New hero's

Later that day, the news was abuzz with reports of the extraordinary events that had transpired. The focus was on the two heroes: Baalveer and a newly dubbed "Iron Man." The reporter highlighted the public's admiration and astonishment at the feats displayed during the battle.

"Today, we witnessed the bravery of two extraordinary individuals. One, known as Baalveer, a protector with magical powers, and the other, an iron-clad hero whom the public has aptly named Iron Man," the reporter announced.

Everyone in Gokuldham Society gathered around their televisions, The Tapu Sena, along with the adults, couldn't believe their eyes. They saw the footage of the battle, amazed at the heroics on display.

"Who could this Iron Man be?" Bhide wondered aloud, scratching his head.

"Whoever he is, he's saved us from a lot of trouble," Iyer added, equally impressed.

Jethalal turned to the others. "We need to find out more about these heroes. They deserve our gratitude."

Meanwhile, in a secluded corner of the society, Aarav and Baalveer were trying to stay out of the limelight, relieved that their identities remained a secret.

"We did it, Baalveer," Aarav said quietly, his eyes fixed on the TV screen.

"Yes, but this is just the beginning," Baalveer replied, a serious look in his eyes. "We have to stay vigilant. Bhayankar Pari won't stop."

Aarav nodded. "I know. But at least now, the people know they're not alone. We have to keep them safe."

The society members continued to discuss the events, unaware that their very own Aarav and Baalveer were the heroes they admired. As the evening wore on, the sense of unity and hope within Gokuldham Society grew stronger. They knew that with heroes like Baalveer and Iron Man among them, they could face any challenge that came their way.

Meanwhile, back in her dark lair, Bhayankar Pari was seething with anger. Her plans had been thwarted, not just by Baalveer but by a new ally—this so-called Iron Man. She replayed the battle in her mind, focusing intently on the iron-clad hero.

"That suit," she muttered to herself, pacing back and forth. "It's far too advanced for this world. Almost like it came from another..."

Her thoughts turned to the existence of other planets and potential allies among the stars. She had long been aware that other realms and dimensions held beings of immense power, and this Iron Man's technology hinted at such origins.

"Perhaps I have been too focused on our own world," she mused. "If this Iron Man can draw power and technology from beyond, then so can I. I need to find allies among the stars, beings who can help me defeat Baalveer and this new hero."

Her eyes glinted with a renewed sense of determination. "Prepare yourself, Baalveer. You and your new friend will soon face the true might of Bhayankar Pari."

With a wave of her hand, she summoned her most trusted minions. "Find me a way to reach the stars. We need allies, and we need them now."

As her minions scurried to carry out her orders, Bhayankar Pari's mind was already racing with plans. She would not be defeated again. This time, she would ensure that her power was unmatched, drawing strength from the farthest reaches of the universe.

As Aarav sat in his room, staring at the system screen, he pondered the bizarre convergence of all the shows from Sab TV. His mind wandered back to the black void where he'd received memories of other shows from different countries. He hesitated, fear creeping in, but he needed to know.

Taking a deep breath, he finally asked, "System, is it only shows from Sab TV, or do shows from other countries also exist here?"

The system responded with a simple, chilling word: **[Yes]**.

In that moment, it felt as if Aarav's soul had left his body and drifted into another dimension. The realization hit him like a tidal wave. This world wasn't just a mash-up of Sab TV shows—it included countless other universes, each with its own heroes, villains, and unpredictable storylines.

His mind raced with possibilities and dangers. The merging of so many worlds meant that he could encounter anyone or anything, from any show he had ever known.

"Jarvis," Aarav whispered, trying to steady his breathing. "Scan for any anomalies or signs of other show characters or entities in our vicinity."

"Understood, master," Jarvis replied, beginning the scan.

As Aarav waited for the results, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and dread. The world had just become infinitely larger and more complex, and he was right in the middle of it.

Aarav received the notification from Jarvis, indicating multiple pings across the globe. Fortunately, just like in their respective shows, the main characters seemed to be confined to their own countries. He sighed in relief, at least for now, knowing he didn't have to worry about international interference unless some kind of worldwide event occurred. But what were the chances of that?

"Jarvis, keep monitoring for any significant changes. I want to be prepared for anything that might happen," Aarav instructed.

"Affirmative, master. I will alert you to any major developments," Jarvis responded.

Aarav decided to focus on the immediate situation. He had Baalveer as an ally, and they had managed to fend off Bhayankar Pari's latest attack. But he knew she wouldn't give up easily. The integration of advanced technology and magic was bound to attract more attention and danger.

In the meantime, Aarav continued his routine, training Baalveer, handling the challenges within the Gokuldham society, and keeping a low profile about his Iron Man persona. He knew he had to be vigilant and ready for whatever came next. As the days passed, the balance between his daily life and the looming threats grew more delicate, but he was determined to protect his world and his friends, no matter the cost.

As Aarav, Tapu, Meher, and Manav were at school on Meher's birthday, which coincided with Baalveer's birthday, tensions rose when they spotted a mobile phone competition. Aarav immediately sensed something was amiss—it seemed like a disguised Bhayankar Pari was behind it, signaling the start of another Baalveer episode.

He glanced at Tapu, signaling him to stay back, but Meher was already drawn towards the competition. Aarav sighed, realizing he would have to intervene later with Baalveer to protect her. He was wary of the potential dangers Bhayankar Pari could unleash, especially with innocent people like Meher being unwittingly drawn into her schemes.

As the competition progressed, Aarav kept a watchful eye, preparing himself mentally to step in when the time was right. His determination to safeguard his friends and thwart Bhayankar Pari's plans grew stronger with each passing moment, knowing that the safety of everyone in the Gokuldham society depended on their actions.

As the mobile phone competition continued, Aarav kept a discreet watch over Meher, who seemed excitedly engaged with the event. Tapu and Manav stayed close, exchanging worried glances as they sensed Aarav's unease. They knew from experience that whenever Aarav seemed on edge, something serious was likely brewing.

Meanwhile, Aarav discreetly activated Jarvis, instructing him to monitor the surroundings for any signs of magical interference. The air felt charged with tension, and Aarav couldn't shake off the feeling that Bhayankar Pari's presence loomed nearby.

Suddenly, as Meher was about to receive her prize for winning a round in the competition, a strange aura enveloped the area. A gust of wind swept through, carrying with it a chilling whisper that only Aarav seemed to hear. It was Bhayankar Pari, manifesting her dark energy to manipulate the competition in her favor.

Aarav acted swiftly. He signaled to Tapu and Manav to stay back and keep an eye on Meher while he slipped away unnoticed. Finding a secluded spot, Aarav activated his Iron Man suit, the Mark 5, which transformed from a sleek suitcase into a formidable armor around him. With Jarvis feeding him real-time data, Aarav was ready to confront whatever malevolent force Bhayankar Pari had unleashed.

Meanwhile, Meher, oblivious to the unfolding danger, was handed a phone that glowed with an unnatural light. Just as she was about to accept it, a shadowy figure emerged from the crowd, casting an eerie presence over the scene. It was Bhayankar Pari in disguise, her eyes gleaming with malice as she moved closer to Meher.

At that moment, Baalveer appeared, sensing the disturbance caused by Bhayankar Pari's dark magic. He swiftly transformed into his hero form, ready to protect Meher and confront the evil fairy.

Aarav, now suited up as Iron Man, emerged from the shadows, his suit pulsating with power. He joined forces with Baalveer, standing beside him as a fellow guardian against supernatural threats. Together, they faced Bhayankar Pari, who recoiled at the sight of two powerful defenders united against her.

"Enough, Bhayankar Pari," Aarav's voice echoed through his suit's speakers, amplified with resolve. "Your tricks end here."

Bhayankar Pari hissed, her plans foiled by the unexpected alliance of two formidable heroes. She attempted to unleash a burst of dark energy towards them, but Baalveer and Iron Man countered with a combined force of magic and technology. Sparks flew as the battle intensified, drawing the attention of everyone at the competition.

With each strike, Aarav and Baalveer coordinated their attacks flawlessly, their teamwork fueled by a mutual determination to protect Meher and defeat Bhayankar Pari once and for all. Jarvis provided tactical support, analyzing the fairy's movements and vulnerabilities in real-time.

Finally, with a decisive move, Baalveer summoned a burst of pure light that engulfed Bhayankar Pari, weakening her malevolent hold. Aarav followed up with a precision blast from his suit, disrupting her dark magic and banishing her back to her realm.

As the dust settled, Meher looked around in confusion, unsure of what had just transpired. Baalveer and Aarav stood before her.

"Thank you, Bakugo," Meher said gratefully to Baalveer, not realizing she was addressing her friend under his hero guise.

"And thank you, Iron Man," she added, turning to Aarav with a warm smile, unaware that her childhood friend had donned the powerful suit to protect her.

Tapu and Manav rushed to join them, relieved to see Meher safe and the danger vanquished. Aarav and Baalveer exchanged a nod of mutual respect before quietly slipping away, their identities as guardians of Gokuldham society preserved for another day.

As they departed, Aarav couldn't help but feel a surge of pride in their victory. The bond forged between himself, Baalveer, and their friends had grown stronger, and together, they would continue to defend their community from any supernatural threat that dared to surface.

So um bro. Tapu said seeing Aarav get out of the suit. You are Iron man and Bakugo your Baalveer, Acutely now that I think you two looked exactly the so how did we notice it before

Aarav chuckled as he removed the Iron Man helmet, revealing a wry smile. "I guess we kept our secrets pretty well, huh?" he replied, looking at Baalveer, who nodded in agreement.

Tapu scratched his head, trying to process the revelation. "But... why didn't you tell us?" he asked, a mix of curiosity and admiration in his voice.

Aarav glanced at Baalveer, then back at Tapu and the others gathered around. "It's complicated," he began, choosing his words carefully. "We needed to keep our identities hidden to protect everyone. If Bhayankar Pari knew who we really were, she could have targeted our families and friends."

Baalveer stepped forward, his expression earnest. "We didn't want to put anyone in danger," he added. "That's why we had to keep it a secret, even from you guys."

Manav nodded, understanding dawning on his face. "So, you were both protecting us," he said softly, gratefulness coloring his tone.

Meher, who had been listening intently, smiled warmly at Aarav and Baalveer. "Thank you, both of you," she said sincerely. "For keeping us safe, even if we didn't know."

Aarav nodded appreciatively, feeling a sense of relief now that their secret was out among trusted friends. "We're a team," he said, looking around at the Tapu Sena and Meher. "And we'll continue to protect each other, no matter what."

Tapu grinned, his initial shock giving way to pride. "Well, I guess that makes us the coolest group of friends in Gokuldham," he said, a hint of mischief in his eyes.

And with that, the group shared a moment of camaraderie and unity, strengthened by the knowledge of their friends' hidden identities and their shared commitment to safeguarding their community from supernatural threats.

As they walked together, Aarav couldn't help but feel grateful for the support of his friends and the bond they had forged through their extraordinary adventures. But little did they knew the seed of, envy that was in Tapu heart grew that day, yesterday he made fun of him, after seeing Iron man in action saying how he could never make something like that but here was proven wrong, which made him even more bitter or as bitter as a 9 year-old can get, for now Tapu just smiles again hidding his envy that maybe he didn't know either

As days passed and the routine of school and adventures continued, Tapu found himself grappling with conflicting emotions. On one hand, he was proud of Aarav and Baalveer for their heroic deeds and their incredible abilities. On the other hand, a small seed of envy gnawed at him, buried deep within his heart.

Tapu watched as Aarav and Baalveer effortlessly handled challenges that seemed beyond ordinary comprehension. Whether it was facing supernatural foes or creating advanced technology like the Iron Man suit, they excelled where others could only marvel. While Tapu continued to support his friends outwardly, inwardly, he struggled with feelings of inadequacy.

During their outings together, Tapu would sometimes make light-hearted comments about their adventures, masking his inner turmoil with humor. "Man, you guys are like superheroes!" he'd quip, trying to play off his own insecurities. But deep down, he wondered if he would ever measure up to the standards set by Aarav and Baalveer.

One day, while watching Aarav work on another project in his room, Tapu felt a pang of jealousy. "Why can't I be like him?" he muttered to himself, watching Aarav's focused expression as he tinkered with gadgets and devices. The realization that Aarav possessed skills beyond his own abilities stung deeply.

Despite his envy, Tapu knew he couldn't let it affect his friendship with Aarav and Baalveer. They had been through too much together, and he valued their bond too greatly to let jealousy drive a wedge between them. So, he continued to smile and cheer them on, even as he grappled with his own feelings of inferiority.

As the days turned into weeks, Tapu resolved to find his own path and discover his own strengths. Perhaps one day, he thought, he would find his own way to contribute to their adventures and make a difference in their world. Until then, he would continue to stand by his friends, supporting them in their quest to protect Gokuldham from supernatural threats, all the while silently wrestling with the green-eyed monster that lurked within.

To be continued

Hope people like this Ch and give me power stones and so yeah see you in the next Ch