Chapter 98: Dilemma at New Halo City

The time had finally came. The final push against their oppressor. The grand conflict between the heroes and the villain. The fate of the Mother Globe was on the line…

“DIE!” Maduma roared as she shot her fist to the ground once more.

Siren and Gemma leaped out of the way of the Goliathea’s punch and dodged the strike. With her arm nearby, Siren and Gemma immediately dished out the damage. A leap and swing of the Weapon of Harmony from Siren led to a huge slice across the back of the Queen’s wrist, which angered her even more!

Having her back, Gemma focused on another area of the Queen’s body and conjured up a large, spikey diamond ball. The human treasure then used her power to fling it directly into Maduma’s knee.

Despite their strong efforts, Maduma remained on her feet. “You’ll pay for that with your miserable lives!” she said as blood squirted from her arm and leg. The monster took a deep breath and lunged her body forward while sending a cyclone of fire their way.