I Will End You!

At long last, after heaving Sota onto the bed in the guest room, Shuji inquired, "You really went and did that?" Shun nodded, a blush creeping across his cheeks. An awkward silence enveloped them until Alexis shattered it with, "Rei's here. Chiyo-san came along too." Shuji replied, a hint of irritation in his voice, "Alright. Shun, keep an eye on this fool. I'll be back after I greet our guests." The mere thought of Shun beneath Sota gnawed at him, even though he was well aware they were no longer an item. He shook his head and bowed to Chiyo. "No need for that," Chiyo replied, "In fact, I should be the one apologizing for my brother's outrageous antics." He then marched over and forced Rei's head down in a mock display of contrition, though Rei's expression told a different story. "Nii-san, I don't owe this jerk a bow. He's messed around with Alexis at least seven times," Rei retorted. Shuji shot back, "And what about you?" Rei countered, "Excuse me, I'm quite considerate of Koji. It's only been four times, okay?" Koji averted his gaze in embarrassment, while Alexis shot daggers at Rei for spilling the beans on his private affairs. Chiyo cleared his throat slightly and remarked through clenched teeth, "Rei, it's simply not polite to pry into someone's private matters." With a charming bow, he offered Shuji an apology on Rei's behalf.

Rei's eyes rolled so dramatically, one might assume they were on a mission to explore the depths of his skull. Alexis inquired, "Where's Sota?" to which Shuji replied, "In the guest room upstairs." As they settled in, Shun descended the stairs, her expression shifting to one of surprise upon spotting Chiyo. Instantly recognizing her, Chiyo sprang to his feet, demanding, "Where is he?" Shun, ever the provocateur, decided to play for time, retorting, "Why do you care? It's not like you're in love with him or anything. He had the audacity to speak up, and what did you do? You hopped on a plane and vanished! Impressive!" She scoffed, clearly enjoying the moment. Chiyo shot back, "I had to; it's part of my job." Shun smirked, "You didn't even bother to inform him, yet he still showed up, and you didn't even notice." Chiyo exclaimed, "Hold on a second, wasn't his first name Sota? Oh my goodness, this is unreal!" He was clearly taken aback, sinking back into the couch, still reeling from the revelation. "We were even more stunned," Shun said. Chiyo pressed on, "So, he's actually here, right?" Shun replied, "Yeah, but don't go over there. He's completely out of it," the last part barely escaping her lips, as if trying to shield Alexis from the truth. Chiyo nodded, his curiosity piqued, "At least I want to see how much he's changed." With a heavy heart, Shun had no choice but to let him go.

Chiyo strolled into the room, only to find a thoroughly wasted Sota sprawled across the bed. He approached and settled down next to him, his thoughts swirling. 'I swear, I could just knock him out cold. I want to unleash my fury on this jerk. Who the hell gave him the audacity to kiss me in front of everyone?' Despite the storm brewing in his mind, his expression radiated a facade of 'I'm finally reunited with my beloved. Sota stirred awake, his head pounding like a drum, only to find Chiyo perched beside him, a vision of his affection amidst the chaos of his hangover. In a panic, he bolted from the room, but Chiyo's voice cut through the haze: "Oh, you're awake. Let's tackle the issues at hand." He raced down the stairs, tripping over a step but not caring in the slightest. As he fumbled with his shoes, Chiyo's voice echoed from above, "I will end you, you fuckin' asshole!" Sota shot back, "Maybe another day?" just as he was about to make his escape. But Chiyo was quicker, seizing him from behind, arms locked in a vice grip. He squirmed, then relented, "Alright, alright, can you let me go now?" Chiyo retorted, "No way, you shithead!" and with a swift motion, he slammed Sota to the ground, pinning his hands behind him, face pressed into the dust of the floor, Chiyo's knee firmly planted on his back.