Chapter 01. The Grandson.

The evening time is the best time as the breeze becomes gentle with last sunray touches black and white on the nature. Specially the Crimson Fortress shine brighter than any other places, tall and high like it is seated on the air. Small house are built in such a way that they surround fortress like defensive fances protecting Fortress, forming circular town called Greenwood village.

Since he remembered, Xiao Chen's only family was his grandpa who served as librarian in Crimson Fortress sect. Xiao Chen does not want to be famous or powerful therefore they treated him like passerby without giving him second looks. His presence is so low that almost all people in the Crimson Sect doesn't know about librarian has a grandson.

All people in this world wants to be powerful and unrestrained because of that they all try their best to get admitted into powerful sects. There are many sects like Crimson sect and they recruited thousands of young people annually. More talented you are, more resources you will be offered and more sects will offer placement for you. But Xiao Chen do not wanted to be top experts so if possible he would be satisfied with being Librarian in place of his grandpa.

Xiao Chen knows that strength is everything in this world, being weak is sin. Even if you got killed in open street, the people will not think twice before forgetting and treated it as usually occurs accidents. Xiao Chen also gets used to their indifferent towards killings. If we do not wanted to be death than we better try to kill others. That's how they treated their life.

Xiao Chen was reading when his grandpa came back from his duties. Without saying a word, he sits beside him, pouring himself a cup of tea and sips as he looked at far mountains but his eyes are unfocused as his mind is full of thoughts. Xiao Chen looked at him a little and went back to his reading.

After long silence, grandpa finally give up his patience and started to speak," Xiao Chen tomorrow will be recruitment time for Crimson Sect, would you like to try your luck? I know you don't want to suffer but I am getting older and who will looked after you after my death."

" Okay," Xiao Chen answered with one word and went back to his reading. He care less about recruitment and cultivations.

Grandpa sighed as he looked at his grandsons behaviour. He knows better than anyone that his grandson is not ambitious and wanted humble life. But in this marital world living such a humble life is not easy, without strength you are just weaklings that you may get killed anytime. His grandson who does not experience outside world will not know how out world are cruel and bloody.

" Grandson, Sect masters daughter is top notch talent that she will be appointed as Gods Daughter of Crimson Sect tomorrow at recruitment ceremony. Vice Sect masters son has Sword Body that he may be Sword emperor in future. Neighbours Lin Yan is tested Telent enough to cultivate, even though both of his parents were mortal without cultivations. Xiao Chen don't you want to know about your parents? You have to become stronger to know truth. " Grandpa said with eyes full of expectations as he looked at Xiao Chens eye to see sparkles of eagerness but sadly Xiao Chens eye was dull and indifferent.

Seeing his grandson who kept reading without answering, grandpa sadly give up persuading and walked inside ordering servent to make some simple dinner.

Looking at his grandpas back, Xiao Chen thought wondered about his grandpas words however his face show no emotions. Nobody will know what he was thinking, and everyone will consider him as dumb man.

After his parents terrifying incidents he becomes less talkative and enjoys living himself. Xiao Chen does not want revenge because his mothers last word is not to cultivate and take revenge. His mother said that revenger will get end up getting revenge because there is no end in revenge. At that time he was frustrated because he felt unfair and injustice but as the time goes he followed his mothers advice and decided to live as mortals.

Xiao Chen knows that if he wants to cultivate he would be top notch talent because when he was born he already has dantain that started to absorb Qi energy itself. His parents used secret methods to concealed his cultivations and his parents warned him that if his talents was known by their enemies than there will be endless trouble. His parents said that he was too talented that nobody would compete with him.

Grandpa librarian is not his blood related but old friend of his father who father helped him and he promised to repay by looking after Xiao Chen at his father's death bed. Grandpa doesn't know truth about his parent's death because his parents never exposed thier true origin and Grandpa trusted his parents so much that he does not suspect his parents.

Xiao Chen knows his parents origin and reason why they got assassinated and if he wants revenge, he would have started long time back. Because of his mother's last wishes and his enemies unaware of his existence he decided not to take revenge and live a mortal life.

Xiao Chen take out thick book that causes his parents death " The Scriptures of Supreme Emperor. " The Emperor level cultivation technique that contains twelve volumes. Heaven defying Technique that everyone desires and causes bloodshed for centuries.

Accidently his Father acquired this Technique when he explored forbidden Land of Dawn. Where long and great war unknown to present happened millions of years ago. His father being an honest man reveals it to his clan and Clan disclose all information about Techniques because if other clan knows about Emperor level Technique then it will rather bring distractions to their Clan. Therefore, it remains secret between Xiao Tain and Clan elders and they decided to cultivate Xiao Tain because they believed that he was destined one.

Unlike others, Xiao Tains cultivations increase rapidly and become top one genius, who is born once in ten million years. When he was at his prime father meets mother, Yang Xiaoyan, of another big clan. Many people said that they were partner made in heaven and all seems perfect and happy.

Because of jealous, Xiao Tain get targeted by his brothers and other clans member. When he tried to seek help from Xiao Clans elders, they ignored him because they were afraid of other Clans. At the end Father and Mother both got their cultivations abolished and they hid within mortal where Xiao Chen was born.