1st floor

Pov- Zier 

I put my hand on the tablet waiting for something to happen, but nothing happened other than a piece of paper coming out of the slot at the bottom once a minute passed. I just took my hand off the tablet and picked the piece of paper up to look at it.

[str-A, Agl-B

 Def-A Stars-5th, Cercls-1st 

overall A-rank]

After reading It I looked up at the woman who was strangely quiet only to see her looking at the paper with a shocked gaze. ''a-a-A-Rank!'' she shouted in surprise only for the master to shut her up as she didn't want the other people outside to hear. 

''I'm sorry about my outburst, It's just unusual for a hunter to start on such a high rank, normally people start on C or D-rank and slowly work their way up but this is my first time seeing even the silent spere's decibel only made it to B-rank...''


The woman continued to talk till master got impatient and stopped her. After getting the pass we left for the tower I had already taken off the box that was on my back, the mask and jacket that I was wearing to pass it to master as I wouldn't need them I had food and medicines in a dimension bracelet and had some light armor on.

It wasn't long before we arrived at the gate of the tower, I was shaking with a mix of excitement and fear, it was my first time doing something like this but before I stepped insid master stopped me by putting out her arm with a sword in her hand. I looked at her confused for a second before she spoke

''Take this.'' She said while passing me the sword that was in her hand. I took the blade and unsheathed the sword, a black blade with golden ruins that ran down its blade carved into it, and its design looked similar to the one I had on my hip but I could tell what it was. one of the 40 legendary Artifacts that I read about, Midnight rank 36, It's said that this sword Hs the best aura conduction That and also make a shield of aura around the user but It's limited to only being able to make the shield one star higher than the users arua but in the book, it states that it had never reached its limit even when the High hemon overlord a 25th star aura Overlord used it he was unable to see its limits.

While I was looking at the sword I suddenly felt a push and I was sent face-first into the tower just like when I fought the beast, she probably did it because she noticed I let my guard down just like-


I moved out of the spot where I was as soon as I felt magic forming around me and when I did a tornado of fire formed in that spot that then instantly collapsed causing an explosion.

I didn't move far enough away so the collapse of the tornado still got me but luckily I still had Midnight unsheathed so the aura shield protected me if not I would have been burnt quite badly.

when I moved from the magic I also looked around to see who coed this and I instantly found It. goblin shaman, a C-rank monster That's a goblin that had taken the evolutionary path that all monsters have to become a shaman. it looked like an old red goblin that covered its body with cloke and had a thin stick for a wand, its red color signified that it was a fire shaman. next to it, there were three normal goblins a D-rank monster with spares and knives in their hands, they were barely F-rank in strength but because of their intelligence and cunningness, they had earned a D-rank. 

When I was understanding the situation I fellt the magic in the air moving around me again but this time I was prepared and used the aura art [anti-magic] that displaces the magic around by using aura to push it away and then I used a second aura art [Flash step] to appear in front of the shaman along with coting my sword in my aura and sliced down instantly separating the goblins shamans head from its body.


while my back was still turned towards the three goblins they all attacked thinking that I had let my guard down but instead I spon backward and using their momentum, I sliced them all with one strike of my aura-filled blade. 

After I finished a door opened but there was only a black void, teleportation magic {Door}, a 15th cercle magic that permanently connects two points in space and time.

seeing the door I didn't pass through instantly instead, I sat down and started replenishing my aura as the [anti-magic] aura art uses 25% of my total aura but this is just in the lower stages of the technique as it progresses the aura consumption goes down till you would eventually be able to perform the art by using your body strength alone.

It didn't take long before I had fully recovered and even had grown a little in strength, as soon as I had gotten up I walked through the door. 



Extra info- 10 of the 40 legendary Artifacts

40- swing needle- can sow all equipment no matter the grade- made from the world serpent's fang.

39- world map- a map that Is always updated 

38- Dagon scale sheld- had immunity to all magic- made from the scale of the dragon King of magic.

37- endless fruit- a tree that can instantly produce a fruit every time one picks and each one has an effect that lasts for a short amount of time- one of the 4 great plants but Is called an artifact because of its fruits. 

36- Midnight- ability aura shield and excellent aura consume.

35- Elixir- can heal all injuries on the body.

34- Dragon Tale whip - The Tale of the Sky Dragon that was turned into a whip.

33- land viper's venom- the venom of the most venomous snake in the known world.

32- endless light- a light the cam never disappears.

31- The cross of god- one of the church 4 great Artifacts

30- Mala beads - one of the monk's 3 treasures.