Eldrich people 1

"Oh, savior who have answered our request, please save our world from the humans."

Before followed by the United voice of all the monsters present. "Please save us and the world before the humans unseal their human king who was currently sealed"

Sam was very confused for a second until he gave up understand the situation for another time. He was never a diligent listener to begin with so his brain just short circuited for a second there.

Sam checked his body to see if he is alright. He is no longer in that baby body at the very least. He now looked like a teenage black kid. After he completed looking at himself, he tried speeking to the nearby 'creature?' "Can you understand me like I can understand you? "

After sometime a reply entered directly into his mind stating that it just as he guessed it.

'It looks like it can only use this method to communicate. But i am sure as hell this is thanks to adaptation skill otherwise I would have to listen to a bunch of gibberish.'

"Why do you all look like this. Did humans do this to you or does this have anything to do with this eldrich energy"

"It's due to eldrich energy, saviour. Nothing more nothing less" This time a Buffalo Cthulhu slime looking creature spoke.

"Can you tell me what this eldrich energy is all about" Sam asked. Sam intended to go step by step to deal with this phenomena. All the intel he has now is that he used his unique skill to escape king ai and entered a world that has vampires&werevolves as a kid, then he was summoned here via a item in his teenage form.

He is not afraid of anything cause he trusts his adaption skill which is a fragment type skill, a type of skill that is highest in rank besides unique skills and origin skills.

All he wants now is to take revenge on king ai for killing his parents but to do that he has to start understanding his unique skill itself which he didn't do much during the past 18 years except the accidental activations a few times.

He wanted a stable life and lost it a few times already due accidental activation of his unique skill so he is detached from fundamental desires such as attachment.

"The eldrich energy is a very concept type energy that is very incomprehensible for us to understand. We just use it merge ourself with slimes. It's the only use we know. It doesn't interact with anyone unlike other energy that are present in the world. It had the tendency to mix certain things with other randomly. Other than that we know nothing else of it" A cat slime sage monkey creature replied.

"What are you guys before being mixed with slime" Sam inquired

"Just a water based species that has no base shape outside water." A kangaroo spider slime replied.

'That's enough info gathering about them I guess. I don't even have to care about their intentions, a fragment type skill really gave a lot of courage to me.'

"What are all enemy forces like. What is their count. What is their capacity. Tell me their everything you know." Sam streched his body and warmed up his body to make blood flow to his brain.

----few minutes later

"When am I going to war. I don't have time. I don't want to offend certain someone." 'Atleast that what my intuition is saying'

All of the eldrich creatures felt elation. Atleast that's what Sam felt.

"That's the direction of enemy camp. They are already in preparation for unsealing the seal. We dont know how much time we have, we plead you to hurry." A eldrich abomination replied.

"Unlock subspace. Code:00@&#&₹005"

{([Subspace storage:[UR]

(1) unlocked the item:[Flared tongue])}

A gauntlet with a watch suddenly materialised on sam's left hand. It is blue in color with 5 big red buttons on top of it.

"Code:a"Sam spoke out loud in his mind scape. A battery with letter "a" materialised in Sam's right hand. He put that battery in the gauntlet's watch face. The battery got turned into energy and went inside the gauntlet.

"I will complete this and will go back the second I killed all their forces. Don't ever let my existance leak to your successors. As for my payment, prepare 'that'. "

Then Sam teleported into the enemy's direction before waving his index and middle finger together.


To be continued.....