Chapter 3: The Symphonies

As the curtain was about to be lifted, the entire arena filled with sanctified angels that were eagerly anticipating the musical stylings of the best vocalists in the entire kingdom. Well, except for the nervous bloodline of this year’s star.

“Oh how I wish they would get this show over with already,” Arina Knight, Siren’s mother, whispered to her husband in the seat over from her.

“Why is that, darling? Aren’t you excited for our daughter’s big day?” Cleelor, the father of Siren, questioned his wife’s previous claim.

“Because she knows that granddaughter of mine is either going to make this the greatest day in our family’s lives or the day we’ll have to leave Anthemella from the shame she’s going to bring us,” Siren’s grandmother, Lyndora, said in the seat next to her parents.

“What? Mother, you think Siren could ruin this performance?” Cleelor asked in concern.

“Oh, heavens no!” Lyndora urged her son. “Siren has a beautiful voice and is the perfect choice for a solo performance this year,” she said as she quickly looked around at the other angels sitting near them to make sure they were not listening. “It’s the hag-like curse of hers I don’t trust,” she whispered.

“Your mother is right, Cleelor. I adore my daughter more than anything else in the Cosmos. But as big as a gift as she is to me, I’m not so sure that placing her on this stage this grand will be pleasing to everyone else,” Arina said before lowering her voice. “Especially due to her ‘special’ condition.”

“Well, I for one am thrilled that our daughter is getting the spotlight. It’ll do her good,” he said to his wife as he turned his attention over to his mother. “You two know how much she’s grieved since losing Harmon. This will be good for her. By the heavens, it shall be good for all of us!” Cleelor said leaping out of his seat in excitement.

Lyndora looked around as her body cringed from the concerned eyes facing her entire family after her son’s gleeful outburst. “Boy, sit your behind down before I send you to Inferno myself!”

Soon enough, the lights of the arena dimmed as the entire crowd began to cheer wildly while several colorful spotlights began to swing across the mass angelic observers watching the stage curtain being raised.

‘Angels of the skies. Prepare thy selves for the grandest of symphonies. Bask in the glory and put your hands and wings together for our royal protectors, the Symphonies!’ the announcer’s voice boomed across the arena as the entire arena jumped to its feet. Soon enough, the gods and goddesses emerged on the stage wearing their signature cloths and gowns. One by one they each received their grand introductions and soaked in the praise they were receiving from all their children. ‘Presenting Donnera, Goddess of Hope. Presenting Tuloc, God of Riches. Presenting Montiria, Goddess of Youth. Presenting Wintara, Goddess of Passion. And finally, presenting the grand Meusor, God of Life!’

Tears of happiness were shed as a thousand beating hearts erupted from their admiration for the men and women that granted them life.

After an extended period of worship passed by, Meusor, the unspoken leader of the Symphonies, spoke to the angels. “Thank you, my sons and daughters, for that exhilarating welcome. Words can’t possibly describe the joy we feel being in your presence.”

Wintara followed his lead and spoke to her subjects. “My babies, today is a day filled with unforgettable memories. Many that fill our souls with life. And yet there are some that have been burned into us forever.”

Montiria then took her turn to speak. “As all of you surely remember, today marks a great day of sadness. A day where evil stormed our grounds and disrupted the peace we once knew while also consuming some of our loved ones in the process. We shall never disregard the events of this day nor shall we ever forget the holy lives lost in the process.”

Tuloc then took the speech into his hands. “But in recent years, we have decided to turn the tides for all of you. Instead of grieving from the traumatic battle the demons placed upon us, we have decided to make this a day of embrace. No more shall we let evil corrupt the way we exist. Rather we will always take the time to remember life as it should be.”

Donnera then finished the speech on behalf of all the Symphonies. “So, to kick off this marvelous celebration, please rise and welcome the most fantastic members of our choir that were sought out for this special occasion.”

The crowd of angels stood up and cheered as loud as they possibly could for the choir making their way on the stage.

“Do you see her?” Arina asked her husband and mother-in-law as she searched the stage for her daughter.

“Not yet. Whew I hope that child hasn’t done anything rash and run off,” Lyndora said while continuing her applause. Together the two looked at each individual choir member’s face as they walked onto stage in a single line. So far, Siren was nowhere to be seen.

“Oh wait, there’s my baby,” Cleelor yelled in excitement. “YAYYY SIREN! GO GET THEM BABY!” he cheered for his daughter.

As she marched on stage wearing her long blue robe at the end of the line, Siren did her best to ignore her father’s obnoxious outburst. “Oh, someone please strike me down now…” she mumbled to herself in embarrassment. She looked around elsewhere and looked at the Symphonies standing on stage.

Wintara watched as Siren took the center of the stage and approached the mic stand. As she walked by her, she whispered words of encouragement to her. “Good luck my dear,” she said to a nervous Siren with a smile on her face.

Clearing her throat, Siren waited for the music to begin as all eyes of Anthemella were on her. This was it. This was her moment to shine. Her moment to show everyone, including her family that she belonged right where she is; in the spotlight!