Chapter 16: The Most Dangerous Place Is Also The Most Safe Place


Looking at the girl crouching with her head in her hands, Alex was momentarily at a loss for words. After thinking for a bit, he sighed and reached out his hand, realizing he couldn't just leave her sitting there.

"Are you okay?"


Hearing Alex's voice, the girl trembled again, then cautiously looked at his outstretched hand. After a moment of hesitation, she gingerly took his hand, and Alex helped her stand up.

"Th-thank you, and sorry for making a scene…"

"It's nothing… really."

"Well then… please wait a moment…"

Taking a deep breath, the girl put her hood back on, which seemed to calm her nerves. She then went to the bookshelf, took out a thick book, and placed it on the desk. She picked up a quill, made a gesture over the crystal ball, and Alex saw a strange, azure power emerge from it.

The power followed the quill's guidance and settled into the book, forming a unique, mysterious symbol on the once-blank page. It was a cross-shaped star within a circle, surrounded by characters that resembled ancient oracle bone script.

Alex couldn't understand the writing, but he knew from memory that this was the "Language of the Stars," a language said to have been created by the Goddess of Order to give each star its meaning. Only the gods could decipher it.

"The Desolate Realm… the Star of Renewal…"

The girl murmured to herself, words that even Alex couldn't comprehend. She then closed the book, took a silver badge from a drawer, and placed it before her.

Using the quill again, she drew power from the crystal ball and infused it into the badge. The crystal ball dimmed once more.

"Alright, sir, please take this badge. It now contains your star pattern."

Her voice had changed, no longer the deep tone she had used earlier but a pleasant, melodic sound. Alex understood why she had disguised her voice; her natural tone had no authority, sounding more like a soft plea.

"Thank you."

As he took the badge, Alex closed his eyes and injected his power into it. He saw a black starry sky with countless stars shining, the brightest one in the center.

This is my destiny star, but...

Alex compared it to the star pattern of Williams from his memory and was satisfied. Though not an astrologer, he could see that the two star patterns were entirely different, with no common points.

Good, the plan can proceed.

Smiling, Alex pocketed the badge and turned to the girl.

"Miss, I have a small request."

"A request?"

The girl tilted her head curiously, then quickly waved her hands as if realizing something.

"Um, my teacher said I shouldn't go out to eat with strange men…"


Alex wanted to say that she was overthinking it, but considering his current troubles, he might have indeed invited her for a meal under different circumstances. He shook off the thought.

"It's like this…"

He coughed, clearing his mind.

"I need to visit the temple and was hoping you could write me a letter of recommendation."

"The temple? A letter?"

The girl was momentarily stunned, then understood.

"Are you planning to join the temple, sir?"


Hearing this, Alex finally breathed a sigh of relief. Despite her confusion, the girl was at least reasonable.

Normally, one wouldn't need a letter to pray at the temple. But Alex wasn't going there to pray or sightsee. He intended to join the temple.

Any well-organized religious group has strict procedures for admitting new members. The Holy Nation was no exception.

For an outsider like Alex to join, he needed to apply to become an apprentice guardian knight.

Although the title of knight sounds grand, an apprentice guardian knight's role was similar to intellectuals in Alex's world being sent to the countryside.

They had a sacred mission to protect people in the most challenging and impoverished places, fighting against various threats.

These threats included local creatures like gnolls and goblins, bandits, and the ever-present cultists, undead, and chaotic creatures.

Danger brought opportunity. If these apprentice knights survived and completed their tasks, they would be recognized as knights by the temple.

Exceptional deeds could even lead to higher ranks and lands of their own.

For noble offspring, this path, even without significant achievements, added prestigious credentials to their records, aiding future promotions.

However, only lower nobles or minor aristocrats chose this arduous path. Those accustomed to luxury couldn't endure the harsh wilderness.

Alex watched the girl write something on a piece of paper, then laboriously stamp it with a large ivory seal. She sealed the document and handed it to Alex.

"Please take this, sir."

"Thank you, miss."

Alex took the letter and smiled at the girl.

"If you have time, let's have a meal together sometime."

Without waiting for a response, Alex smiled and left.

The dangerous place is also the most safe place.

As Alex left the city hall and entered the temple without hindrance, he reflected on this timeless truth.

Unlike the relatively empty city hall, the temple's security was stringent. Though not overly conspicuous, many armed temple guards patrolled diligently. Despite their vigilance, they paid no attention to Alex, focused like statues.

Perhaps they couldn't imagine a wanted cultist walking brazenly into their sanctum. 

"Humans are similar in every world," Alex mused.

"I come from the Silver Principality," Alex said to a temple bishop, handing over the letter he received.

"I seek guidance and enlightenment from Order."

"I understand."

The bishop, an elderly man with white hair and beard, clearly accustomed to noble applicants like Alex, read the letter, checked the seal and signature, and nodded.

"Follow me, child."

The bishop led Alex through the corridors into the inner courtyard, stopping at a large marble insignia. He turned to Alex.

"Step onto it, child."


Alex's hand brushed his sword hilt, feeling the sweat on his palm. This was the final and most crucial step. He was prepared for this test.

Everyone knew this, especially cultists.

Everyone was accountable for their actions, recorded in the threads of fate. No one could alter the past, and history's dust couldn't obscure the truth. Order was eternal.

Alex knew that standing on this platform would trigger a search by Order's light, akin to antivirus software checking for viruses—enemies of Order.

Or rather, cultists devoted to Chaos. This determination was made by Alex's soul star.

Though confident he wasn't a cultist, Alex was unsure of the accuracy of this process. After all, even antivirus software sometimes mistakenly deletes system files.

He hoped this firewall was more precise—better than Kaspersky, at least.

Taking a deep breath, Alex stepped onto the platform. The next moment, a pure white light descended, enveloping him.

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