Chapter 146: Flag war



A fateful day for three thousand students, especially those in the elite class. The largest test since the establishment of this academy is about to begin. A test that lasts at least 45 days, where no one will rest for even a second, and they will have to give their all.

For the first- and second-year students, it's an opportunity to enter the elite class and gain many privileges.

For the third-year students, it's a chance to show their strength and make a name for themselves in the human nation, building a strong reputation to rely on after graduation.

As for the elite class, it's a battle to maintain their high status and the privileges they've grown accustomed to.

On this morning, the academy was unusually empty, with most of those wandering the grounds being teachers rather than students.

Of course, not all students would participate in the test; about one and a half thousand had been excluded for various reasons.