Chapter 2. Promises in Graveyard.

Xiao Chen tried to burnt down this scripture, but deeper inside his mind, he was unwilling to give up, so he used to read them when he missed his parents and thinks about his enemies.

Even though his parents was unwilling for revenge, but he is different from his parents. He will not let his enemies enjoy their lives, he would rather be their nightmare than clown Infront of them. So Xiao Chen decided to keep his mother's promises till the age of sixteen.

The standard age to start cultivations is twelve but Xiao Chen is special case because he do not have to tempered his body. He has perfect foundation for the cultivations. Because of that Xiao Chen do not have to undergo Foundation Establishment stage. He could directly condense Qi and practice martial arts.

When the full moon starts to raises, Xiao Chen stand up from his chair silently and started to walk out of his courtyard. His face full of indifferent and emotionless like a ghost reaper, roaming around reaping souls.

Grandp shake his head sadly as he looked at lonely figure that walked out of the door. He, who was considered as one of the top three powerful in this sect, couldn't understand the deep of his grandson, who keep everything inside without revealing.

Xiao Chen walked down the town road towards the small hill at the end of the town. He seems to become invisible in the eyes of town people as nobody noticed him as if like gentle breeze passed through without disturbing the silence of forest.

On the small hill, there lies a small graveyard where Xiao Chen buried his parents ashes. Whenever he missed them he would come here to talk and shared how nice it will be if they were not dead.

Today, without a word, Xiao Chen kneel down silently, focusing his eyes on the graveyard. Unlike yesterday his eyes isn't full of tears and mind full of longing, today Xiao Chen feels nothing but wants to kneel down and enjoy accompanying his parents silently.

Gentle breeze becomes rougher as the time passes and dark clouds covered the moon blocking the lights. Night become darker and with the sound of thunder it looked like omens of something dangerous. Night become colder and started to rain heavily.

However, Xiao Chen remains kneel down without bothering about weathers. Even the rain and wind seems to avoid touching him, and it was like they feared disturbing his silence. Xiao Chen closed his eyes and keeps kneeling even though the thunder roared and lightning flashes over his head.

It's almost midnight and Xiao Chen do not returned, which causes Grandpa panic. He knows that Xiao Chen went to his parents graveyard so he followed him. He do not needed umbrella like mortal because he could used battle Qi to formed barrier. He directly jumped on top house and moved towards graveyard in full speed.

When he reached graveyard, he found Xiao Chen kneel down in the rain. He was surprised to see that the rain haven't wetted single hair of Xiao Chen. It seems like they intentionally avoiding him.

" Xiao Chen, stand up," Grandpa shouted as he try to touched him.


Grandpa's hand was repelled back with such a force that his body forced back five to six metres backwards. Grandpa looked at his hand with full of surprises.

He was Qi transformation, who was considered as one of the strongest, was forced back by a boy who do not have cultivations. He could not believe in his eyes and he never heard something like that happened.

" Xiao Chen, stand up! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? STAND UP! " Grandpa shouted but Xiao Chen remains silent and unmoved. Grandpa do not know what is happening and he started to panic.

Out of panic he forgot to use Qi that grandpa's clothes was soaked in the rain but the rain was pouring down without the signs of stopping.

He tried several times to touched Xiao Chen but as same as before he was forced back. The repelling force seems to increasing, like warning him not to disturb him. So grandpa decided to wait for his grandson to wake up.

It was long and rainy night but during whole night Xiao Chen didn't move, even his breathing seems to stopped. Grandpa sat beside him, waiting for Xiao Chen to wake up.

Next morning, the sky was crystal clear with all dust washed away with night long heavy rain. Xiao Chen start to move when morning sunray touches his parents graveyard.

" You scared me to death, what are you doing here? And what is that repellsive force? Do you started to cultivate. " Grandpa asked in one breath when he saw Xiao Chen moved.

" Nothing, I just have a night long conversation with my parents." Xiao Chen stand up and started to walked back down toward the town without looking at his grandpa.

" But.... " Grandpa begain to asked as he followed his grandson but stopped suddenly as he sees lifeless and emotionless pairs of eye looking at him, sending chills down his soul.

" It's beautiful day, grandpa, how about we ordered something delicious food from the restaurant?" Xiao Chen smiled and started to walk slowly towards one of the famous restaurants called" Phoenix Restaurant."

" Ah ... Okay," grandpa was surprised to see smiles on his grandson for the first time. It was like innocent child but when he remembered last night, he decided that it was innocent but dangerous smile.

It was the first time in his sixteen years that Xiao Chen eat outside, but he read many books about outside world and his understanding of outside world is all based on books that he had read.

Even though it was early morning, Phoenix Restaurant was crowded but when innkeeper saw Librarian of the Crimson sect, he came down personally to welcome.

" Haha elder, please come to the top floor, " Innkeeper was little bit nervous as old librarian was considered top three strongest in Crimson Sect.

" It's okay, I loved this common room," Xiao Chen choose table that was near window that he could see clear views of outside street.

" That ... " Innkeeper looked at Xiao Chen and back to grandpa.

" It's okay, do as he said," grandpa followed Xiao Chen and sat down opposite to his grandson.

" Give me the best food and the best wine," Xiao Chen ordered.

" Same for me," Grandpa smiled as he looked at his grandson surprisingly. He never sees his grandson drink wine before but he chooses to remain silent.