Inseparable Fate

After leaving the principal's office, Donald looked for Lucas during lunchtime. He bought Lucas two slices of pizza and sat on the bench together.

"The first practice game is against Santa Monica High School."

Lucas took a bite of pizza.

"Santa Monica," he thought. Lucas knew about it. When he first came to the United States, he wanted to go to that school the most.

"It seems like you know it," Donald said.

"I know a little bit."

"The school's team is quite strong. It will be a difficult match."

Lucas remained calm.

"As you said, are you supporting baseball supplies?"

"Yes. However, as you know, we have procedures in place, so we cannot provide support for expensive supplies yet. Instead, we will provide you with all the basic equipment you need."

Lucas nodded. That was enough. In the first place, he never thought about receiving the best equipment.

"That's enough. When is the match?"

"It will probably be this week. Most games are played on Wednesday and Saturday, so there's a high possibility it will be on Saturday."

"I see, First of all, can I just get the gloves separately today?"

"Just the gloves? Why?"

"I want training to be conducted separately. I have family circumstances."

Lucas had to leave school early.

Since it was a cycle of home and school all year long, he didn't want to worry his parents.

Of course, Coach Donald was disappointed.

Even though the FS baseball team had not regained its former reputation, its training facilities were still top-notch.

He thought Lucas could show a better performance in the practice match. But Donald was an adult. He just nodded, saying that if he couldn't take complete responsibility for Lucas, he should do as he wants.

* * *

After leaving school, Lucas went to the park near his house with the provided glove and baseball. It took practice to find his old form.

The only place to throw the ball was in this park, which had no training equipment.

Lucas's eyes immediately filled with determination.

"Major leaguer? I don't even want it right now."

Lucas was calm. He had no plans to pursue a major league career at the moment.

Not everyone could become a professional in America, which was full of talented players. Instead, he decided to aim for the scholarship that Coach Donald had mentioned.

Due to the nature of American private schools, quite a lot of money was spent in various aspects. If he could get a scholarship, it could help his family's financial situation.

If that happened, his parents might also allow him to play baseball.

"I may be a little tired, but it's okay."

Lucas continued to throw the ball against the wall. Each impact caught the attention of others in the park.

He ignored their gazes and kept throwing.

He just threw the ball to warm up, but his strength persisted. When he came to his senses, he saw himself gritting his teeth and throwing the ball.

"Damn it."

Playing baseball for money was not a thought that should be in the mind of a prospect who was not yet a professional.

As a feeling of depression enveloped him, his eyebrows furrowed. Lucas eventually returned home, soaked in sweat, with his glove and ball.

As he entered the front door, a familiar voice tickled his eardrums.

"Did you started to play baseball again?"

Lucas clenched his molars at the sound of his father's voice. He was caught on the first day by the person he least wanted to be caught by.

Hearing his father's voice for the first time in a year made Lucas's breathing difficult.

When exactly did this harmonious family fall apart? It wasn't like this before.

Although the family didn't have much money, they were always full of laughter. Lucas felt his father's gaze but was scared by it.

"... No."

Lucas glanced down at the ball and glove in his hand. Then he closed his eyes tightly again.

"I'm playing baseball because there is a physical exam."

It was a lie.

The semester hadn't even started properly yet. But a test? Even a child wouldn't believe it. Lucas just wanted it to pass.


As his father's sigh penetrated his eardrums, Lucas closed his eyes even tighter.

Only up to there. Please, at least for today.

He hoped to just move on until at least a few practice matches. Did his earnestness come through?

"Go in."

With a bang, his frozen body relaxed. Lucas bowed his head and went into his room.

As a result, he could not look his father in the eyes properly. His father's eyes, filled with infinite loneliness and regret, followed Lucas's back.

* * *

Saturday arrived, the day of the practice game against Santa Monica.

The match was held at the stadium inside FS High School. Lucas showed up an hour earlier than scheduled to warm up.

As a player, he needed to adapt to the playing field. Playing on an unfamiliar field would hinder his performance.

Although the game was at 2 PM and the gathering time was 1 o'clock,

Lucas arrived at 12 to get used to the field. He walked on the grass, touched it with his hands, and stood on the mound, preparing the dirt and pretending to throw the ball.

After that, he gradually warmed up with stretching and light running. As he did, other players began to arrive at the stadium. They tilted their heads at the sight of Lucas in school uniform.

"Who is he?"

"Do you know him? Not just anyone can enter the grounds."

"Isn't he the one the coach mentioned? That Asian kid."

"Ah. You are the one who wants to help in this match?"

The players whispering while looking at Lucas were members of the FS baseball team. They unpacked their bags in the dugout and went straight to him.

"You're the one who decided to play today, right?"

Lucas just nodded silently.

"Don't you have a uniform?"

A uniform.

Since he hadn't officially joined the team, he didn't have one. Just then, Coach Donald appeared. He could barely control the corners of his mouth from rising when he saw Lucas.

"Hey, Lucas. Come here for a moment."

As Lucas approached, Coach Donald took something out of his bag.

"Change into these clothes."

The item Donald handed over was a neatly packaged pure white uniform. Lucas barely managed to control his overwhelming emotions and nodded.

The moment he changed his clothes, he adjusted them for no reason. The clothes fit perfectly. But for some reason, the awkward feeling of wearing new clothes overwhelmed him.

"It suits you well. Then let's talk lightly about today's match," Donald said leisurely.

"As you know, today is a practice match, so there will be no mercy rule. You can play comfortably. Oh, by the way, you will be on the mound in the 8th inning. You should be acclimated to the field by then."

At that moment, a group of Santa Monica baseball team members dressed in dark gray appeared.

"There are more than 40 people?" Lucas's eyes widened as Donald continued speaking.

"Today we play against Santa Monica's second team. But the fact that so many people came means that the first team is also included."

It was rare for Santa Monica's first team to play today. They had come to spy on FS High School, which they would compete against in the regional competition.

"This is probably a showcase for you. Of course, it's a bit stressful for a showcase. But if you can show what you did a few days ago, I believe that will be enough."

The coach licked his lips and continued speaking.

"By the way, it's a thing of the past now, but at one time our school was rivals with Santa Monica. If you excel in this game, it will go a long way toward getting you a scholarship."

If Lucas showed outstanding performance in this rivalry, he could receive support with excellent conditions later. Lucas knew it was true.

"All right."

"Then go sit in the dugout. You just need to go into the bullpen around the 6th inning and warm up."

As the coach said, Lucas took a seat in the corner of the dugout. At that moment, thoughts of arrogance tormented his mind.

"I'm really here again."

Was this an inseparable fate?

Lucas chuckled.

He thought it would be nice if he could stay here for a little longer.