Chapter 35: Give Me a Sign

The conflict came to a screeching halt as the echoes of Siren’s sonic scream boomed throughout the entire city. The sudden shriek from the angel caught everyone, especially the Wretched, off guard.

A concerned Gemma looked around to find the source of the noise. She immediately noticed several startled citizens staring in the same direction and followed their eyes to trace it. She then came across the sight of several demons clutching onto their ears and screeching in pain. “What the hell…?” she asked herself.

“WHAT THE HELL!?” Maximus yelled as he noticed the Wretched had stopped attacking the citizens. Scanning the area below, he discovered his minions in a weakened state as they dropped to their knees in agony. Soon enough, he came across Siren, who was laid out in the middle of the street.

“Siren? SIREN!?” Lavender scrambled over to her new friend to make sure she was okay.