
David's restless body language betrayed his inner turmoil as he tossed and turned on the couch, his eyes wide with wakefulness. His mind was a jumble of thoughts, each one crashing into the next.

"Am I doing too much? What if I'm pushing too hard? What if I'm headed down the wrong path? I don't even know, if mom was here, what would she do? Would she accept him?"

David rose from the couch, his movements heavy with fatigue, and shuffled to the kitchen. He grasped a glass cup, its transparency reflecting his own hollow eyes, and trudged to the sink.

The faucet groaned as he turned it, and water gushed out, filling the cup with a refreshing clarity that contradicted his turbulent thoughts.

He lifted the glass to his lips, the cool liquid sliding down his throat.

David let the cup slip from his fingers, and it shattered on the floor with a faint tinkle, then he grabbed a broom from the side and swept the shattered glass near the wall.

He sank into his worn, faded couch, but a pointy object dug into his skin, making him spring up with a yelp of surprise and frustration. "Damn it!" he cursed, flopping down on the cold, gray concrete floor.

He snatched up the letter from the table, his eyes scanning the words he'd read so many times before;

My Dearest David,

I know you may be bewildered by this sudden turn of events, and I understand if you are hesitant to believe the truth. It is I who stands before you as this anonymous benefactor, endeavoring to right the wrongs of the past.

For years, I have watched from the periphery, burdened by the weight of my absence in your life. The news of your mother's condition and the mounting medical bills struck a chord deep within me, igniting a newfound sense of responsibility.

I may not have been there when you needed me most, but this gesture, at the very least, is my attempt to alleviate the financial burdens that have plagued you for far too long. I hope it provides respite and allows you to focus on what truly matters.

I realize that this revelation may be overwhelming, that trust must be rebuilt, brick by brick. If you are willing, I earnestly yearn for the opportunity to be a part of your life once more, to make amends for the past and forge a relationship founded on love and understanding.

Please accept this gift as not only a means to alleviate your debts but also as a symbolic gesture of my desire to bridge the chasm that has separated us for far too long.

Yours sincerely,

Your Father.

The penmanship and sentiment resonated deeply within him, rousing a longing for reconciliation that had lingered within his heart.

With the note clutched tightly in his hand, David rested his head on the couch and mumbled, "maybe I'm overreacting a bit too much."

After an eternity of silence, David attempted to surrender to slumber once more, but his restless mind refused to relent.

He reluctantly reached for his cellphone, nestled in the depths of his sling bag, which lay sprawled on the floor like a discarded skin.

As he scrolled through the screen, his eyes scanned for any job, that would offer a distraction from his turbulent thoughts and a chance to reboot his life

David scrolled the internet for about an hour, until he found a delivery man job at Stevo steels.

Stevo steels was a new company that started about a year ago and not much is known about them publicly except that they are worth half a billion, which is a great feat, after starting in less than a year.

David scrolled down the page a bit and saw that they were going to pay two times what he'd get paid at Food Fantasy monthly, in a day; so David decided to go and apply for the job in person tomorrow as it was tagged "urgently required" on their page.

He might not be able to get this opportunity again as it's a once in a lifetime thing, plus he had his driver's license.

David rose from the floor, his movements heavy with fatigue, and shuffled to the tiny bathroom, its walls closing in around him like a claustrophobic cocoon.

He stood under the showerhead, letting the warm water wash away his frustration.

Later, he heated up the leftover Macaroni and cheese, its creamy sauce and soft pasta, a meager but comforting dinner.

With a full belly, he collapsed onto his bed, the worn sheets enveloping him like a tired embrace, and drifted off to sleep.

Next morning, David woke up as early as he could, he quickly took his bath; put on a beige flannel shirt, black denim pants and a pair of black boots.

David walked until he got to the subway and took a train to the neighboring district, it was only twenty minutes away from where he lived.

As David arrived at the steel factory, he encountered a massive building made of steel and concrete.

The factory was noisy, filled with sounds of clanging metal and engines running. The entrance to the factory was guarded by two security personnels, and trucks were lined up in the loading and unloading area.

The storage yards were filled with large stacks of steel beams, sheets and coils, and nearby were other factories and industrial buildings. The safety markings on the ground provided a bright contrast to the otherwise gray and rusted structures.

Looking at the factory, David felt impressed and inspired, seeing the hard work and dedication that was put into the place.

David walked up to the entrance and the two security guards made him halt his steps.

"Your I.D," the first security guard requested as he blocked the entrance.

"Oh, I'm not a worker here, I just came here for the delivery job," David said politely.

"Alright then," the guard said as he moved away from the entrance and opened the gate carefully for David to go in.

"Thank you," David said to the two guards after passing through.

The further he walked, the louder the sounds of engines running were; David walked up the first building in front, and got it, then walked directly to the counter.

"Good morning ma'am," David greeted.

The lady looked at David for a brief second, before replying, "good morning, how can I help you?"

"I'm here for the delivery job," David answered straightforwardly.

"Oh I see, here, fill this up," she brought out a sheet of paper and handed it to David with a pen. "You can read the conditions before signing," she continued.

After ten minutes, David handed it back to her, "I'm done!"

She then collected the paper and briefly went through it, and turned to David, "alright then, follow me," she said as she came out of her counter.

David followed her carefully as she walked along the hall. Her hips swayed, as if inviting someone.

A man in a protective suit, happily greeted her, "beautiful morning Alexa, looking sexy as always," he said before smacking her butt, making it jiggle slightly.

"Naughty," she laughs it off as she continues walking while David still followed closely behind her.

Alexa got to a door and signaled for David to wait before she went in first, after two minutes she came out, "good luck," she whispered to him, before he went in.