Playing As Substitute

For the first time, Lucas Bright revealed his true feelings that he had been trying to hide and deny. In response, the director looked at Lucas in silence for a moment and comforted his shoulders.

Was it because of the director's gesture?

The tears that were flowing down Lucas's cheeks gradually began to subside. Lucas slowly relaxed his tense neck and spoke.

"But my circumstances are not good."

"Don't worry about that. I will support you as much as I can."

"How much support?"

"I'll give you best support I can , but it's conditional."


"You must show outstanding ability on the baseball team. Oh, and you shouldn't neglect your studies."

Both of these were what Lucas was considering anyway.

If he were to play baseball again, he really wanted to try it in earnest. He wanted to realize the dream he could not achieve in Korea here in America.

On the other hand, Lucas was clearly aware of reality.

Although people around him were praising his talent, he knew it did not guarantee that he would be successful in the United States and make it to the major leagues.

Therefore, even if Lucas joined the baseball team, he had no intention of giving up his studies.

"Is that all?"

"That's right."

There were no difficult conditions.

As long as Lucas worked hard, he could receive baseball supplies and even a scholarship.

This made Lucas's heart beat violently. But soon, a fact he had forgotten came to mind, and his heart, which had been beating hot, grew cold.

"Thank you for the offer, but there is one thing that is holding me back."

"What is that?"

"My parents might not approve."

No matter how good the conditions were, it was unclear whether Lucas's parents would allow him to play baseball again.

The principal and director also remained silent at Lucas's words.

In the United States, the authority of the guardian was absolute. No matter how much he was the principal, there was no way to get Lucas into the baseball team if his guardian refused.

"Do you think you won't be able to persuade them?"

"I don't know."

The expressions of the principal and director became gloomy. Lucas's expression also became infinitely depressed.

Then Lucas clenched his teeth.

It wasn't that he didn't understand his parents' feelings.

Nevertheless, he definitely wanted to play baseball. Why were his parents opposed to baseball in the first place?

It was for Lucas's stable future. In that case, all he had to do was give assurance that his future would be stable.

'So let's just hide it until then.'

Lucas's conscience hurt a little, but he wanted to play baseball even if it meant disobeying his parents this time.

"Not right away… I will definitely try to convince my parents. So, can I play as a substitute for a while?"

* * *

As soon as Lucas left, the principal opened his mouth.

"Even though he is playing as a substitute, I am glad to hear that Lucas plays baseball for our team. But is Lucas really talented enough to offer such benefits?"

Director Donald answered the principal's question without hesitation.

"Yes. I'm sure the principal knows the value of a 90+ mph fastball, right?"

"I know. It's amazing. But speed doesn't tell everything, right?" In the United States, there were high school athletes who threw 100 mph.

"Student Lucas must have played baseball in the past. And the moment he plays baseball professionally, FS High School will be able to regain some of its former reputation."

FS High School was once a prestigious baseball school.

However, they began to gradually lose ground to emerging powers, and before long, they had completely lost their status.

Students who were talented at baseball no longer tried to enter FS High School.

Although they promised to provide endless support, FS High School was not the choice of baseball prospects.

And there was only one way to turn this situation around: entering the High School Invitational tournament.

A competition in which the 16 teams with the best results are selected from 15,000 schools.

If they advanced to this competition, which was said to be the best in the country, they could regain their former reputation and become a prestigious baseball school again.

Then, their status would naturally rise and the number of students who wanted to enroll would increase.

Of course, it was not easy to participate in the best competition in the United States. FS High School needed to advance to that one tournament.

"We have already recruited a few students before the semester begins, but it is not enough to aim for the national competition. We have to catch Lucas somehow."

This was because in order to participate in the High School Invitational tournament, you needed to win the league and several championship trophies.

And Coach Donald was convinced that Lucas was absolutely necessary to achieve this accomplishment.

"So you're saying Lucas is worth it."

"Yes. Of course, I could be wrong. But I'm willing to give it a try. If you trust me just once, I'll repay you with my performance."

Private schools are ultimately just like businesses.

As long as they can make the school known, they can do anything. The principal had never encountered this aspect of Director Donald before.

Had he ever shown that he wanted someone so much?

"Great. Since we haven't signed an official contract anyway, we'll just wait and see. Instead, it would be a good idea to hold a practice match and get a sense of Lucas's skills first."

"Okay. Then I'll set up a practice match with another school."

The principal shook his head.

"No. Let me arrange it. Can the first game be against Santa Monica High School?"

Director Donald's eyes sparkled. Santa Monica High School was the second most prestigious baseball team in California.

Unfortunately, it was not able to participate in the national competition last year, but it was a talented school that participated the year before last.

"Wouldn't it be possible to properly recognize Lucas's talent at that level? And I think they are the perfect partner to understand not only the skills of Lucas but also the skills of the students we recruited this time."

The principal continued speaking leisurely.

"And if the opponent is Santa Monica, it becomes a little easier when you ask the chairman for support."

Director Donald nodded.

"Yes. I will try to prepare."