"Come on, Veer! What's taking you so long?" Sonia jabbed him in the ribs, her voice dripping with impatience. "The words aren't going to leap off the page and read themselves, you know."

Veer clenched his jaw, his eyes stubbornly fixed on the psychology book in front of him. He was trying to focus, to make sense of the dense, jargon-heavy sentences, but Sonia was making it impossible. The book was clearly above his level, even for most adults, but he was determined to push through. This was his mission now—to learn everything he could, no matter how frustrating it got.

Sonia plopped down next to him at the kitchen table, her grin full of mischief. "Still stuck on the same paragraph? Maybe it's time to wave the white flag, big brother."

Veer groaned but refused to look up. "It's not that bad," he lied. "Just… a lot of technical stuff."

"Uh-huh, sure," Sonia teased, smirking. "Psychology isn't *that* tough, Veer. Let me give you a tip: Step one—stop overthinking. Step two—close the book and do something that makes sense."

Finally, Veer glanced up, meeting her smug gaze. His fingers casually flipped through a few pages, looking for something he could use against her. When he found it, a small grin crept onto his face.

"Actually," he said, tapping the page, "there's a section right here about people who talk too much. It says, 'The loudest person in the room is usually the weakest.' Sound familiar?"

Sonia blinked, momentarily caught off guard. "Wait, let me see. You're definitely making that up."

Veer quickly pulled the book out of her reach, grinning. ;*American Gangster*. Denzel Washington. But hey, the quote fits pretty well, don't you think?'

Sonia folded her arms, feigning offense. "So now your using make up line to insult your sister? Real classy."

Sheena, sitting at the table with them, chuckled as she took a bite of her lunch. "He's got a point, Sonia. Maybe he should teach you more psychology—preferably before breakfast is over."

Veer shot Sonia a triumphant look and set the book aside, grabbing a slice of toast. "See? Even Sheena didi agrees."

Sonia rolled her eyes, but a grin tugged at her lips. "Fine, whatever. But you really need to stop calling her by her name. She's *Mom*, not just 'Sheena.'"

Veer paused, momentarily embarrassed by the remark. It was something Sheena had wanted to bring up with him for a while but hadn't found the right time. Now, she waited with interest to hear what he would say. Veer smirked, taking a bite of toast. "Ah, but my dear Sonia, look at your mother first."

Sheena, taken aback for a second, glanced over at Veer, trying to maintain her composure as he continued, "She's such a beautiful lady. Even Mrs. World would look bland in comparison to your mother. And you know, I've always dreamed of having a gorgeous sister who spoils me."

He leaned closer to Sonia, pretending to whisper, though Sheena could still hear. "And by the way, Sheena didi doesn't even need makeup like you do, and she's still stunning."

Sheena couldn't hide her pleased expression, though she worked hard to keep her composure. But Sonia instantly bristled at the remark. "VEER! What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying I'm *not* your beautiful sister?"

Veer shrugged innocently. "Oh no, Sonia, you've got it all wrong. It's just… well, it is what it is."

Sheena laughed quietly, watching them both with amusement as they continued their playful bickering. It had become their usual morning routine—a mix of sibling rivalry and fond affection. Breakfast was the one time they could spar without any real consequences, a pocket of lightheartedness before the seriousness of school and the day ahead.

Sonia glanced at the clock, then nudged Veer. "If you keep philosophizing, we're going to be late. And I'm not getting detention because my brother's too busy flirting with—*our* mom."

Veer, realizing the time, hurriedly stuffed the rest of his toast into his mouth. "Alright, alright, I'm coming."

With that, they grabbed their bags and headed for the door, their playful banter trailing behind them as it always did.


As Veer stepped into the school for his second day, he couldn't shake the feeling of awe that washed over him. He had already spotted some of the celebrity kids yesterday, but today felt different. The beauty standards in this world seemed to soar above anything he had ever encountered. There are lot of people who look beautiful and handsome like not just star kids but ordinary people as well.Suhana Khan, Aryan Khan, Taimur Ali Khan, and other stars' kids moved through the hallways with an effortless grace.

'well did i mention it ,that i seen lot of star kids in the school last time,even saw the super star shahrukh khan too just now,i mean wow.' He couldn't help but think, *Did I really bring this ordinary face with me from my last life?*

With a light chuckle to himself, he noted how the radiance of these children was on another level, one that made him feel a little out of place. Yet, he took it all in stride. As he walked through the bustling corridors, he reflected on how much he had to learn—not just academically, but socially, too. 

' more otaku style life,when you get this wonderful opportunity.also you can become proficient in conversation through talking this if you can not impress this little kids....i mean some are in same age but you guys got the point,reincarnated thing learn how to talk and dominate conversation'

Classes passed in a blur of information and laughter, and Veer found himself keeping to himself, observing rather than engaging. That was until lunchtime arrived, when everything changed.

As he entered the cafeteria, the noise of chatter and laughter filled the air. Veer spotted Sonia at a table with a few of her friends. He felt a sense of calm wash over him as he approached, but before he could reach them, a familiar face from the previous day stepped into his path.

Jeet, the same kid who had tried to annoy Sonia at the gate, stood there with an obnoxious grin. "Look who it is! The new guy. Still think you can impress anyone with that look of yours?" Jeet said, leaning back with an air of arrogance.

veer thought' what the hell.i know i am not handsome but this mob character gonna speak in this tone to me' he thought, amusement flickering in his mind. The kid was obviously trying to provoke him, but Veer knew better than to let words get under his skin. He was not the type to back down, though. 

"Impressing people is overrated," Veer replied casually, crossing his arms. "I'm just trying to survive this jungle of pretty faces. It's like I stepped into a movie set—everyone looks like they belong in a magazine."

Jeet smirked, clearly not appreciating Veer's lighthearted attitude. "Survive? You think you can just stroll in here and be the hero? You'll see how this jungle works soon enough."

Veer chuckled internally. *Ah, the classic "I run this place" line,* he mused. While he took Jeet's words lightly, he could sense the tension rising. "Look, Jeet, I'm not here for a popularity contest. I just want to enjoy my lunch."

But Jeet was relentless. "Oh, so you're just going to ignore me, huh? Just like Sonia ignores the fact that she's stuck with a loser like you?" 

The jab stung, and Veer could feel his blood boil, but he took a deep breath, reminding himself that losing control wouldn't help. "Let's just keep this civil, shall we? There's enough food for everyone, and I'd hate to spill anything."

Sonia had been watching from the sidelines, and now she chimed in, "Jeet, why don't you go back to your little corner? No one's interested in your antics."

But Jeet wasn't done. His friends started to gather around, smirking and whispering among themselves. Veer felt the air shift as the situation escalated. 

Before he knew it, Jeet took a swing at him, and instinct kicked in. Veer ducked, and the punch missed its mark. In that moment, he realized he had no choice but to defend himself.

He swung back, not with anger but with the fluidity he had been learning in martial arts class. *Thank you, Mr. Rao,* he thought as he maneuvered his way around Jeet's next move. The cafeteria erupted in shouts and cheers as the fight broke out, but Veer felt a sense of calm amidst the chaos. 

As they exchanged blows, he noticed a familiar face in the crowd—Suhana Khan, watching the scene unfold with a mixture of concern and intrigue. 

*Great,* Veer thought, a smirk forming as he thought about the unexpected audience. *This is just how I wanted my reputation to start!*