Omake 1.

.....Gojo's isekai adventure.....

"Hmm~ this is interesting." I had let my guard down a little bit during the fight and paid the price for it. 

I had ended up....wherever "here" was, standing in the middle of a crowded street filled with many different kinds of people. Some had animalistic features, but the one's that really stood out were the lizard looking folks. 

Those fuckers had isekai'd me huh? I guess they had done their job then huh? I had lost. 

It didn't sit right with me at all, but I knew when to admit defeat. After all, it was my fault I had lost in the first place

"Hey there sir, would you like to buy an appa?"

A big burly middle aged man questioned me from behind looking to sell me an "appa". It looked like an apple, but I couldn't be sure considering I was in an new world, it could be poisonous for al I knew. 

"No thanks, can I ask you a question though?" I responded to his question with a question of my own!

"Hah? This ain't a library pretty boy, I have a business to run so move along and stop wasting my time." The man responded with venom as I walked away. Jeez what was his problem? I almost snapped on him, I wasn't exactly having the best of days after all. 

"Hey you there white hair, stop at once." a red haired man wearing what I could assume to be a knights outfit due to the sword strapped to his waist appeared in front of me.

"What's up?" was my tired response. 

"Surrender now, before I am forced to detain you!" was the red haired blue eyed knight's response.

"Oh~? Think you can beat me huh? Well, I'm not in the mood to fight right now, so run along boy." Was my response, my Six eyes glowing blue as the man looked at me with an determined expression before he spoke up in a serious tone. 

"Lets take this somewhere else."

"Heh, if your serious about this....I Will Kill You ." The young man jumped away at an extreme speed. Interesting, he seems to be decent at least. I jumped after him, following him across the many roof tops of the large city, before we eventually reached a wall, and he jumped into a wide grassy field, devoid of any distractions for the fight.

We both stopped inside of the field as he spoke up seriously. 

"I am the Sword Saint Reinhard Van Astrea, and I hereby declare you a threat to this world." He spoke, unsheathing the sword from his waist, it shining in the wicked aura of the sunrise. 

"Heh, alright then pal, I am Gojo Satoru, and your about to get you're ass kicked." I took my stance as did he, a silent tension developing between us. I then rushed forward, Swinging my right fist towards him, before he promptly disappeared. 

What the fu....


I heard a loud clang as the sword he was holding met with infinity. How the hell did he dodge that punch? 

Unfortunately for him, unlike the crazy girl it seemed he would not be getting through infinity anytime soon. Until it slid through infinity like butter.

What the fuck? Dodging using a quickly timed blue, I watched as he kept up with my instant teleportation resulting in a cut being formed on my cheek. What the hell was it with people being able to get passed infinity like it was a normal fucking barrier technique nowadays? 

I then decided to go all out. 

"Domain Expansion: Unlimited Void' my domain encircled the surroundings, including my opponent before he stopped moving thanks to the sure hit affects of my domain. 

"Imaginary technique, Hollow Purple."

I watched as his body disappeared completely due to the affects of my strongest technique, finally, some godamn peace and quiet. 

Hmm? Why was my body over there headless? 

Oh I've been decapitated.

What the fuck....? 

The last thing I saw before I closed my eyes were the red haired man's eyes looking directly back at mine.

"Hello there! Would you like to buy an appa?"

I'm going to kill my.......

..............End of chapter.........