Chapter 97: Like a Prayer

The sight of her was absolutely inconceivable. The confidence was radiating off of her new battle suit. Her beauty was as striking as her Weapon of Harmony. Her newfound might could be sensed by any living being nearby. But, when it came to her undead enemies, they were about to feel the true nature of an angel from Anthemella!

The confused Queen felt something caught underneath her foot but could not figure out what it was. She soon received her answer, however, after a large, ear-bleeding sonic scream was unleashed from underneath her!

With efficiency and grace, Siren blasted a scream from her throat that caught the Goliathea off guard and toppled her over.

“Huh!? Whoa. Whoaaaaa!” Maduma screamed as her weight got the best of her. She stumbled over her own feet after the vibrations of Siren’s scream ruined her balance. The villainess then found herself collapsing over several nearby oak trees and felt her wound count growing as the large branches stabbed into her skin.