mysterious cave


Aving at the city I pest through the bustling streets and headed to the outer regen of the city as the guilds monopolized the center and entrance to the town so you had to move towards the back end to find a place to set up. 

It didn't take long for me to get to a quiet area though as most of the people there are from the guilds, thats is why it was so crowded in the center as thats is where all the major guilds are based. Most hunters in the tower are part of the 10 major guilds. Hence, it's common for them to gather in the center of the city and if you weren't part of a guild you couldn't set up a base there you would probably get thrown out and your stuff was stolen so it's better to set up outside and no-one would start trouble with you.

While I was thinking about the guilds in the tower and the influence they have I was setting up my camp, It didn't take long to set up a camp as I just had to dig a hole and put some branches over it along with blankets on the ground to soften it I didn't worry about rain as It never rains in the tower unless your on the 45 floors were I've read that there's a water spirit of rain that lives there so it is constantly pouring with rain that's like needle and It can manipulate it so you have to continually have your aura sheld up so you won't die from the inside if that water gets into your mouth or ear and it manipulates it in your body.

After I finished setting up everything I could finally relax, the first thing I did was change my clothes as even though they weren't torn they were covered in blood I only cleaned my face, hair, and hands but not my clothes so I grabbed a new set of clothes from my storige bracelet and put them on throwing the old one into the fire pit. I didn't know how long I was going to be the heir for as a door would randomly open in front of you when you can go to the next floor and I've read on average It takes about a month to open so I have some time to kill.

I decided to look around to find a quiet space before making the 6th star, yes 6th star I had felt that I could form it before I ended the tower but I wanted to the reach limit of the 5th star to as there are 4 stages in the star fogging process the first stage is the glass stage were you have made the star but it's not refined and doesn't hold as much aura as a fully formed star the second stage is the gas stage, were aura can start to be seen in the star but it's like a gas and this changes in the next stage where it becomes liquid as the aura in the star starts to condense and once one reaches the top of this stage their able to form their next star which most people do as the last stage is infinity harder than the last as it requests one to brake the star shell which causes unimaginable pain and makes the aura so deasns thats it becomes solid but the pain is worth it as once you condense a solid star, that star would be three times as strong as a the liqid star. Thats how I am A rank even if I've only got the same stars as a B-rank.

I left towards a mounting that was about ten kilometers a to see if I could find a cave. as not only is it good to have a quiet place to form a star but when you form a new star a torrent of energy comes out of your body and the stronger you get the more powerful the blast I've even heard that when master ford her 20th star that she had to use a secret plane on the 5th moon the 3rd biggest out of the 10 and even with that it wasn't strong enough to restrain her power destroying the secret plane and turning the moon into the 7th biggest. 

I as I was to think about the power of a 20th star-forming I reached the mounting but I did not notice, that my body was moving on its own as I was deep in thought but my guard wasn't down so when I walked past a cave and fellt a terrifying aura.

I ran 200 meters away before tearing around with my swords already out that when I finally seen it.

The air was being twisted by an intense aura seeping from a cave, I had to know Iida what it was supposed to be. there were meant to be no monsters on this floor and the aura was too old to be a person.

Just as I was wording what that was the aura vanished back into the mysterious cave.

''Just what was that!'' I thought aloud.




enter info- hunter ranks to aura stars and magic circles 

E- no stars 

F-1st star 

D- 1st star - 1st cercle 

C- 1st star 

B- 3rd star - 4th cercle 

A - 7th star - 8th Cercle 

S- 12th star - 10th cercle 

SS- 17th star - 15 cercle 

SSS- 20th star+ - 20th cercle 

stars and magic circles for mages are not the only deciding factors for ranks blow S rank but without the corresponding star It would be had to Rank up there's only been a hand full of people who have been able to do it in the history of the hunters Guild and they all became excellent people apart from the couple who died.