Chapter 15: What Exactly Is Going On Here?

Chapter 15: What Exactly Is Going On Here?

On this continent in the main world, there is a saying: the countless stars in the sky are reflections of souls themselves. Each soul born in this world has a star corresponding to its destiny and power.

It's important to note that this is not some ancient story passed down among astrologers or a romantic legend, but a fact.

A fact.

Everyone on this continent has a star corresponding to them from birth, and these stars are recorded and preserved for identity verification.

To Alex, this method is no different from fingerprint or DNA verification in his own world, but... there are some differences.

Now, Alex was here to test his theory.

Based on the memories of the original owner of his body, Alex could confirm that if the Holy Nation issued a warrant, it would definitely include the "star pattern" of this body.

Just like how capturing a fugitive requires fingerprint comparison, if his "star pattern" matched that of the wanted person, no matter how he disguised himself or transformed, he couldn't escape the eyes of the enforcers.

Upon realizing this, Alex had a very bold idea.

If a soul's birth corresponds to a star, and the original soul of this body had died, does his transmigration mean that a new star belonging to him would be born in the sky?

If his guess was correct, then by obtaining the star crest, he could completely erase any issues that might remain with this body.

At that time, even if the Holy Nation's knights found him, they wouldn't be able to arrest him as long as the star patterns didn't match.

The Holy Nation worshiped the Goddess of Order and wouldn't blatantly overturn their own laws and beliefs.

This is similar to how prosecutors in his own world can't send a criminal to court without matching fingerprints and DNA.

Of course, if they wanted, they could still frame an innocent person, but at that point, Alex wouldn't hesitate to retaliate ruthlessly.

This was also another reason why Alex came to this city. Official star crests could only be issued at the city hall, and it was also a necessary step for immigrants wanting to reside here.

After all, not everyone carries their identification documents everywhere, and sometimes, a star pattern verification to confirm that one is not on the wanted list could at least get them a "good citizen certificate."

Alex clearly remembered the "star pattern" of the original owner of this body. Now, he just needed to confirm whether his "star pattern" matched the original owner's.

If they didn't match, the plan could proceed.

If they did, Alex could leave as quickly as possible. Although it wasn't his intention to flee to the wilderness and join cultists and mercenaries, if necessary, he had no other choice.

Here it is.

Taking a deep breath, Alex looked at the heavy wooden door in front of him, then reached out and knocked. Soon, a muffled voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Hearing the response, Alex pushed open the heavy wooden door and walked into the room.

The room appeared dim, with a glass dome ceiling instead of a regular one. Bookshelves filled with thick books lined the walls, making the astrology room look more like a small library.

In the center of the room stood a large, heavy desk, behind which sat a small figure in a black robe, resembling a fortune-telling wizard.

"I'm here for the star verification," Alex said as he approached the desk, handing over his documents. The person behind the desk glanced at the documents without moving, then nodded.

"Place your hands on the crystal ball. We can begin."

The astrologer's voice was low, but Alex didn't mind. Following the instructions, he placed his hands over the crystal ball. The astrologer then extended his hands to the other side of the ball and murmured a few incantations.


The next moment, the previously transparent crystal ball began to glow, then gradually turned black. Points of starlight appeared within, resembling a star map of the Milky Way as seen on television. However... what this meant, Alex had no idea.

But the astrologer in front of him seemed different. Upon seeing Alex's star pattern, he couldn't help but let out a scream and stood up.


"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Seeing the astrologer's reaction, Alex's heart tightened, but he maintained a curious expression and asked. A

t the same time, he began to calculate his next move—if his identity was exposed, should he leave immediately or kill the astrologer before fleeing?

"Ah, no... there's no problem... it's just..."

The astrologer, completely unaware that his life was hanging by a thread, bent down to closely examine the crystal ball, muttering to himself.

"This star pattern... is very rare... um... sir, may I record it?"


Hearing the astrologer's response, Alex finally relaxed a bit. He furrowed his brow, pretending to think deeply before reluctantly asking.

"Is this a required step?"

"Oh, no, no, no, sir."

Hearing Alex's question, the astrologer hurriedly waved his hand.

"It's just that this rare star pattern is of great research value, so I wanted to ask for your permission to record it."


This time, Alex didn't answer immediately. He pretended to ponder while recalling the significance of star patterns.

For ordinary people, star patterns were like "fingerprint" and "DNA" verifications. For professionals, star patterns were also the source of their power.

There were even rumors that some very rare ancient astrologers could predict a person's fate through the trajectory of the stars.

A rare star pattern was similar to an astronomical phenomenon like a supernova explosion in Alex's world—something that wouldn't impact the general public but held significant value in specialized circles.

It was like how people in Alex's world discussed gravitational waves, which had no practical impact on 95% of the population.


After thinking for a moment, Alex nodded. The astrologer seemed very pleased, immediately standing up and thanking Alex while moving toward the bookshelf.

"Thank you, sir, you're very kind. I promise not to share this star pattern record with anyone. Now, where is my record book... ah!"

Perhaps due to his excitement, the astrologer accidentally stepped on his robe, causing him to stumble forward. Alex quickly reached out to steady him.

It was then that Alex noticed something was off.

He distinctly felt a soft sensation—completely different from what he had imagined.


At this moment, the astrologer looked up, and the hood fell back, revealing a head of thick, dark brown curly hair and a fair, adorable face.

It was a young girl, appearing to be around the same age as the original owner of Alex's body.

Maybe even younger.

Her face flushed red, she stared blankly at him.

"Are you alright, miss?"

Seeing her expression, Alex coughed and released his grip. The girl continued to stare at him blankly, then suddenly let out a small cry, covered her head, and crouched down, curling into a ball.



For a moment, silence filled the air.

What exactly is going on here?

(End of Chapter)

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