The girl and the vampire walked into the living room, not saying a word to each other after leaving the basement. It was quite the shock for her, but undeniably better than the scenario she imagined before realizing who those people were.
"So ,what are you planning to do with them, Ava? Or... should I call you Sellen?" Lynn asked, as they sat at the dinner table.
"I haven't heard that name in years. Ava is fine and... about my parents I'm not sure yet." Ava held her head in her hands, still unable to process the situation. The memories of all the awful things they did to her started flowing. Her heart filling with hatred and anger. "I'm sorry for not trusting you. It's just that..." she snickered, wearing a sad smile. "This situation is so ridiculous." At this rate she couldn't help but laugh at the irony.
"Do you want them dead?" He pulled out the riffle and placed it on the table, pushing it towards her direction.
"Have you killed anyone before?"
"Because if you want them dead, it has to be by your hand. I vowed not to kill humans anymore."
Ava kept staring at her feet. Thinking of what to do. She couldn't possibly let them go and unleash two deranged individuals, who would go on and hurt even more people. She didn't believe their pathetic act even for a second. As if their actions ever weighed on their conscience. The only regret they had was being caught.
But did they deserve to die? Or perhaps, death was too good for them. Was revenge worth staining her pretty little hands with their filthy blood? Or was it better to forgive and forget.
She picked up the gun, pondering as she stared at her own reflection on the muzzle.
"Taking someone's life in no joke." Lynn added. "It's not like in the military where you can say you were just 'following orders'. If that's what you really want to do, you'll need to deal with the guilt that follows."
"Guilt? Did they feel guilty for what they did to me and the other children?"
"You are not like them, darling. Earlier you hesitated to drive the blade into my neck, even though you were convinced you were doing it to save your own life."
She bit her lip, looking at him with regret.
"I'm sorry about that..."
"You know I can't stay mad at you" he smiled. "Whatever decision you take I will support you, but it's up to you to make the right choice."
"I can't let them out. I can't kill them. What else am I supposed to do?" Ava crossed her arms in frustration. Were they supposed to just keep them prisoners for the rest of their days? She stared at the wall, trying to think of something. An idea sprung into her head as she took a look at the painting of the three wise monkeys, she had found in the attic. "Hear no evil, see no evil..."
The basement door creaked open, making the two prisoners jump from their seats, waiting in anticipation to hear their sentences. The vampire entered, holding a candle in one hand and the keys to their cell in the other.
"The lady of the house has spoken." He said as he turned the key inside the lock. "She told me to let you two go."
The woman fell to her knees, crying tears of relief. Unable to believe her luck.
"Thank you! Thank you so much!" She sobbed. "God bless her, I knew she would do the right thing. She has such a kind heart..."
Lynn grabbed her by the shoulder before she could head to the exit. He then pulled out a rusty kitchen knife from his back pocket, smiling kindly.
"Not so fast" Lynn said. "Your dear daughter told me to let you go under one condition: To make sure you won't be able to hurt anyone ever again." He gestured with the knife inches away from her eyes. "See no evil..." he moved the blade towards her ears. "Hear no evil..." then placed it upon her lips. "Speak no evil."
The woman's eyes widened with terror. The mental image made her hold her breath as she pictured the pain from what was about to come. It almost made her feel metal piercing through her retina before it even touched her.
The husband remained on his spot, motionless. Even though the door was wide open, both he and his wife knew better than to try anything funny.
"Do not think I will derive any pleasure from maiming you." The vampire continued. "It's simply a precaution. Unfortunately, I don't have any sedatives I can give you to withstand the pain, so you'll just have to endure it."
"You leave us out there in the woods deff and blind, we are as good as dead." The husband mumbled through his teeth, clenching his fists.
"I thought about it." Lynn sighed. "And just like the Byzantine emperor Basil II did to the bulgars, I'll leave one of you with only one eye gouged out, so you can find your way to safety."
"You sick fuck!" The woman kept sobbing, about to lose her mind.
"Look who's talking" Lynn snickered. "It wasn't sick when you were doing it to those kids, but now that the tables have turned you suddenly want to talk about morals? I hate bastards like you the most. Completely lacking self awareness. At least, I'm giving you a choice here." He turned to the man. "So, who is going to be first?"
In a final pitiful attempt, the husband backed away and started screaming, pointing at his trembling wife:
"It was her idea! We were thousands in debt! She wanted us to become foster parents and use the children to pay off some of that debt, before the loan sharks came for our asses! I was against it!"
The vampire had enough of it, he stood up, putting the knife back into his pocket. He slowly walked towards the man, grabbing his face in between his palms.
"A scumbag, and a coward." Lynn said, staring down at his eyes. "Thanks for saving me the dilemma of whose world I should plunge into darkness." He plunged his thumbs into the man's eye sockets, the entire house echoing with his agonizing howl.
Even Ava, who was still sitting in the living room could hear him. She hated to admit it, but that sound brought a smile to her face. It was a sign that the plan was in action.