Chapter 1: Thrills

The Mother Globe. An ancient sanctuary forged by the Gospels in their vision of holy harmony. The greatest treasure that ever existed within the Cosmos. The home of all mortal beings. And, much to the horror of the Lords and humans, the shelter for a vast amount of demonic creatures plotting to take this precious land for themselves. For centuries, the forces of peace and hatred have gone to war with each other to claim this world as the base of their kingdoms. Fortunately, the heavenly forces always managed to fend off the hellish monsters attempting to colonize the Mother Globe in the vision of evil. But, little did anyone within the Cosmos know that a shift in power was about to take place.

“I always viewed life itself as a mystery that shall never be solved to its fullest potential. For we exist through the will of beings far superior than any of the creations found on this floating rock. And why is that? For their amusement as if we’re characters starring in a sadistic theater piece? Or are they using us to carry out their work? I like to believe that the latter is the truth. Unfortunately, that would make me and you, my faithful subjects, slaves attached to cosmic shackles…” a mysterious hooded figure began to preach to their followers standing in formation behind them. Clearing their throat and looking up at the clear, star splattered sky above, the unknown speaker turned around and faced the observers clinging on to every spoken word.

With their face hidden from the darkness of the cloak masking their identity, the leader of the meeting continued their sermon. “And, as your warped brains may recall, a life of slavery is no life at all. For all we shall ever be are sacks of energy with the purpose to serve and never the freedom to thrive as our creators. That was until I made a vital discovery,” the cloaked orator continued while taking a moment to study the appearances of those in front of them. Blood oozed from their soulless eyes and streamed down their deformed moldy faces. As their inner fluids dripped from their faces and stained their shredded attires, the monstrous disciples maintained their attention on the stranger spewing their beliefs at them.

Undaunted by the ghoulish, unhinged physical traits of the kneeling zombified creatures, the master of the meeting continued with their speech. “Brothers, sisters, and whatever else the children refer to themselves as these days, I, Mad Moore, have identified the perfect emancipation for all living beings; death! Sooner or later, we all suffer the same fate of mortality. But I say to Inferno with fate! For death is the freedom we all deserve. Death is the greatest answer to all of our problems. And death will be what serves us opposed to our souls serving those cowardly Gods above,” Mad Moore stated before turning their back towards the chanting ghouls.

“AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA! AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA!” the ghouls chanted in honor of their master.

Pointing at the top of a large post towering over them all, Mad Moore began to demonstrate their twisted claims. “I would like to thank our very special guest, London, for joining us tonight.”

They all turned their attention towards the top of the post at a battered young woman hanging from it. Blood ran down the various wounds that were covering her weak body as she made one final attempt to plead for life.

“Please… please! You don’t have to do this. Oh, God, please don’t do this…” the young woman said in desperation while looking at all of the demons swarming her from the ground below.

“Oh you dear naïve soul,” Mad Moore nonchalantly spoke to her while ignoring each and every cry for help. “I understand your unwillingness to go through with this process. But rest assure the sacrifice you’re about to make will be a necessary one.”

An astonished London could not believe the words she was hearing. “Sacrifice? I didn’t sign up for this. You and your men forced this upon me…” she attempted to resist the explanation being provided by her kidnappers, but she was once again interrupted.

“You left us no choice, girl,” Mad Moore spoke aloud so that both the ghouls behind them and London dangling from above could hear their voice. “You see, children, when I ordered you to pick up our newest subject here, you informed me that you were kind enough to deliver her from an environment worse than any hellish pit; a bible study at the local recreational center. There she was, gathered around with her peers worshipping the same Gods that left this world for ruin. And for what? In hopes that they will return and vanquish the evil covering this globe? Or to free her soul from the abandon that they bestowed onto it?”

London struggled in her chains in an attempt to try and break free from the 20 foot post she was attached to. “Oh God…”

“And you see, even now she calls out to one of them,” Mad Moore chuckled within the shadow of their hood. “It will be alright, London. You see, the Gods are no longer here to help you. But me? I think when this is over you’re going to realize just how free you are going to be from all the suffering, agony, and resentment that life has injected into your heart.”

“AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA!” the ghouls continued to chant.

London was petrified at the sight of the situation taking place beneath her. It was as if she was being forced into an allegiance by the predators that hunted her down. Just last night she was studying the Good Book and learning the Lord’s wisdom on hope. But with her body slayed by her attackers, help located miles away from the abandoned field they were in, and her soul shattered from all of the torment she has endured, hope was nothing more than a myth to her at this point.

“Children, ‘tis time for you to welcome your new sister,” Mad Moore snapped her fingers as the ghouls began to circle around the post. Slowly and in a demented fashion, the ghouls surrounding the post, raised their hands into the air, and continued to chant. “AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA!”

“HEEEEELP! HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!” London began to panic as the ritual began. As she looked down at the ground one final time, she noticed the red glow of Mad Moore’s eyes coming from inside the hood that made her heart drop to her stomach out of fear. And in that instant, a powerful green flame shot from the inside of the mysterious Mad Moore’s hood and wrapped itself around the bottom of the post.

“NO! NOOOOOO! GOD! SOMEBODY PLEASE HELP! PLEASE HELP ME! NOOOOO!” London frantically shouted as the scorching flame rapidly rose up towards her from the bottom of the post.

“AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA! AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA! AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA! AH MUA FWAY! AH MUT TUT! AH MOO FUSEA!” were the final words London heard from the ghouls around her as the flames eventually consumed her body.

“Go into the light, girl! Don’t bother resisting either. It’ll consume you either way,” Mad Moore called out to her as the sounds of London’s fatal screams filled the atmosphere.

They all watched as the green flames transformed London’s mortal body drastically. Her skin ripped from her body, her organs melted from her limbs, and every ounce of life she once possessed was snatched from her soul. In that moment, London was gone. But in her place, yet another ghoul was born.

Mad Moore grinned at the sight of her grotesque work as the rest of the ghouls feel to their knees in unison. Inhaling the scent of London’s newly lost soul from the air, the cult leader finally completed the ritual. “Rest in Immortality.”