Chapter 63: Say Her Name

Great satisfaction overcame her watching Maximus’s body launch into the pool and skip like a stone across the surface of the water. Once his body took a dive and did not come back up for a moment, a confident smile slipped itself on the warrior’s face.

“Got ‘eeeeeeemmmmmmm!” Siren gloated in celebration of Max’s defeat.

‘HEY GET YOUR F*CKING HANDS OFF OF ME,’ she heard a familiar voice shouting from her headphones. It was Lavender!

“Lav? Lav! Are you there!?” Siren yelled into the headphones, but she received no answer. “D*mmit. I gotta find her fast,” she spoke to herself. Brushing the dust off of her clothes and taking a deep exhale filled with rage and determination, the victor of the battle marched towards the spa’s exit and stopped for a brief moment to check on Max’s condition. With the sight of his thrashed body floating lifelessly along the pool’s surface, the fatal rocker grinned at the end result of her work.