Chapter 178: Crossing The Borders

We descended slowly onto an endless grassy plain. Strangely, this place felt very familiar, as if…

"Yes, it's the same area we spent two hours in the day before the test," Ivor spoke before I could.

"Your teacher always expects the worst-case scenarios, so he decided that our lesson should be in an environment similar to the one you'll need to pass through to reach our destination..."

I felt a strange weight in my chest. Fucking Bruce… How could someone like him disappear without any prior warning?

The academy hadn't detected any intruders that day, and there wasn't any damage to suggest he had been forced to leave. But no one saw him leave, not even Arryn and Victor's barriers picked him up. It's as if he vanished without any external interference.

I don't want to admit it, but I'm really worried about him… It's ridiculous considering how vast the difference in power is between us.

Making your disciple worry about you... How pathetic!