh wait, what? He's flustered? About giving me his number? Okay, either he really likes me or really dislikes me. I can't tell but the thought of Marcus's words is pulling me to the former."Well, yeah. Only if it's not too much, of course.""No, no, not at all... I uh have it memorized.""Well then, could you kindly dial it on my phone here?" …What. WHY DID I SAY THAT?! I WANTED TO INVITE HIM IN BUT THAT JUST SOUNDS SO-"Oh, I uh- sure!" he says, disturbing my impure thoughts. He's blushing. Damn it. He must be embarrassed about what I said. WHY DID I SAY IT LIKE THAT?He gets in and I close the door behind me as an instinct. When he hears the door slam, he takes a glance at me, I just look at him with a curious look, my head tilted to the side with a wide-eyed gaze. I don't know what to do, for the first time ever.He places the pizza down on the table and just stands awkwardly there. He even looks cute when nervous and inept. I walked towards my bed to grab my phone and gave it to him. He calls his number and grabs his phone."Uhm… Your turn… If you want to! That is…" He says, he's kind of sweating now even though my AC is at its highest. So, I grab his phone and put a nickname on myself. "Crysty" It's the nickname I vaguely remember my parents, and my uncle uses on me. It's also the one he used in my dream.

"There you go, all done." I tell him, signaling him to sit down. And he actually does. I only have four chairs for my little kitchen/dining area. It came as a set but it serves its purpose pretty well. One for me, one for my stuff, and occasionally, one for uncle Richard, and one for the random women he brings here sometimes. He doesn't really have another home than the one we have since there's really no point in living separately.

"Adam- do you want some? I can't finish this on my own, you know." Did I just say "you know"? I might be adapting Marcus' verbal patterns, because why wouldn't I be?

"Oh? Really? Are you sure?" he excitingly says. He obviously wants some."Of course! You delivered it and gave it to me for free, it's the least I can do." I replied. My voice starts to gradually get softer and softer as I talk to him. I become less and less self-conscious that I actually forget about his damned collar bone.

"Uhm, Adam?" I say hesitantly.

"Yes?" he promptly replied.

"Do you feel hot in here?" When I say it, somehow it sounds like a pick-up line. What the hell.

"Hm? A bit yeah. Why do you ask? Is it obvious?"

"Well, you're a bit red, you're sweating, and your uniform is not buttoned up properly." I chuckle. I feel like if I don't it might be awkward in here.

"AH! I'M SO SORRY!! I DIDN'T REALIZE!" he replies. He jumps to stand and just as he buttons himself up, my uncle barges in. I was so lost in thought about Adam and Marcus and Lora that I had completely forgotten the not-so prompt and thoughtful text I received from uncle that he'd be staying the night. And it does not look good. Not at all.