Chapter 33: Freak Love

Everyone’s eyes were glued to the street once the royal marching band stormed the parade. With the drum major leading the rest of his team with his twirling baton, Siren and Lavender slowly approached the sidewalk and watched the performers escort the king and queen through the adoring crowd.

The lone whistle from the major rang in everyone’s ears as a symphony of drums, flutes, trombones, and cymbals echoed in the air. The audience enjoyed the elegance of the music as they all began to dance along to it. The major continued to motion everyone forward as he began to breakdance.

Siren watched with enthusiasm as she applauded the musical performance. “Yoooooo this is so cool!” she said with a twinkle of awe in her eyes.

“Look!” said Lavender as she pointed to the float following the band.