Chapter 41: You Drive Me

Elsewhere, while Siren was finally reaching her breakthrough in her training, King Jermaine was struggling to fit the pieces of the puzzle his kingdom was in together. Attempting to ease his mind, the royal leader was in the private backyard of his castle sitting on his aquatic throne he had personally built at the deep end of his 300 foot long pool. Sitting in his sacred seat in his trunks and tilted crown, his mind hopelessly tried to think of several solutions for the monsters attacking New Halo City. Usually, the sounds of birds chirping along to the beat of the trap music he plays from the pool’s speaker would help him come to a conclusion, but this time he had no luck.

Fortunately, he wasn’t in this predicament alone. The concerned look on his face soon faded into a smile as his loyal guards dawning their colorful sundresses made their way outside to bring him their report.