Chapter 7: The Warden Is Back

After Siren’s scuffle with the other angels in the park, the grand Gospels had matters of their own to attend to.

“FOR DIVERSITY! FOR UNITY! FOR HARMONY!” General Reid was heard shouting to his soldiers on their training grounds just outside the Gods’ palace. Meusor was watching his fearless children partake in their daily exercises implemented for Anthemella’s protection from one of the palace’s balconies. The battle field was filled with the strongest angels giving it their all in hand-to-hand combat, winged races, halo tossing, and weapons practice. Each soldier fought on their own as individuals, but they always remained as a brotherly unit that cared for one, another no matter how brutal their battles with each other turned out. The love and spirits they possessed were as sacred as the kingdom they vowed to fight for, which is what made them supreme warriors. But which among them would be the most valiant solution to the Gospel’s conflict at hand?