Chapter 42: Portraits

Later that afternoon, Sensei decided to reward Siren for her improvements made in her training and permitted her to skip her afternoon sessions to go support Lavender in her roller derby competition. Before the event, Lavender requested to stop at her favorite corner store for a pre-match snack.

“See, I told you Leonard wasn’t all that bad. Just rough around the edges,” Lavender said as the two women made their way over to the frosty station.

“Not that bad? He stole my guitar and nearly killed me with that obstacle course,” Siren complained as they both grabbed their cups and dispensed several different flavors into their drinks.

“Oh come on, Si, it’s not like your guitar was destroyed, let alone you. At least you got through it and now you know you’re actually cut out for whatever this job of yours is,” she added. As the girls slapped their lids on their cups, inserted their straws, and began to sip from their drinks, Siren made a grave mistake…