Chapter 31: Life's a Mobile

‘What happened?’

‘Look at the smoke!’

‘A ship wreck? I think it’s a ship wreck!’

‘My God, someone dial 911! There’s probably people out there!’

Crowded at the edge of the sea were several concerned beachgoers who were unsure of what disaster was unfolding beyond the waves crashing in front of them. They all looked in horror at the giant cyclone of smoke coming from the outer regions of the sea. Unable to see with their naked eyes what exactly took place to cause such an environmentally unfriendly sight, the swimsuit-dawning civilians began to speculate amongst each other.

“I think it was some sort of explosion!” a man said.

“It had to of come from the sky,” a woman responded.

“Mommy! Mommy! Was it a plane crash?” a small boy asked his parent out of curiosity.