Chimera, reward, and floor 10.5


After waking through the door and seeing the Chimera I froze for a split second before I fellt its aura seeing that it was B-rank, but that was enough time for it to come leaping at me. It was already halfway towards me by the time I came off of my shock, stepped to the side, and took out my sword to strike where it landed but It moved just as the tip of the blade was about to slice it in two.

If it was a normal B-rank that would have killed it but because of the Chimera's strong bloodline it had similar senses to the SS-rank chimera but just couldn't move at that speed. 

After seeing my attack it started to circle me to look for an oping I just stood still waiting for it to attack but what shocked me was that instead of attacking it when insane trying to get out, 'I guess It's true that they can scan a person's strength.' I thought to myself and decided to take the offensive. I watched the trajectory of the Chimera and as it was mid-air I attacked, The aura that coted my blade was at its peak making a humming noise but just as It was about to cleave it in half It spon mid-air. But I didn't miss completely and my sword cut the venom-tall separating it from its body making it lose balance so I stroked my sword again. This time I cleaved it clean in half black blood formed a pool at its feet and the top half of its body it fell to the floor and started to disappear into dust that left a chest.

For every 10 floors, you are granted a reward if you manage to kill the boss it is normally a defensive item Item for the 10th floor so I wasn't surprised when I saw two sliver arm guards with black dots all around in the metal the were jin gaurs a common piece of armor that was given to mid-ranking soldiers when the tower was made but now they were quite rare only able to get from the tower or to buy from someone who had gotten them from here. This was because they were made using three different metals in specific amounts and we only know two of the metals titanium and Silite but the researchers could never find the last clue. 

I put on the guard noticing they were a bit loose I twisted a nob on the bottom that tightened the leather straps that were on the inside of the guard making it unmoving. 

As I was about to leave the room I noticed that the chest didn't disappear, I read in books that once you removed the Item it disappeared just like the body of the monsters on each floor. So when It didn't disappear I was puzzled so I moved towards the box again and noticed a pitch black piece of cloth at the bottom that was wrapped around something and I picked it up and went to unwrap it but just then I saw the door start to flutter as on boss rooms there was a time limit of how long you could stay if you didn't get out you would be sent to a random floor that could be the 100th or the 1st but I didn't wont to risk it so I put the cloth in my storage bracelet and left.


Passing through the door I arrived at a place that I had been excited to see, floor 10.5 a space between floors that looks no different from a forest out of the tower with trees growing endlessly and a mounting in the distance. 

I took out a compass and nutrition bar from my storige bracelet and started to head while walking southwest. There was a camp that hundreds of thousands of hunters built it over the years but the unique thing about it is that most of them stayed less than a year so all accounts of it are different as Hunter come and go replacing the old with new but somehow it managed to always be amazing from what people say.

I walked for about three hours before I started to hear the chatter of people and a couple of minutes later I reached the city and finally saw the giant trees had been holed out macking similar to the skyscrapers of the RI empire but felt more similar to the elven kingdom as they are not mad by ston bou the trees instead, the streets were bustling as people rushing to the stores that the guilds set up hear to allows young hunters to get better equipment and spell scrolls at a steep price of course. But the main thing thats separates this from a normal city apart from all the people bringing Hunters is the youthful atmosphere going around full of hope and expectations.



extra info-the tower 

when someone climbs up there's a resting area every 10 floors, unlike the floors above, and there it other hunters there. they had set up temper campe as people came up they could rest a hunter could also return to the 10.5 floors after clearing a floor but that only up to the 20th floor as there a 20.5 there to stop stronger people from oppressing the weak. 

on the 30th floor, there is no room.5 Instead, there is a return ston that allows one to go out of the tower and come back to the last floor they defeated but they have to return within a year otherwise their progress would be deleted and they would have to start from the bottom, the only other way to leave the tower is to what till your 20 thats why most of the people start on the tower to heaven as you can come and go as you, please and the first 20 floors are similar in difficulty to the 40 last floors of the tower to heaven. 

A lot of guilds send the stronger kids of the members to the tower to get experience and run the shops on the floors 10.5 and 20.5 but they do not do this for free and earn money for their adventure later in life. The guilds that are most prevalent in the tower are also the biggest outside.

top ten guilds 

-Flood Dragon Guild 

-Iron Guild

-Star Spirit Guild 

-Phenex Fire Guild 

-Spartan Guild 

-Assassins Guild 

-Immortal Guild 

-Flower Guild 

-Holy Guild (this one is an affiliate of the church and works in paces the church can't go or doesn't want to be associated with,)

-Mercenary Guild 

The top ten guilds are considered to be a power on par with the towers and the 20 strongest hunters, and they are in the Hunters guild but that is just because it is the overseer of all guilds and Hunters like how a government looks over business's and individual alike.