Chapter 6: The Forever Nightmares

A week had dragged on since the last time Siren showed her face in public following the mayhem she caused at the concert. After spending a week in her room with barely any interaction with her family, the young angel grew tired of hiding from the rest of her world. Finding the courage to shed herself of her previously acquired insecurities, she decided to indulge in a lone morning walk.

Armed with a satchel filled with fruits and a water canister, a pair of wireless white headphones blasting her favorite classical music, and a longboard she designed herself, Siren practically glided through the Nitraxion Park in her first outing since the incident. Each forceful kick to the ground from her board brought her a great deal of joy as it gained more speed each time. As skillful as any daredevil, the angel shifted her hips with ease at every turn and remained in control of the longboard. Upon first entering the park, there seemed to be no one else around. Fortunately for her, that’s the way she liked things nowadays.

Despite being a creature created in the vision of love and peace, Siren Knight was a woman who was dealt a great deal of torture and chaos in a short amount of time. As a child, she was one of the most vibrant beings you could find in all of the Cosmos. Beloved by all who met her, Siren would often be described as the life of the party. And why wouldn’t she be? She was fueled by the love of her entire family, especially her brother Harmon. Many suns and moons witnessed the inseparable sibling duo blessing the atmosphere with the music stylings of their band they formed as kids. Some of her fondest memories come from her brother teaching her how to whistle, maintain a beat on a drum, and how to play the guitar. He was more than a brother. He was a mentor, a bandmate, and a best friend. With him always at her side, life was picture perfect. But, like the cycle of life itself, every perfect picture eventually falls out of its frame.

Years prior to Siren’s melody of mayhem, all of Anthemella was rocked by a surprise ambush sent from the demon world. Like a bullet flying into the brain of the Holy Ghost Himself, an army of sadistic winged creatures invaded the skies of the kingdom and unleashed Hell. They were known as gargoyles, monsters that served the forces of evil. On a mission to destroy the Gospels and all of their children, the gargoyles laid waste to the sacred grounds of Anthemella. While the Gospels managed to salvage their paradise, many irreplaceable lives were lost in the battle. Many angelic soldiers were no match for the gargoyles, including Siren’s grandfather, Raflow, and new recruit Harmon. Ever since losing her grandpa and her sibling, Siren went from being the life of the party to the vision of mourning.

“Look. It’s her…” one angel whispered to another as they noticed Siren longboarding through the park. They remained timidly still while sitting on a blanket in the grass as she zoomed by with her brown hair and pink linen gown blowing in the wind. “She’s got some nerve showing her face around here.”

Ignoring all of the stares she was receiving by the other angels who noticed her riding by, Siren basked in the calmness of the trees shadowing her path. The scenery went well with the symphony of mortal music she was listening to. The enriching beats from the artist, Bae Tovan, made her expedition the most fun she’s had in the past few days.

Arriving to the park lake, Siren skated along the path established next to the clear water and gazed upon the sacred body of water. The rays of the sun danced across the slight ripples created by several albino fish and magenta ducks swimming around. This drew her eye to a grand landmark on the opposite side of the lake; a tall golden memorial statue of Shocain, the former protector of Anthemella. The sight of the dragon’s statue was uncanny to behold. The life size structure of the intimidating creature completely snatched Siren’s attention as she continued to stare at its detailed scales, long tail, and shiny eyes. She only ever saw Shocain a handful of times in person, the last being when he met his fate against the Gargoyle’s attack. While much time has passed since the animal’s demise, the one thing that she remembered perfectly about the beast was its powerful roar that rang across the entire kingdom. It was deafening, destructive, and deadly, just like her sonic scream.

“You…” she heard a man’s voice from behind her. Slowly turning around, Siren came across three young male angels standing before her. The ones on her left and right were pale skinned twins with slim builds and curly red hair. The brown skinned one in the center of them had a tall, husky build with a low cut and venom to spew. Looking past the hateful scowls on their faces, she recognized them as some of the boys who sang back up for her during the performance.

“So the banshee finally decides to show her face,” the large angel insulted her.

Siren exhaled while trying to restrain herself from engaging in any further conflict. “Bruce, I’m not in the mood for your mess. I’m tryna set up a picnic here…”

“Oh and like we were in the mood for you to shoot that sonic blast at the audience?” the twin known as Peter spoke up. “Two months’ worth of rehearsal instantly shattered because of your demonic illness.”

It was then Tony finally decided to chime in. “Our entire choir has been forsaken across the kingdom because of your stunt. But I guess you wouldn’t know a thing about that since you’ve been shunning yourself from the rest of us for the past week. By the glory of Anthemella, if I was one of the Gospels I wouldn’t hesitate in your immediate sentence to Inferno…”

Siren finally had enough of their berating. “Whatever,” she said with a tight grip on her satchel and her foot placed on top of her longboard. “Look I apologize for all the pain I caused you three and the rest of Anthemella and you can feel free to sit here and decide what entrees should be served at my future hanging, but I’m done with this conversation. Now back off if you know what’s good for you…” she said to the three men before attempting to roll away on the board.

“What’s good for us?” Bruce said as he shoved her on the shoulder to stop her in her tracks. “I think what would be good for all us is if your wicked soul was consumed by the demons that forged it…”

And then it happened. No warning. No build up to it. And there was no way for her to immediately process it.  Siren stood frozen as her satchel dropped from her shoulder. Her eyes remained shut as she slowly took her foot off of her custom made board. The other angels snickering at her made her blood boil as a goopy liquid dripped down the side of her face. And as she wiped it off of her face, it finally hit her; Bruce had spat in her face.

“Yeah that’s right!” a hyped up Bruce said. “That’s what you get you little b*tch…”

Finally, after an entire week of humiliation, torment, and flat out mistreatment, her temperament was pushed beyond its limit. At long last, she lashed out in the way she knew best…

“Hee-yah!” she roared while delivering a powerful spinning kick to Bruce’s gut. Fueled by the disrespectful loogie sliding down her cheek, she followed up with two jaw punches to her harasser and a swift back hand across his face. Hoping to finish him off, she landed one more kick to Bruce’s chin and caused him to collapse to the ground.

“Agh! Ahhhhhh!” Bruce’s moaned in agonizing pain with his hands over his face. “MY TEETH! MY TEETH!” he screamed as he felt several of his back molars rattling around loosely in his mouth.

“By the Gospels!” Peter shouted as he and Tony kneeled down next to Bruce to aid him.

“You… you b*tch! You knocked my teeth out!” Bruce shouted through his hands that covered his mouth.

A seething Siren took her wrist and wiped his spit from her face. She looked at the damage she caused in a matter of seconds as Bruce rocked back and forth on his back with tears in his eyes and blood pouring from his mouth. Grunting in outrage and disbelief, Siren marched over to her satchel filled with fruit she dropped earlier and picked it back up. She then placed her foot back on her longboard and pushed herself off the ground. As the board rolled her past her former choir members she turned the satchel upside down and allowed the fruit to pour on top of Bruce’s head. As several smell yet tough apples, oranges, and mangos spilled on top of the wounded angel’s cranium, Siren strolled away on her longboard while shouting one last remark out loud.

“That’s what YOU get you big ass b*tch!”