Chapter 64: Wherever and Forever

All eyes filled with tears and bloodstained pupils shot to the center of the stage as a living angel made her presence known. Like the brightest star that glistened within the Cosmos, she attracted everyone’s energy to her whether it was positive or negative. She gently flipped her red hair out of her face and set her sights on the evil ringleader of all this madness.

“Well mercy me… Aren’t you that Riot Girl I’ve heard a great deal about?” asked a curious Mad Moore.

“The f*ck do you think?” Siren responded with her hands on her hips. “Let my sis go. This is between you and me now,” she demanded.

“Wrong on two counts. You see, first, this matter remains between me and every last being on this planet. And second, you’re not the one that gives orders around here. I am,” Mad Moore said.

“Maybe in that dumpster fire of a brain of yours, sure you do,” Siren clapped back. “But that’s just the thing… I’m not one to play by the rules.”