After another season of 'passionate-hugging' Ava and Lynn decided it's about time to lay down for a while before they both collapse from exhaustion. It was like a dream neither of them want to end. With bodies drenched in sweat, marks left from the heat of passion, hair tangled together and parts sore from all the friction they once again looked at each other's eyes, savoring the moment.
The girl still didn't know what came over here and at this point didn't care. The only thing on her mind was him. His finger was ringing up and down her torso as he was admiring the sight, until it stopped at a stich mark a little below her ribcage. The stitches were small but still visible and it looked like they have been there for years.
"Where is this from?" He asked with concern in his voice. "Why hasn't it healed?"
"When the same place has been cut open over and over again it gets much harder to heal." She said a little annoyed that he brought it up. "It's unimportant. Let's not ruin the moment with tales from the past."
"Alright then, keep your secrets."He lifted his hair, exposing the back of his neck where lied a bright red mark. It was a tattoo of two lines and a circle. "I guess I won't tell you where this is from either."
Her eyes widened with curiosity. It was the first time she had even noticed it.
"Fine, I'll tell you." He said with a grin. "This is the sign of the clan of vampires I used to be in. A sort of secret society if you will."
"Why did you leave?" Ava asked.
"It's unimportant."
"I see you are trying to use my words against me." She rolled her eyes visibly annoyed as she searched for her clothes in the dimly lit room.
Lynn leaned in, giving her a kiss on the shoulder.
"I'll tell you more about it over dinner." He told her.
The house was still filled with the pungent smell of repellent. The spiders. Ava had forgotten all about them. Her mind and body completely occupied with what happened merely an hour ago. Funny how initially they were the reason for it. A faint smile formed on her lips when she thought about the ridiculousness of the situation.
She was lying in the bathtub with hands crossed, staring at the ceiling. Never in a thousand years did she think that she would be in love with a vampire. Even though it was a fact that she carried some of the vampiric DNA. Was it perhaps destiny? Or maybe a mistake she would soon live to regret?
That dream spiraled back into her head again. Up until now she didn't even wish to know what was behind that big white door, but lately somehow she felt more and more drawn to it.
The only memory from back then, before she found herself surrounded by corpses in the Gracefield institute was her childhood friend. She remembered that they were the only person she had found comfort in at that place, but the details around them were murky. Like an ancient dream that lingered in her mind. At times she doubted if it was even a real memory.
She heard a thud coming from beneath the bathroom tiles. It couldn't have been Lynn, he went back to sleep just before she left the room. The sound turned into rustling. The house had only one floor if you don't count the attic and the basement was too far away from the bathroom to suggest it was coming from there. So what possibly could it be from?
Ava shrugged it off, thinking that she was just hearing things, but upon coming out of the bathtub, she could swear that it sounded like murmuring.
She would later bring it up at the dinner table as thy did the dishes together.
"Murmuring? I wouldn't be surprised, the place is so old it might as well be haunted." Said Lynn.
"Do you really believe this is a poltergeist?" Ava gave him a weird look.
"You just slept with a vampire but ghosts is where you draw the line?"
"At least the existence of vampires has some logic behind it. Wasn't it caused by a gene mutation some thousands of years ago?"
"I'm not quite sure myself to be honest. It's one of the few things I still don't have the answers to."
They later sat down near the fireplace. Ava rested her head on his shoulder with her palm placed on his chest.
"Lynn, there is something else I've been wondering about ever since I came here." She cooed. "Why was there food in the house? I know for a fact that the only thing you can feed on is blood. Was there someone else living here before me?" She could feel his heartbeat elevating slightly.
"I had a human friend over not long before we met" He said calmly. "I'm not a complete outcast you know. Or do you think I only hang out with other vampires?"
"I was just curious, that's all." She slid her hand down his arm playfully. "I wonder if all other vampires are kind like you."
"Far from it." He sighed. "Our survival is dependent on hurting others, that's just the reality of it. Most of us see humans as nothing more than prey. No different than the way a man sees a lamb to be slaughtered. But that's not what the leader of our clan believed in. He wanted a world where humans and vampires can be equals."
"Your leader?" Asked Ava. Her eyes ever shining with curiosity.
"His name was Edwin. I wish I could introduce you to him one day, but... things are complicated between us."
"How so?" She was about to ask, but stopped herself, seeing the sorrow written on his face. As always he was trying to suppress it with a smile, although his eyes were still filled with sadness. She thought it was a good time to kiss him goodnight and go to her room, but she was suddenly pulled back into his arms. His pale fingers caressing her cheek.
"Why don't you stay for a little while longer?" He suggested."I'll have to travel to the city next week. I'd like to spend more time with my girlfriend while I have the chance."
The word 'girlfriend' sounded so softly coming from his lips. The melted a part of her hart that's been frozen for all this time. For the first time in her life, she felt like there was finally someone who cared about her.