Time for (1)

...V's pov...

Opening my eyes to see the dorm room was quite a surprise. Apparently, after that little [Tarot CLub] meeting, we were transported out of the scenario automatically. That was cool and all, but I still wanted to search for a Sukuna finger before I had left, so it was rather disappointing. Sitting down on the bed, the familiar blue system window flickered to light. 

[Congratulations! You have completed your first request with an rating of A, rewards will now be distributed.] 

[1x Gojo's glasses (rare)] 

[1x Shadow Barrier Magic Manual (rare)] 

[1x Perk roll (uncommon)]

[1x Recoil vest (uncommon)] 

[2000 points acquired]

[Time until next request 23:58:32] 

Not bad. It seems that the amount of items I gain from completing a mission depends on what rank the mission is cleared with, in this case the rank was A, resulting in 4 items, unlike my CPS rank which was SS, resulting in six, most likely the same case with stat points. 


[Name: V (Stroheim)]

[ Race: human ]

[ Gender: male ]

[ Age: 12 ]

[ Inherited character: B-rank (V) ]


[Note:Perk slot unlocked!] 

[ Stats ]

[Str: 10] D

[Con: 7 ] D

[Agi: 7 ] D

[Wis: 8 567(23)3432] #!$D3141

[Unassigned stat points: 4] 

It seemed I gain stat points equivalent to the completion rank of the mission as well. 

I funneld all the stat points into constitution, and felt my body grow a tiny bit healthier. It was a big improvement from my time as V to say the least. 

"Inventory." {V, what happened when you went to sleep?} "I'll tell you in a second let me finish this first." 

[1st slot: Isildur's bane Item rating (Mythical) (Cursed)] 

[2nd slot: Book of V item rating (Rare)]

[3rd slot: Royal Cane item rating (Common)]]

[4th slot: Fashionable hat (Common)] 

[5th slot: Gojo's glasses (rare)] 

[6th slot: Shadow Barrier Magic Manual (rare)]

[7th slot: Recoil vest (uncommon)]




Alright, not bad at all, the things that caught my eye most were Gojo's glasses and the perk roll, which is not in my inventory. 

[Would you like to use 1x perk roll? Y or N]

Reading my mind another system prompt appeared in front of me. It was kinda creepy some times. 















Why the hell was it taking so lo....

[Perk acquired: Always Have Been. (Unique)] 

[Description: This perk allows the user to become a pat of the [Story] during every scenario, allowing the user to blend in with the native population of the scenario.] 

HOLY SHIT!!! This was major for me, this perk deserved a mythical rating. Going off just the description, it worked similarly to that one guy from bleach's ability, I forgot his name though. I would most likely gain a backstory in each world I visited, allowing me to complete missions more efficiently. With that figured out, it was time to speak with Nue, as well as look at the loot a little bit deeper into the loot.

 "Alright Nue, what was your question again?" 

Nue materialised in front of me before responding. 

"Where did you go while you were asleep?"

I guess she knew I wasn't exactly in the same place during the tarot club meeting, which is understandable due to our connection through the contract. Now how should I explain what happend.

"We had a meeting, and developed a way for us to communicate with one another in case we need help." 

That should work, at least for now. I wasn't gonna tell her the entire truth, as it was extremely fucking dangerous talking about such a thing while the system was watching, according to Shin at the least. 

"Oh, okay then." She tailed off for a second before gaining a determined expression.

"Rematch me bastard."





"Hah, I win again, good luck next time."

Nue sucks at this game.



..........End of chapter..........