A New Path

David entered the office, where the soft glow of moderate lighting illuminated the space.

Before him, a middle-aged man with brownish red hair sat behind a sturdy dark wood desk, surrounded by a sleek computer setup that hinted at efficiency and modernity.

Behind the man, a towering beige bookshelf stretched all the way to the ceiling, showcasing an impressive collection of industry publications, reference materials, and prestigious awards that sparkled with achievement.

Alongside the books, carefully framed certificates and accolades adorned the walls, recognizing the man's contributions and successes.

Abstract sculptures that celebrated the creation and strength of steel were gracefully displayed on the bookshelf.

As David approached the desk, he extended a courteous greeting.

"Good day, sir," he received a subtle nod in response, the man's focus barely wavering from his work.

The man held the document David had completed earlier, his gaze fixed on it for a moment before he finally broke the silence, his voice low and deliberate.

"Do you have a driver's license?" He raised his left eyebrow slightly, his expression a mix of curiosity and scrutiny.

"Yes sir," David replied actively.

The man then shifted a sheet of paper with a ball pen in the middle to David, understanding what this meant, David picked up the pen and swiftly went through the contents before signing.

"You get the job!" The man announced in a flat, unemotional tone.

His voice unwavering as he retrieved a cigarette from his pocket and lit it with a flick of his lighter, the flame casting a brief glow on his impassive face.

David's eyes widened in surprise, unprepared for the sudden offer, but he began to express his gratitude, "Thank you—".

However, the man curtly interrupted, his tone abrupt and demanding, "enough of that, don't give me sloppy work!"

The man then waved his hand, signifying for David to move along.

David quickly understood this hand sign and left the office, closing the door gently.

As David retraced his steps to the receptionist's desk, Alexa's bright smile greeted him, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Did you get the job?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement. David nodded affirmatively, a subtle smile spreading across his face.

"I see. You'll have to go to the warehouse and request to see Mr. George," Alexa said to him.

"Got it. Also, could you also tell me where the warehouse is located?" David asked.

"The warehouse is in section B, near the eastern perimeter. Just take the main road straight ahead, then make a right turn at the junction. You won't miss it," Alexa replied.

"Thank you. Is possibly there a landmark or any specific feature near the warehouse that could help me locate it?" David asked.

"Ah, of course! When you reach section B, look out for an enormous gantry crane. It's hard to miss with its towering frame and bright yellow color. The warehouse is just behind it!" She answered enthusiastically with a bright smile.

"Got it. Gantry crane in section B. I truly appreciate your help," David thanked her warmly, then turned to leave.

"You are very much welcome!" She said with the still bright smile on her face, before returning to work on the papers on her desk.

As David walked, the sounds of clanging machineries got louder and the scent of metal filled the air.

David couldn't help but notice the grand structures of the factory, no wonder they were able to get more than half a billion dollars, in less than a year of production.

He admired their dedication and professionalism, and such a grand site would cost a fortune. It's no surprise that they had numerous competitors.

As David walked further, his heart raced as he approached the warehouse, anticipating building with every step. He couldn't help but smile as he finally got to the warehouse.

As he got to the bustling warehouse, just outside, he saw two men standing by a pole, having a seemingly friendly conversation.

David walked towards them and greeted, "excuse me, good morning."

"Hello," the first man said while the other man just nodded in response.

"Sorry, I'm looking for Mr. George, Miss Alexa directed me here," David said politely.

The first man scanned David and then looked back at him.

"He's standing right there," he said, pointing to a man standing next to a delivery truck, while smoking a cigarette as he oversaw a group of workers with a sense of authority.

"Thank you very much," David said, before walking towards the man.

As David approached the man, the man had a rugged face, which withstood the struggles and challenges of experience, with wrinkles across his forehead and around his eyes; he also had a burly figure.

His gaze was intense, as if it held a treasure trove of knowledge. Dressed in faded black jeans and a stained work shirt, he exuded the aura of a hardworking individual.

As David reached George, before he could say a word, George said, "Hey there! You must be the temporary delivery man we've been expecting. Follow me, let's talk about what you'll be doing today."

George had noticed David coming earlier. David's eyes scanned the machines loading the trucks with all sorts of heavy steels.

Following George's lead, David trailed him to the side of the warehouse, away from the din of the machinery.

George turned to David and continued as she smoked his cigarette, "as you know we'll be needing extra hands, delivering these goods. You'll be responsible for the safety of these goods."

David nodded, he could imagine the stress he'd go through with driving this gigantic truck. He has never driven one as big as this before.

"Are there any specific safety guidelines I should be aware of?" David asked.

George pointed to the safety posters around and replied, "Safety is our top priority here. Make sure to wear your personal protective gear at all times, follow the protocols for handling materials, and be alert to your surroundings. We don't compromise on safety."

"Also, you'll be having two others going along with you and….." before George could finish his sentence, a young man came and called him, "sir, we need your attention!" The man sounded urgent.

George casually flicked the remaining cigarette to the ground, snuffing it out with a deliberate step.

He then turned his attention to David and said, "welcome aboard kid, get suited up and ready to leave in twenty minutes," he patted David's shoulder before leaving with the young man.

David let out a relieved sigh, surprised by how seamlessly everything had gone so far.

He had braced himself for hurdles, but instead, things had unfolded with unexpected ease.

"Either way, it's a good thing," he thought to himself, feeling a sense of gratitude for the unexpected stroke of luck.

Just as he was about to depart, David's attention was caught by the faint sounds of a woman's distress, her muffled cries and struggles echoing through the air.

His curiosity piqued, and with a sense of fear, David decided to investigate, his feet carrying him towards the source of the noise with a mix of hesitation and concern.

David tread softly, his footsteps quiet on the ground as he approached a large pond.

Just as he was about to turn a corner, he abruptly halted and ducked out of sight, concealing himself behind the warehouse wall.

His heart raced with terror.