Vampire Queen

At the same time as explosion sam raised his body painfully to see a token like thingy in his hand.

He remembered the feeling of the same token piercing his hand just after it came from rad piercing through it as well.

When sam looked around him, he noticed that the time seemed to stop but he know that is just the illusion caused by the space and time warp.

Although 3 tokens pierces through his palm , currently only one token can be observed in his hand.

The moment the tokens touched his palm a large amount of information entered his brain which caused his mind to blank out.

The tokens in his palm are called gacha tokens from a world names gacha world(d??) Which his parents purchased for him and the ownership transferred to him the moment their parents died on the other side of the planet.

Sam know all about his parents including their origins on another world. So he wasn't shocked by the current recording of his parents being killed by king AI for some reason that is stored inside the tokens.

Sams parents designed the tokens work in different ways according to the situation.

If all went well sam would have received the tokens as his 18th birthday gift but the death of his parents triggered a protocol in which two tokens would be consumed after finding him and a run a gacha immediately. Which is what happened during the time from the bike skidding to the explosion even it only took 20 seconds.


1]CONCENTRATED HIGH LEVEL Gacha token x1 from (d??) world

2]SKILL BOOK :Adaption(fragment) [SUR]

3]SKILL BOOK :Blood affinity[SSR] ]


"I will have my revenge someday king AI" sam had his emotions ramping just until his brain and didn't let it flow out. He reached out his hand into his inventory, taking out the books he just got in the gacha pull.

From the moment he stood he already started warping to the void fissure in this world. The moment he took out the skill books he already arrived in front of the void fissure protected from the void of the space via the space time warp which contained 2 minutes of oxygen and he didn't have even one minute of oxygen in his lungs so a total of 2 minutes.

He then absorbed the 2 skill books and entered the void hoping for the best.



"All hail the queen gdusv hrudh grindr, the second, the progenitor descendent,the royal blood of zenidek tremul family."

"May the nightmares fear the name that is your highness grindr, the queen of hrudhsav kingdom. "

The hails are directed towards a women oan the throne who had a very indifferent expression and the had a aura of madness, bit of inexperience as a queen and a aura of confidence.

Today is supposed to be her day but she doesn't look that way because her father the progenitor of the family has been destroyed while fighting a highest ranked nightmare .

But she is a queen now. She has many duties to do and one of them is to show dignity as a queen and not look weak in front of the people.

She is the highest ranked vampire in the whole world, so she immediately detected something... Someone entering her world.

"Heishwartch, at 200 billion light years away towards the sotelpat galaxies, I sense a disturbance in space time. Go see what... "

Before she could continue her order the "something that crossed over to this world" instantly arrived in front of her startling her in the process.

"A baby?" The queen was felt so confused that she teleported to meet her father only to realise that he was already vanished and she is helpless right now.


To be continued