Interlude 1 (Nevermore)

....Nue's pov.....

After that weird guy had put everyone to sleep, I stole their wallets and bought more food. Why they didn't store their money in their inventories I would never know, dumb fuckers. 

I wasn't exactly worried about V, as I had sensed the man who brought him there Shit? I don't know his name, had no bad intentions against him. V had proved he wouldn't exactly keel over and die from a strong hit, which reassured me that he could do at least a little bit on his own. He had done a good job getting hit by the white haired man's attack, like a punching bag. I also didn't mind as it gave me the opportunity to eat more of this sushi. 

*Om nom*

I was glad our trip to this place was ending soon, while the food was good, the constant barrage of those disgusting little creatures, curses as V called them ruined my mood. They reminded me of what I am. 

A nightmare. There was little difference between me and those things, we both thrived off human emotions, the only reason I was different was that I had become something different once I took the shapeshifting potion V had given me. If not for that I would be another one of these useless creatures, just a little stronger. 

"Hah, I'm not hungry anymore."

It didn't help that I was bored sitting here by myself while people stared at the sleepyheads with confused looks on their faces. I don't know what Shin had done, but I think it made those around us perceive us in a different way from normal, forgetting about us after a while. This was broken whenever I asked the waiter for more food, but other than that no one bothered us. 

I can't wait to get the hell out of this world. It's dangerous, for V at least, and I needed him alive in order for my existence to continue as well. I liked being alive, after all. Sometimes I feel like V doesn't, and that pisses me off. I can sense his surface level emotions and thoughts, but not his deep ones. Which went both ways, which was both god and bad. 

I just think V is a dumbass, but a good? person. Our goal is to make it to the top of the [Tower] and I have some doubts, but I think with me and V we should be able to get there eventually. Hopefully he grows stronger, to the point I don't have to babysit him. 

But for now, I'm stuck being the big guns. As long as that is the case, he has to listen to my requests. Hopefully they have more good food during the next scenario. Unfortunately for now, I am stuck waiting for the idiot to wake up. 

I'm gonna challenge him to rock paper scissors after we leave this world, maybe this time I'll finally win. It irks me that he beats me all the time, it makes me wonder if he's cheating or something like that.

Either way, I'll win eventually, no matter how long it takes. 






........................................End of chapter.....................................