next world already?

Sam was the second to be astonished at his own situation. It was not his first time travelling to different worlds. He had done it many times with his parents. There are bizzare worlds out there after all. But the moment he had noticed he became a child he was shocked. But he is not mentally stable to feel any good emotions right now.

He is sad now, but not as much as he is angry now.

He recovered quickly enough to see himself being rocked on a cradle by a big wolf. The wolf was atleast 9 feet.


"Status" Sam spoke out loud.




2)BLOOD TYPE: ALL TYPES(due to adaption skill)


4)AGE: 21


(1) ADAPTION(Fragment type skill) [SUR]

(2) Astromancy(handling type skill) [R]



(1) SPACE ENERGY::99/100

(2) BLOOD ENERGY::9000/9000


(1) enhanced gacha token x1]

He had suspected that him turning into a baby has something to do with source cursing him or something but it turned out to be due the adaption skill making him fundamentally the same as beings in this world.

He had a low level version of adaption before but it looks like the current adaption skill's rank and type is too high so the last one must have been devoured by the current one.

Although Sam has seen many world systems, this is the shortest of them all. There are no stats, points, records, professions, etc.

It was when he notices the rank of the adaption skill that he fainted on the spot.

At that moment the wolf notices he was acting strange. So the wolf took him in mouth and started running.

The wolf took him to the queen. This is winter and snow covered her barely to let her beauty enhance free of cost.

The queen made the baby regain consciouness by force through blood manipulation. The baby woke up.

"Finally, you woke up. Tell me why have you entered my world. Are you a refugee from another world or are you a invader spy. Doesn't matter whatever you are. Just tell me why... "

Just as she was about to complete her sentence, the baby dissapeared again.

The wolf was just doing wolf things beside queen. So it didn't see the look on the queen face.

"How dare you" The queen screamed with all her anger.

"Weakling.Can't even handle a little murderous intent and came to conquer my world. What a joke.mmff"

If anyone saw her that night they would have known her as a tsundere pervert who wanted someone to conquer her people so she can go kill some nightmares instead.


"Glaivd gsvehsge usgsy shevhs syschs usvshs usvsuhrk jda dveuejiisbi hebsjbsj"

"Oh demon hero, we summok thy to save the world. Who ever want to please answer our callings. "

"Usbsjs sisbussj isbsis subzisbs usbsus usbsid ownwpqbsi isbaow isehbin iwbs bais"

In a very spacious room, there are hundreds of different species that have demonic energy and a large crystal with a book inside.

The chants are making the crystal weaker and making the energy flow to a certain somebody who looked like a eldrich abomination in a priest robes.

The priest is looking as if he is trying to rip nothing to normal eyed, I'm fact he is using his professional skill to call in to all the worlds for a hero to save his world.

This happened for a few days until finally the priest sensed a tremer in the world border.

"The saviour of our world has arrived. Make preparations to welcome him."the priest said before collapsing lifelessly as his life force suddenly became empty due to all these days of not doing deeds that would get him the dark energy which is his life force for all the demonic creatures.

The high ranking creatures started taking out gifts they prepared for the supposed saviour of their world.

Just then, a small tear appeared in the fabric of space itself. Out of it sam, in his teenage body fell out.

As if he had been forcibly woken up from a sleep by being tossed out of bed.

The sam felt his body distorting and new energies and skills entering his body.

He immediately muttered status. But it appeared in a distorted form. This indicated that he travelled to another world and his status window is synchronizing with the current world. It won't take long for it to become stable though.

Of all the things that happened to him in his life, subconsciously travelling to another world is the most reoccurring of them. He is more familiar with this unconscious travelling that he is more calm if this happens when he is umconcious. But this reminded him of his parents. Every time he is unconsciously travelled to another world, there were always somehow managed to find him with whatever method they had but not anymore.




2)BLOOD TYPE: ALL TYPES(due to adaption skill)

3)ELDRICH FACTOR: 980(Still increasing)

4)AGE: 21


(1) ADAPTION(Fragment type skill) [SUR]

(2) Astromancy(handling type skill) [R]

(3) Blood mancy(handling type skill) [SSR]

6) Professions:

(1) ASTROMANCER [R] [lvl:900]

(2) PLASMANCER [R] [lvl:1]


(4) DEMONIC HUMAN [SR] [lvl:10]


(1) BLOOD ENERGY::9000/9000

(2) DEMONIC ENRGY::1000/1000



(1) enhanced gacha token x1(conditions fulfilled:ready to be used)

"Guess I am stable now. Too much is happening for me to even comprehend right now. After my parents died I feel my is life is too much chaotic for me to even comprehend anything."sam said as he got up as he streched his body.

Then suddenly his hearing started working which had been silent till now.

[Adaptation adjusted the hearing sense]

[Adaption complete]

"Oo savoir.... "

" Savior this... "

"Savior that.... "

Sam felt his heart drop for a second. But it got settled in a second. Only then did sam notice he was in a very big auditorium, big enough to accommodate the seemingly millions of these creatures who were straight out of eldrich themed horror.

One of the monsters with no face (it doesn't even have body, it looked like a liquid lifeform of sorts. ) appraoched sam and bowed to the feet of sam before asking him his request earnestly.

"Oh, savior who have answered our request, please save our world from the humans."

Before followed by the United voice of all the monsters present. "Please save us and the world before the humans unseal their human king who was currently sealed"


To be continued.