
As Aarav and Baalveer were shows being sent flying, they were at Bhayankar Pari real as she had capture a few kids to lure me and Baalveer out, as Aarav got up as then he saw something coming to him as he blocked what was going attack him, it was a massive and anthropomorphic body, an elongated skull, the absence of eyes, huge jaws, a long tail covered with thorns and a shell similar to an exoskeleton. It was a fucking Xenomorph as another came to attack Baalveer this Bitch really wanted us dead if she brought Xenomorph

As Aarav and Baalveer faced off against the Xenomorphs summoned by Bhayankar Pari, the eerie creatures hissed and lunged at them with terrifying speed. Aarav quickly assessed the situation, realizing the danger they were in.

"We need to work together, Baalveer!" Aarav shouted over the chaotic sounds of battle. "I'll take the one on the left, you handle the right!"

Baalveer nodded, his wand glowing with magical energy as he prepared to defend himself. The Xenomorphs moved with unnerving agility, their tails whipping through the air. Aarav activated the repulsor beams in his Iron Man suit, sending blasts of energy towards his opponent. The Xenomorph dodged with surprising agility, but Aarav managed to land a hit on its exoskeleton, causing it to stagger back.

Meanwhile, Baalveer conjured a protective shield and used his magical powers to create a barrier between himself and the approaching Xenomorph. The creature clawed at the magical barrier, its sharp claws scraping against the protective shield. Baalveer concentrated, channeling his magical strength to hold the shield firm.

Aarav, seeing Baalveer's predicament, redirected his attention to assist his ally. He fired another series of repulsor blasts, aiming to distract the Xenomorph attacking Baalveer. The creature hissed in anger, turning its attention towards Aarav now.

Baalveer seized the opportunity, launching a powerful burst of magical energy from his wand. The energy struck the Xenomorph directly, causing it to screech in pain and retreat momentarily. Aarav moved swiftly, flying towards Baalveer's position to cover him from further attacks.

Together, they coordinated their moves, combining Iron Man's advanced technology with Baalveer's magical prowess. The battle raged on, with Aarav and Baalveer fighting bravely against Bhayankar Pari's relentless minions.

As the fight intensified, Aarav glanced around, realizing they needed a plan to defeat these formidable foes once and for all. He racked his brain for a solution, while Baalveer focused on maintaining their defense against the Xenomorphs' relentless assault.

"Any ideas, Baalveer?" Aarav shouted, dodging a swipe from a Xenomorph's tail.

Baalveer nodded grimly. "We need to find a way to disrupt Bhayankar Pari's control over these creatures. Without her influence, they may return to their own realm."

Aarav nodded in agreement. "I'll see if I can hack into her control system from here. Hold on!"

With renewed determination, Aarav activated the enhanced scanning capabilities of his suit. He analyzed the energy signatures around them, searching for any trace of Bhayankar Pari's magical influence. Meanwhile, Baalveer continued to defend against the Xenomorphs, buying Aarav the time he needed.

After a tense few moments, Aarav pinpointed the source of the magical interference. He targeted his repulsor beams towards a shimmering portal that had opened nearby, through which Bhayankar Pari was directing her minions. With precise aim, Aarav fired a series of repulsor blasts at the portal, destabilizing its energy matrix.

The portal flickered and then collapsed in on itself, severing Bhayankar Pari's connection to the Xenomorphs. With their master's control broken, the creatures let out anguished cries and disappeared in bursts of ethereal light, returning to their own dimension.

Aarav and Baalveer stood victorious amidst the fading remnants of the battle. They exchanged a weary but triumphant glance, knowing they had overcome a formidable challenge together.

"Nice work, Baalveer," Aarav said, his voice tinged with relief.

Baalveer smiled faintly. "And you too, Iron Man. You've got some impressive technology there."

As they caught their breath, they heard footsteps approaching. Meher and Manav ran towards them, relieved to see their friends unharmed.

"You did it!" Meher exclaimed, hugging Aarav and Baalveer tightly. "Thank you both for saving us!"

Aarav grinned, feeling a surge of pride. "Just doing what heroes do."

With Bhayankar Pari's plan foiled and the Xenomorphs gone, peace returned to Gokuldham Society. But Aarav and Baalveer knew that their adventures were far from over. As they walked back home, they discussed plans to strengthen their alliance and prepare for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Aarav stood with his arms crossed, staring at Bhayankar Pari with a mixture of incredulity and annoyance. The remnants of the Xenomorphs' disappearance still hung in the air, a stark reminder of the danger she had unleashed.

"Okay, Bhayankar Pari," Aarav began, his voice laced with skepticism. "I always knew you were crazy, but summoning Aliens? That's a whole new level. What exactly were you thinking?"

Bhayankar Pari, her expression a mix of fury and frustration, glared back at Aarav. "You meddling brat! You've ruined everything. Those Xenomorphs were supposed to eliminate you and Baalveer once and for all."

Aarav shook his head, unimpressed by her excuses. "Well, it didn't quite work out that way, did it? You underestimated us."

Bhayankar Pari clenched her fists, seething with anger. "Mark my words, Iron Man and Baalveer. This isn't over. I'll find a way to defeat you yet!"

With a final malevolent glare, Bhayankar Pari vanished in a swirl of dark magic, leaving behind an ominous silence in her wake. Aarav sighed, knowing that their encounter with the villainous fairy was far from the last.

Baalveer stepped up beside Aarav, his wand still glowing faintly with residual magic. "Thank you, Aarav. I couldn't have handled those Xenomorphs without your help."

Aarav nodded, a sense of camaraderie settling between them. "We make a good team, Baalveer. But next time, let's hope it's something less... extraterrestrial."

The two boys chuckled wearily, sharing a moment of relief that the threat had been neutralized, at least for now. They turned to join Meher, Tapu, and Manav, who had gathered nearby, watching the aftermath of the battle.

"So, Iron Man and Baalveer, huh?" Tapu grinned, breaking the tension. "Not bad, bro. Not bad at all."

Aarav rolled his eyes playfully. "Just doing what I had to do, Tapu. You'd do the same if you were in my suit."

Tapu smirked. "Maybe I would."

As they walked back towards their homes, Aarav couldn't shake the feeling that their lives had just taken another unexpected turn. With Bhayankar Pari still out there plotting revenge, and the mysteries of the multiverse looming in the background, he knew they were in for more adventures.

But for now, they were safe. And as long as they stood together, Aarav was confident they could face whatever challenges came their way.

So um should we be worry. Meher said looking at them. She did say she will kill you two one

Hahahahahahahha. Aarav lapped looking at her. She is a joke (hopefully).

Meher looked at Aarav skeptically. "I don't know, Aarav. She seemed pretty serious back there."

Baalveer nodded in agreement. "She's tried to get rid of us before, but this time she brought Xenomorphs. That's a whole new level of danger."

Aarav shrugged confidently. "True, but we handled it, didn't we? And besides, with Iron Man and Baalveer on the case, she won't stand a chance."

Tapu chimed in, a smirk on his face. "Yeah, we've got this. Plus, we've got Jarvis watching our backs."

Manav nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Jarvis is like our secret weapon."

With a collective sense of reassurance, the group continued walking, their laughter filling the air as they put the recent battle behind them, at least for the moment.

But what were does aline. Manav said actually wanting to now. Like what were they

"They're called Xenomorphs," Baalveer explained, looking at Manav. "I read about them in that book from the Land of Fairies. They're creatures that come from the stars, designed to be perfect killing machines."

Meher shuddered, her eyes wide with concern. "So, you're saying Bhayankar Pari summoned these alien creatures to attack us?"

Baalveer nodded grimly. "Seems like it. She's definitely upped her game this time."

Aarav, adjusting the gauntlet of his Iron Man suit, chimed in. "Well, she brought Xenomorphs, but she forgot who she's dealing with. We'll be ready for whatever she throws at us next."

Tapu, still a bit shaken from the encounter, spoke up. "I hope Jarvis can analyze these Xenomorphs. Knowing their weaknesses could give us an advantage."

With determination in their eyes, the group continued discussing their strategy, knowing that the threat from Bhayankar Pari and her newfound allies was far from over.

Back with Bhayankar Pari, she seethed with anger. Her latest plan had failed miserably, and to make matters worse, she had been thwarted by two children, aged only 10 and 11. It was a humiliating setback for someone of her stature and power.

"Unbelievable!" she muttered to herself, pacing back and forth in her dark and eerie lair. "How could I be bested by mere children? This is utterly humiliating."

Her frustration boiled over as she contemplated her next move. Bhayankar Pari was not one to accept defeat easily, especially at the hands of those she considered inferior. She needed to regroup, to come up with a new strategy that would crush Baalveer and his allies once and for all.

"I will not be made a fool of," she growled, her eyes narrowing with determination. "Next time, they won't be so lucky."

With renewed determination, Bhayankar Pari began plotting her next diabolical scheme, vowing to bring even greater terror and chaos to Gokuldham Society and its unsuspecting residents.

As Bhayankar Pari sent a signal to her Pari allies, she got a response from only two: MahaBhasm Pari and Sarangi Pari. Seeing just the two of them arrive, she felt a wave of embarrassment and frustration. Not 200, not 2000, just two.

"Is this all we have?" Bhayankar Pari muttered under her breath, struggling to maintain her composure.

MahaBhasm Pari, with her stern and imposing presence, stepped forward. "What do you need us to do, Bhayankar Pari?" she asked, her voice echoing with authority.

Bhayankar Pari took a deep breath, pushing aside her disappointment. "We will strike again, and this time, we must succeed," she said, trying to sound confident. "Aarav and Baalveer are growing stronger, and we cannot afford another failure."

Sarangi Pari, with her ethereal and mystical aura, nodded in agreement. "What is the plan?"

Bhayankar Pari laid out her strategy. "We will target them when they least expect it. We need to catch them off guard and use every trick at our disposal."

MahaBhasm Pari and Sarangi Pari listened intently, understanding the gravity of their mission. They knew that they had

As Aarav and Baalveer were working at Aarav's house, they suddenly heard a disturbance, not from their world, but from the fairy world. Aarav, having been given access to the Garden of the Fairy World by Rani Pari, could sense trouble brewing. Without hesitation, both he and Baalveer teleported into their hero forms and found themselves amidst chaos.

Fire raged everywhere, casting an eerie glow over the once tranquil garden. Aarav and Baalveer scanned their surroundings and spotted their adversaries: Bhayankar Pari, MahaBhasm Pari, and Sarangi Pari. The trio of evil fairies looked determined and ready for battle, their malevolent intentions palpable in the air.

"Aarav, we have to stop them," Baalveer said, his voice resolute as he prepared for combat.

Aarav nodded, his mind racing with strategies. "Let's do this," he replied, activating his Iron Man suit and preparing to engage.

Bhayankar Pari sneered, her eyes gleaming with malice. "You cannot stop us, Baalveer and Iron Man. This time, you will fall," she declared, her voice echoing with a chilling confidence.

MahaBhasm Pari raised her hands, summoning dark clouds overhead. "Prepare to face the wrath of the fairy world," she warned, her powers crackling with dark energy.

Sarangi Pari remained silent, her serene demeanor belying the potent magic she commanded. With a flick of her wrist, she conjured illusions that distorted the garden's landscape, adding to the confusion and danger.

Aarav and Baalveer stood firm, their determination matching the intensity of their opponents. They knew this battle would be their toughest yet, but they were resolved to protect both the fairy world and their own.

"Stay focused, Baalveer," Aarav said, his voice steady despite the chaos around them. "We can do this."

Together, they launched themselves into the fray, ready to face whatever dark magic and treachery Bhayankar Pari and her allies had in store for them.

To be continued

Anyway I checked today and saw my fanfic was on Google when I searched it, holy wow thanks everyone for the support on this fanfic