Chapter 32: Miss Misunderstood

“Oooooooooooh!” the audience groaned after bearing witness to the collision. Despite all the other oddballs strolling by, all anyone could keep their eyes on were the two women laid out in the middle of the street. One of them was their unknown, battered defender. The other was an even more unknown, heavily tatted deviant who severely needed to work on her roller blading skills.

“Owwwwww…” Siren groaned as she held her forehead in pain. “Dude… what the hell?” she whined while sitting up.

“Agh… aw dammit,” the other young woman said while tending to a scrape on her knee. “I knew I shouldn’t have tried that twirling split.”

“UM HELLO!?” Siren shouted to get the woman’s attention. “What’s your damage, sis?” she continued to chastise the parade participant.

“Oh sorry…” the woman said while holding her knee in pain.

An annoyed Siren shook her head and picked her guitar up from the ground. Slowly getting back on her feet, she noticed the other roller blading women passing by.