Chapter 34: Hit Them Baby One More Time

Not a single soul knew what was coming at the hands of the strange Maximus. Well, that was because the trouble was already there in front of them!

The screams of women harmonized with the cries of small children as everyone slowly backed away from the marching band.

Siren and Lavender could not believe what they were seeing. Just a moment ago, the band was a group of young men and women dressed in their best suits serving as the life of this party. Now, they were the ones dishing out the destruction.

The angel’s jaw dropped as the ghoulish band members unveiled their raw green skin, bloodshot red eyes, and blood dripping from their mouths. One minute they were human, and now they’re demons!

“Fetch!” ordered Maximus over the DJ mic.

Suddenly, the demons’ bodies all shook rapidly like they were experiencing seizures. They moaned, groaned, hissed, and flat out screamed like a pack of wild animals. And thus, the hunt began…