I Want You

Sota, finally reaching his breaking point, shouted, "Get off me!" Chiyo, matching his intensity, retorted, "Say you regret everything you did to me and apologize, and then you can leave." Sota shot back, "I don't regret a thing. I do, why won't you believe me?" Chiyo replied, "Because you're just a kid." Sota countered, "So what?" He flipped over to face Chiyo, who had loosened his hold. Chiyo seized his collar and declared, "Enjoy your life, kid; folks like me don't have much time left." Sota boldly stated, "When I want something, I'll have it, even if it costs me my life." Chiyo shrugged, "Uh, so?" Sota then confessed, "I want you," his voice dripping with charm. Chiyo immediately released him and walked away, muttering curses under his breath. Sota sat up, chuckling, only to realize that not just Chiyo, but Alexis, Shuji, Rei, Shun, and Koji had all overheard this little exchange.

He let out a nervous laugh while trailing behind Chiyo. "Chi-san, I'm really sorry, alright? I didn't mean for everyone to overhear, but I absolutely meant what I said." Chiyo spun around, his face a storm of anger. "You practically shouted it for the whole world to hear!" Sota protested, "It wasn't that loud!" Chiyo sighed, "I need some time to think, okay? Can we just be friends for now?" "Of course," Sota replied. Chiyo then draped an arm around Sota's shoulder, teasingly asking, "So, I heard you and Shun had a thing? Heh heh heh?" Sota shrugged, "That was ages ago." Their banter flowed effortlessly, as if they were the closest of friends.

It had been quite the day, and Shuji was struggling to process it all. He turned to Alexis and asked, "Al, can we have a word?" Alexis replied with a simple, "Sure." Shuji motioned for him to hop into the car, taking the wheel himself as they drove off. The silence was soon broken by Alexis, who inquired, "What's on your mind?" Shuji pulled up in front of a hotel and cryptically replied, "You'll see." He exited first, opening the door for Alexis before they both stepped inside. After a brief chat with the receptionist, Shuji took hold of Alexis's wrist, guiding him toward the elevator. "What did you ask her?" Alexis probed. "Just hold on a sec, Al," Shuji replied. They soon arrived at a room where Shuji swiped the access card and ushered Alexis inside, locking the door behind them. "Al, it's been a long day; how about we unwind together?" he suggested. Alexis let out a nervous laugh, "Maybe another time?" as he took a step back toward the door. He quickly turned to try the handle, only to find it locked. Shuji wrapped his arms around him from behind, burying his face in Alexis's neck, sending shivers down his spine. With a soft kiss on his neck, Shuji murmured, "Please, Al?" Alexis attempted to wriggle free, but soon realized it was all a clever ruse, as he found his wrists handcuffed in front of him, struggling in vain to escape. He asked, "Could you let me out, please?" Shuji replied with a voice that was utterly captivating, "Not a chance." As Shuji's fingers grazed Alexis's skin, a wave of heat surged through him, igniting a fire at his touch. With a deliberate slowness, Shuji began to unbutton Alexis's shirt, all the while holding him close. In one swift motion, he discarded the shirt, then effortlessly hoisted Alexis into the air as if he were nothing more than a sack of potatoes.