Chapter 2: Clipped

Since the beginning of time, the forces of the Inferno have plotted to take the Mother Globe for themselves. With the most powerful creation in all of the Cosmos in their possession, all of demon-kind would gain control of life itself. As the war progressed between the servants of wicked and the holy protectors of the Mother Globe, the battles intensified. Eventually, the godly overseers of the Cosmos, the Gospels, banded their powers together and managed to draw back the monsters of the Inferno. Unfortunately, this victory came at an expensive price. The lives of countless mortals, mystic creatures, galactic kingdoms, and even several Gospels were lost permanently.

Weakened from the constant conflict against those who opposed them, the remaining Gospels established shelter in a kingdom that existed in the skies just above the land of humankind; Anthemella. Serving as the galactic headquarters for peace, the Anthemella was home to the holiest creatures that ever existed. Their skin was marvelous and free of any flaws. Their bodies were shredded to absolute perfection. And those who had earned nobility from the Gospels were granted powerful wings to soar across the land and halos to establish their immortality. They were angels!

“Come along, dear, we don’t want to miss the ceremony,” a male angel said to his partner as the two soared in the skies with their wings carrying them to unimaginable heights. Shooting in and out of the misty clouds strategically covering the entire kingdom from a regular mortal’s view, the duo eventually made it to their destination upon discovering the long paths of flowers covering the ground beneath them. The rainbow assorted beds extended across the land and led to the Collabort Palace, the home to the Gospels who were currently hosting the annual memorial ceremony.

“I hope we get good seats,” the eager angel said to his husband.

Amazed by the rich, marble décor of the palace, the angel’s lover mood soon turned sour as he looked at the skies of the kingdom. “Sorry to the disappoint you, but I don’t think that will be possible,” he responded while pointing to the sky.

The two soon looked up and noticed a large flock of their entire tribe arriving to the palace just before they did. Every royal subject was rushing to attend the Anthemella Broken Halo Memorial, an event implemented to celebrate the loss of all angelic lives on the anniversary of a grave onslaught that took place within the kingdom.

Parties, competitive games, fashion shows, and grand feasts all took place during this time of reflection. But, it was the musical performances that were the main attraction to this celebratory event. Each year, a choir of the best angelic voices was assembled to unite and bring sweet harmony to the entire land. And this time, the performance was rumored to be the greatest of them all due to a particular angel’s musical debut.

While the rest of the kingdom was being seated in the cathedral arena, the conductor of this year’s performance, Willona, was preparing her line up of all stars backstage before the curtain was being raised. “Alright everyone!” she shouted to gain their attention. “We go on in about five minutes. Now remember, start the track off slowly. Save your voices for the big finish,” she began as the singers all gathered around her. Turning her head to each of them, she continued to provide her final encouraging words. “And most importantly, the Gospels will be watching. So be mindful of all mannerisms, maintain thy image, and above all, do not make a mockery of this moment. Do I make myself clear?” she asked the members of the choir.

“Yes,” the majority of them all said in unison.

With her keen hearing, Willona was able to identify the lack of a particular voice answering to her demands. Scanning the crowd of performers around her with a scowl on her face, the conductor suddenly stopped turning her head once she finally identified the standing point of her daydreaming pupil. Clearing her throat and politely, yet assertively, signaling for two large male angels to step aside so that she could address one of her singers face to face, Willona repeated herself. “Do I make myself clear, Siren?”

Everyone turned their attention towards the sound of a young, slim, brown-skinned woman with black hair, blue eyes, and a nonchalant attitude humming to herself without the slightest idea that her director was speaking to her.

“Siren…” Willona repeated herself out of aggravation. “SIREN!”

Finally, snapping out of her daydreaming trance, the young angel finally acknowledged the conductor’s question. “Oh, my bad, teach!” she apologized informally.

Willona shook her head in disbelief and puckered her lips. “Whew chile, as if I didn’t have enough migraines today,” she complained to herself aloud. “Y’all go head and get ready to go out there. Siren, I’d like a word with you,” the leader of the choir instructed everyone. Willona watched as every other singer quickly scurried away from her and Siren to go prepare for their performance. Upon realizing that they were finally alone, Willona glared into the eyes of the young lady that was going to either make or break the upcoming act taking place in front of the entire kingdom.

“Listen to me and listen well, girl. What is about to happen on that stage is resting heavily on your shoulders,” Willona began to scold Siren, who exhaled in irritation. “Honey you were handpicked for this position because you have one of the most beautiful voices of any angel that ever existed. Even the Gospels are eager to hear you belt out every single note you got in you and help every single person in this arena rejoice. Now, I suggest you get it together,” Willona concluded with a stern look on her face.

With her strong distaste for authority figures bossing her around, Siren internally fought the urge to mouth off to Willona for the sake of the performance. Instead, she tried her best to respond as respectfully as she possibly could. “You got it, teach.”

“That’s Miss Willona to you child!” the conductor instantly corrected her student. “You show some respect to your elders, ya hear?”

Siren nodded her head and slightly groaned after being chastised like a child.

“Honestly Siren, I’ve had enough of your shenanigans. You were late to every rehearsal, constantly showed up in those horrid ripped up clothes, and have shown little to no respect for this moment. Girl, word of advice, for the sake of your own behind, when you get out on that stage, do your best to avoid your typical self. Because if you so much as show the littlest bit of your true rebellious side, all you’re going to do is disgrace this entire kingdom far worse than any demon ever has. Got it?” Willona finished her rant.

Like a kitchen drawer filled with the finest butcher knives, Willona’s words slashed into Siren’s soul. Never had she felt so belittled by one of her fellow angels. But, with the show about to begin, she thought twice about spatting back at her teacher and maintained her composure despite her newly crushed mood. “You got it tea… I mean, Miss Willona.”

“Mmmmhmmm,” Willona mumbled as she turned her back to Siren. “PLACES EVERYONE!” she shouted as she marched down the backstage hallway.

Siren remained still with grimace written all over her face and her arms folded. Everyone else around her was practically moving at the speed of bullets. They were filled with energy and excitement ahead of the show as they grabbed their costumes, finished the final touches on their makeup, and warmed up their vocal chords. But deep down, she felt nothing but dread and resentment for the entire production. As the other angels zoomed around her, all she could think about was being told to not be herself for the sake of the kingdom. How could someone even say such a thing? But as disrespectful as the comment was, maybe there was some truth to it after all. Maybe she didn’t belong amongst the finest voices of Anthemella. Or maybe, just maybe, she had something to prove to every last holy creature that existed upon this sacred land.