The tower past heavens

Pov- Zier 

I looked up at the tower thinking where I had seen it and then it hit me. a dungeon made by the 8th king of the ancient angels, the soul spirit, and the 12th high elf queen at the time. it was technically two dungeons as it went up from the earth to the heavens for the first Dongen was called the tower to heaven and the second dungeon was called the tower past heavens. 

These two towers have been there for over one million years but only the Tower to Heaven had been cleared as to enter the towers you had to be 20 or under 20 if not it would have been removed years ago but even the beings that had surpassed the 3 leaders of the Origen races weren't able to break the enchantment but the highest a person had been on the tower past heavens was floor fifty and there was an A rank three-headed troll on that floor, the man who got there was a 20-year-old and when he beet it was his 21st birthday and as soon as he killed it he was sent out as it was the minute he was born.

looking at the tower I wondered how long it would take I wasn't worried about death as the tower had safety measures for that, you get 3 heals when you are at death's door but after that, you're on your own.

''master what do you want me to do at the tower?'' I questioned my master, she always had a second objective when I did a test, she said that the first test tested my adaptability as you need to adapt to the golden chicken's strange attack patterns so the shorter the time the better, and the second test tested my growth depending on how many monsters I kill. I wonder what the task would be in the Tower.

''I want you to climb to the top,'' she said. I was worried but didn't have time to explain that when my master spoke again ''And do it before you're 15.'' I was shocked as no matter how small I was I had recently turned 12 but for some reason, I looked younger than I was, but recently I was growing fast as in the last year I had grown from looking like a five-year-old to looking like an 8 or 9-year-old so I'm catching up to my age in the way I look. But I only had 3 years to do it, which was slightly worrying.


We moved swiftly through the white streets that were almost like a maze that I was shor without the master I would be lost. We hit a towing wall that didn't match the building outside. It looked like a flat wall but that was only because of its size that people didn't see the faint curve that turned the wall into a tower. the walls were pitch black, making it look like all the light was being socked into it and right in front of it, there was a set of massive doors with two towing golems guarding it the Halberds in their hands made an ex over the door.

We moved toward a building that was closest to the tower it looked no different from the all-white building around and entered it. The inside had a completely different atmosphere, gray walls with wooden floors, music that was not too quiet or low and matched the youthful atmosphere that came from the people inside, and for the first time since we arrived at the city of clouds I saw other races. Dragon-kin, humans, elves, dwarfs, and so on, they didn't give us a glans only a couple of unscrupulous eyes glanced at master before going back to their conversations. We went towards a row desk where men and women were sitting doing work and stopped as soon as we stood in front of a woman.

''Hello, welcome to the hunters' guild, how can I help you?'' the woman asked professionally with a smile on her face.

''I would like to sign him up for the guild and Buy a pass for the tower.'' master just replied impassively. to enter the tower you need to be a hunter and if you didn't pass from the lower tower you would need a pass.

''I can set him up for a guild membership but I would need to see your license as you need to be at least an A-rank Hunter to buy a Pass'' the woman replied. The reason you needed to be A-rank is that many people want their students to enter the tower but without the strength to clear up to the 50th floor what hope do their students have so they put this in place to stop children from dying unnecessarily because even if you have the three safety net after that you're on your own.

Master didn't delay and took a card from her back pocket, and as soon as the clerk saw it she was shocked as the card was black with three gold stripes which meant she was an SSS-rank hunter which there are only 20 in the world and is the highest Rank, but what shocked her the most was the three gold stripes as to get a gold stripe you would need to defeat a monster surpassing SSS+-rank.

Master tapped the desk to signal her to stay quiet so the other people didn't notice that she was there. She understood and guided us to the back room where all the new hunters were tested to determine their starting rank.

The room looked plain, with just a stone tablet in the middle on a podium. the tablet had a lot of runes on it the was surrounding a hand shape that was cut out on it, also a slit at the bottom. 

the woman walked up the the tablet signaling for me to follow which I did, and stopped when we arrived at the tablet.

''This is the S-I-C-M which stands for scan, identify, condense, and meterlise. When you put your hand on the tablet it will scan your muscle memory and you're Arua stars if you are an aura user and your circles if you're a mage. If you reedy just put your hand on it.'' the woman said. 



extra info - Hunter Ranks and The Bank of the Hunter Guild 









Hunter guild is also the biggest bank so most if not all people in big cities have a guild card and they even have special cards for kingdoms and merchants which are platinum cards with the kingdom where it comes from an emblem and a brown card with a wagon on it this card allows all the privileges that a B-rank hunter has so they can go through countries without paying taxes, free logging at hunters Guild affiliated hotels and inn's, free medical care from the church, and are exempt from laws of the country they are in but if a crime is serious enough the Hunters guild would step in and condemn and charge the perpetrator.