Chapter 177: King's Curse

I never expected that traveling at such a speed would be possible, not even for someone like Pirren.

The central region is the largest in the human nation, and Pirren managed to cover half of that distance in just one hour, then crossed most of the eastern region in fifty minutes.

In almost two hours, we had reached the eastern coast, where I could see the familiar Mountain of Fog in the distance and the black temple glowing with vitality.

After the fog cleared on that day, all the creatures on the Mountain went berserk and started a widespread battle, attempting to invade nearby lands.

Luckily, the Sunhold's response was swift, and Ceasar and his forces managed to keep the losses to a minimum, so even the nearby villages didn't have to evacuate for long.

Pirren landed on the ground with me and Ivor following behind. We were at the city's outskirts, specifically by the coast.