The cafeteria buzzed with energy, echoing with the noise of students who had just witnessed the brief scuffle between Veer and Jeet. Veer stood tall, his heart still racing from the exchange, though it was nothing serious enough to cause real trouble. He noticed Jeet glaring at him but decided to let it slide for now. It wasn't worth escalating—at least not today.

Before either of them could say anything, a teacher quickly stepped in to break up the tension. It was the same teacher who had helped Veer at the school gate yesterday, giving him directions when he first arrived. His calm but firm presence immediately cooled the heated atmosphere.

"That's enough," the teacher said sternly, looking between Veer and Jeet. "No more of this nonsense. You're both better than this." His eyes lingered on Veer for a moment, a silent acknowledgment of yesterday's encounter. Veer didn't argue; he wasn't looking for trouble, and it seemed Jeet wasn't either—not now, with the teacher present. Jeet, without a word, turned and walked back to his table, where Aryan Khan and Suhana Khan sat, watching everything unfold. 

Veer could feel their eyes on him, but he chose to ignore them. He wasn't here to impress anyone. 

Sonia, however, was visibly concerned. As Veer returned to their table, she shot him a worried look. "You okay? You didn't have to go up against Jeet like that."

"I'm fine, Sonia," Veer said with a casual wave of his hand, brushing off her concern. "Besides, it wasn't much of a fight." He tried to keep his tone light, not wanting her to worry.

Sonia's friend, Saya, chimed in, leaning across the table. "You should really think about joining the karate club, Veer. With moves like that, you'd be a natural. Plus, it'd keep guys like Jeet in line." She smiled, half-joking but with genuine admiration.

Veer raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Karate club? Yeah, sure. I'm already in an exclusive club—'Avoiding Unnecessary Drama Club.'." 

Veer was already thinking about joining a club where he did not have to do anything so he can learn or do other activity by himself or to join a library club,there he can read books as much as he can.'life sure gives you surprise,as in my last life,i never read books but now....heh'

Sonia rolled her eyes but laughed, her tension easing a little. "Honestly, Veer."

Saya giggled too. "Well, if you change your mind, let us know. I'm sure the club could use someone like you."

As the lunch break began to wind down, Veer relaxed back in his seat, his mind drifting back to the earlier fight. He didn't care about Jeet, Aryan, or even the fact that Suhana Khan had been watching. All that mattered was trying to have some light fun. But still, he couldn't shake the feeling that more eyes were on him now.

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch, and the students began to scatter back to their classes. As Veer and Sonia got up to leave, Veer glanced over at Aryan and Suhana's table one last time. Aryan whispered something to Jeet, who sneered in Veer's direction, but Veer just chuckled under his breath. 

*Let them keep watching,* he thought, following Sonia out of the cafeteria. *I've got bigger things to worry about than a bunch of star kids.* 

With that, he focused on what lay ahead—this world was still a mystery to him, and there was so much to learn. The fight was over, but something told him this was just the beginning.


**Jeet's POV**

Jeet flopped down at the table next to Aryan and Suhana, still fuming from the brief fight with Veer. He rubbed his jaw, which hadn't even been hit, but his bruised ego stung far more than any punch. He shot a glance over at Veer, who was walking back to his table with Sonia. Jeet forced a grin, trying to play it cool, but the irritation was still obvious.

Aryan, lounging casually with his arms crossed, raised an eyebrow at Jeet. "What was that about? You let the new guy get to you that easily?"

Jeet scoffed, waving his hand dismissively. "Please. That guy's nothing. Thinks he can come here and act all tough? He's not going to last long in this place." He leaned back, still trying to look unfazed, but Aryan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Suhana, seated beside Aryan, glanced over at Veer's table for a moment before turning back to Jeet. "He doesn't look like much," she commented, her voice casual but curious. "But still… you didn't really handle it, did you?"

Jeet's overconfidence kicked in, and he straightened up, determined to save face. "Nah, I didn't bother going all out. Why waste my time on some random nobody? He's just another face in the crowd. Trust me, in a week, no one will even remember his name."

Aryan smirked, clearly enjoying watching Jeet squirm a little. "Well, maybe you should've gone all out. Now you're just going to look like you lost."

Jeet's jaw tightened. "He didn't win. I just wasn't in the mood to fight in front of everyone, that's all." He forced a laugh, changing the subject to cover his bruised pride. "Anyway, whatever. It's not like he's going to be around long enough to matter."

Suhana's eyes lingered on Veer for a brief second before she shrugged and returned her focus to the conversation. "I'm more interested in the party tonight," she said, flipping her hair back. "Have you guys sorted everything out yet?"

Aryan, happy to steer the conversation away from Jeet's minor embarrassment, nodded. "Yeah, mostly. It's going to be at Taimur's place. His family's out of town, so we've got the place to ourselves. I still need to make sure the drinks are sorted, though."

Jeet, eager to join the new topic, leaned in. "I can handle that. I know a guy who can get us whatever we need." He gave a sly grin, trying to regain some cool points in front of his friends.

Aryan raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Make sure it's good stuff this time. Last party, you brought that cheap junk, and it nearly got us in trouble."

Jeet shrugged, trying to laugh it off. "Yeah, yeah, I've got it covered this time. No worries."

Suhana rolled her eyes, half-smiling. "And don't forget the music. Last time, it was all over the place. We need something decent, or everyone's just going to leave early."

Aryan glanced at her, a small smile playing on his lips. "You really think I'd let that happen? I've already got a playlist. It's going to be the best party we've thrown yet."

Suhana gave a satisfied nod. "Good. Just make sure Taimur doesn't invite too many people. I don't want it getting out of hand."

Jeet laughed, feeling more comfortable now that the topic had shifted. "Come on, Suhana, what's a party without a little chaos?"

Aryan leaned back in his seat, grinning. "Yeah, we'll keep it under control. But it's going to be a night to remember."

Jeet glanced once more in Veer's direction but didn't say anything further. In his mind, Veer was already irrelevant, just another random kid who'd soon fade into the background. They had bigger things to think about—like the party and making sure they stayed on top.